/** * CrazySquirrel * http://crazysquirrel.ru/ * * @author Yastrebov Sergey * @version 1.0.0 * @copyright 2015 CrazySquirrel */ Move the invocation into the parens that contain the function.
Unnecessary semicolon.;(function ( $ ) { "use strict"; if(typeof $.CrazySquirrel === "undefined"){ $.CrazySquirrel = {}; } /** * Class of share buttons * * @namespace CrazySquirrel * @class Share * @param {JQuery object} that [JQuery object] * @param {object} settings [object with share setings] */Function `Share` has 137 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. $.CrazySquirrel.Share = function(that, settings){ var i,x; /** * Pointer to this object * @type {object} */ var base = this; base.that = that.get(0); /** * Get data attributes which belong to tiles * @param {JQuery object} that [share buttons wrapper] * @return {object} data [object with settings from data attributes] */Function has a complexity of 15.
Function `getSettingsFromData` has 37 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring. base.getSettingsFromData = function(that){ var i,j,k,x,y,z; var attrs = that.attributes; var data; if(typeof attrs !== "undefined"){ for(i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++){ x = attrs[i].nodeName.toString(); y = attrs[i].nodeValue.toString(); y = y.split(",");Identical blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. for(j=0;j<y.length;j++){ if(y[j] === "Y" || y[j] === "true"){y[j] = true;} else if(y[j] === "N" || y[j] === "false"){y[j] = false;} else Missing radix parameter. if(!isNaN(parseFloat(y[j])) && isFinite(y[j])){y[j] = parseInt(y[j]);} } if(y.length === 1){ y = y[0]; } if(x.indexOf("data-csshare") !== -1){ x = x.split("-");Identical blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. for(j=1;j<x.length;j++){ z = x[j].split("_");Avoid deeply nested control flow statements. if(z.length>1){ for(k=1;k<z.length;k++){ z[k] = z[k].slice(0,1).toUpperCase() + z[k].slice(1).toLowerCase(); } } z = z.join(""); x[j] = z; } switch(x[2]){ default:Avoid deeply nested control flow statements. if(typeof data === "undefined"){data={};} data[x[2]] = y; } } } } return data; }; var data = base.getSettingsFromData(base.that); base.settings = {}; for(i in $.CrazySquirrel.Share.defaultSettings){ if($.CrazySquirrel.Share.defaultSettings.hasOwnProperty(i)){ switch(i){Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. default: if(typeof settings !== "undefined" && typeof settings[i] !== "undefined"){ base.settings[i] = settings[i]; }else if(typeof data !== "undefined" && typeof data[i] !== "undefined"){ base.settings[i] = data[i]; }else{ base.settings[i] = $.CrazySquirrel.Share.defaultSettings[i]; } break; } } } x=""; for(i=0;i<base.settings.types.length;i++){ x+="<div class='csshare-item is-"+base.settings.types[i]+"' data-csshare-type='"+base.settings.types[i]+"'></div>"; } $(base.that).append("<div class='csshare'>"+x+"</div>"); /** * Share event function */ $(base.that).find(".csshare-item").click(Function has too many statements (50). Maximum allowed is 30.
Function has a complexity of 16. function(){ var type = $(this).attr('data-csshare-type'); var title; var description; var img; var u; var url; var chars; var k; if($(this).closest('.csshare').attr('data-csshare-title')){ title = $(this).closest('.tiles__item').attr('data-csshare-title'); }else if($("meta[type='og:title']").size()>0){ title = $("meta[type='og:title']").attr("content"); }else if($(".og-title").size()>0){ title = $(".og-title").attr("data-title"); }else{ title = $("title").text(); } if($(this).closest('.csshare').attr('data-csshare-description')){ description = $(this).closest('.tiles__item').attr('data-csshare-description'); }else if($("meta[type='og:description']").size()>0){ description = $("meta[type='og:description']").attr("content"); }else if($("meta[type='description']").size()>0){ description = $("meta[type='description']").attr("content"); }else if($(".og-description").size()>0){ description = $(".og-description").attr("data-description"); }else{ description = ""; } if($(this).closest('.csshare').attr('data-csshare-image')){ img = $(this).closest('.tiles__item').attr('data-csshare-image'); }else if($("meta[type='og:image']").size()>0){ img = $("meta[type='og:image']").attr("content"); }else if($(".og-image").size()>0){ img = $(".og-image").attr("data-image"); }else if($(".logo img").size()>0){ img = 'http://'+location.host+$("img:first").attr("src"); } if($(this).closest('.csshare').attr('data-csshare-url')){ u = $(this).closest('.csshareisGridHasPlace').attr('data-csshare-url'); }else{ u = location.href; } if(type === "print"){ print(); }else if(type === "email"){ location.href="mailto:?subject="+title+"&body="+description+"\r\n"+u; }else{ url = ''; chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; k = ''; for( var i=0; i < 5; i++ ){ k += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)); } url = ''; url += 'http://share.pluso.ru/process?'; url += 'act=share'; url += '&u='+encodeURIComponent(u); url += '&w='+screen.width; url += '&h='+screen.height; url += '&ref='; url += '&uid=1364166423835'; url += '&k='+k; url += '&type='+type; url += '&t='+encodeURIComponent(title); url += '&s='+encodeURIComponent(description); url += '&img='+encodeURIComponent(img); window.open(url,type, 'toolbar=0,status=0,width=626,height=436'); } return false; } ); }; /** * Default share settings * @type {Object} */ $.CrazySquirrel.Share.defaultSettings = { types: ["twitter","facebook","vkontakte","print"] }; /** * CSTiles plugin registration * * @namespace fn * @param {object} options [object with share buttons settings] */Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. $.fn.CSShare = function (options) { return this.each(function () {Do not use 'new' for side effects. (new $.CrazySquirrel.Share($(this), options)); }); }; })( jQuery );