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Test Coverage
# All values below are the default values

# log level (0-4) 0=DEBUG 1=INFO 2=WARN 3=ERROR 4=FATAL
log_level: 1

# log_color (yes, no, auto)
# yes  = always show log color
# no   = never use colors
# auto = only use colors when running in an interactive terminal
log_color: auto

# number of levels to crawl, 0 means capture only the root URL
depth: 1

# screenshot width in pixels
width: 1280

# screenshot height in pixels, 0 means the entire height
height: 0

# number of seconds to consider the page cache and its screenshot fresh
cache_life: 86400

# where to store the HTML page cache
cache_dir: cache

# where to store screenshots
snaps_dir: snaps

# screenshot filename template, where '%{url}' will be replaced with a 
# slug version of the URL (no need to include the .png extension)
name_template: '%{url}'

# urls not matching this regular expression will be ignored

# urls matching this regular expression will be ignored

# take a screenshot of this CSS selector only