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# ChaMP
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Open Source libraries for Channel Management Protocols

| Project       | Description | Release |
| ------------- | ----------- | ------ |
| champ-core    | Core utilities and common code for use by all ChaMP libraries | [![Maven Central](]( |
| [champ-ipmi](champ-ipmi/    | IPMI communications | [![Maven Central](]( |
| [champ-wsman](champ-wsman/   | WS-Management communication | [![Maven Central](]( |
| champ-snmp    | SNMP communication | No Timescale Yet |
| champ-icmp    | ICMP communication | No Timescale Yet |
| champ-ssh     | SSH communication | No Timescale Yet |

These libraries provide consistent, uncomplicated APIs for some of the most popular network management protocols.

Most API methods are command based and used in Cyclone Technology's [netPrefect]( commercial 
network management offerings.

In order to minimise thread and memory usage when managing a large number of devices, 
IO is non-blocking and API methods return results as Scala Futures or as reactive streams (Akka Streams Sources).

Documentation with example usage is maintained individually for each protocol.