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import logging
import shutil
import tempfile
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import wraps
from inspect import isgeneratorfunction, unwrap
from typing import Any, Callable, cast, Dict, Generator, IO, Tuple, TypeVar

G = TypeVar('G')
S = TypeVar('S')

def is_context_manager(f):
    return isgeneratorfunction(unwrap(getattr(f, '__wrapped__', None), stop=isgeneratorfunction))

CTX = Any  # Python3.5's typing does not known about type ContextManager[G]
CTX_GENERATOR = Callable[..., CTX]
CTX_GEN_ARGS = Tuple[Any, ...]
CTX_GEN_KWARGS = Dict[str, Any]
DECORATOR_FN = Callable[[Callable[..., S]], Callable[..., S]]
FN_ARGS = Tuple[Any, ...]
FN_KWARGS = Dict[str, Any]

# Meaningful argument names are helpful: pylint: disable=invalid-name
def mk_with_context_decorator(
        ctx_generator: CTX_GENERATOR,
        ctx_generator_args_from_fn_args: Callable[[FN_ARGS, FN_KWARGS], Tuple[CTX_GEN_ARGS, CTX_GEN_KWARGS]],
        fn_args_from_fn_args_and_ctx: Callable[[FN_ARGS, FN_KWARGS, CTX], Tuple[FN_ARGS, FN_KWARGS]]) -> DECORATOR_FN:
    """Make a decorator that wraps a function or contextmanager within the context provided by `ctx_generator`."""
    def decorator(f: Callable[..., S]) -> Callable[..., S]:
        def function_wrapper(*args, **kwargs) -> S:
            context_generator_args, context_generator_kwargs = ctx_generator_args_from_fn_args(args, kwargs)
            with ctx_generator(*context_generator_args, **context_generator_kwargs) as ct:
                args, kwargs = fn_args_from_fn_args_and_ctx(args, kwargs, ct)
                return f(*args, **kwargs)

        def generator_wrapper(*args, **kwargs) -> Generator[G, None, None]:
            context_generator_args, context_generator_kwargs = ctx_generator_args_from_fn_args(args, kwargs)
            with ctx_generator(*context_generator_args, **context_generator_kwargs) as ct:
                args, kwargs = fn_args_from_fn_args_and_ctx(args, kwargs, ct)
                with cast(CTX, f(*args, **kwargs)) as result:
                    yield result
        return wraps(f)(generator_wrapper if is_context_manager(f) else function_wrapper)
    return decorator

def with_context(context_generator: CTX_GENERATOR, *context_generator_args,
                 **context_generator_kwargs) -> DECORATOR_FN:
    """Returns a decorator that calls the function within a context. The context is passed as last unnamed argument.
    The context is generated by calling context_generator with its unnamed and named arguments.
    def ctx_generator_args_from_fn_args(*_):
        return context_generator_args, context_generator_kwargs

    def fn_args_from_fn_args_and_ctx(fn_args, fn_kwargs, ctx):
        return fn_args + cast(tuple, ctx if isinstance(ctx, tuple) else (ctx,)), fn_kwargs
    return mk_with_context_decorator(context_generator, ctx_generator_args_from_fn_args, fn_args_from_fn_args_and_ctx)

def with_context_using_instance(context_generator: CTX_GENERATOR, *context_generator_args,
                                **context_generator_kwargs) -> DECORATOR_FN:
    """Returns a decorator that calls the function within a context. The context is passed as last unnamed argument.
    The context is generated by calling context_generator with function's first unnamed argument (ie. self),
    along with its unnamed and named arguments.
    def ctx_generator_args_from_fn_args(fn_args, _):
        return (fn_args[0],) + context_generator_args, context_generator_kwargs

    def fn_args_from_fn_args_and_ctx(fn_args, fn_kwargs, ctx):
        return fn_args + cast(tuple, ctx if isinstance(ctx, tuple) else (ctx,)), fn_kwargs
    return mk_with_context_decorator(context_generator, ctx_generator_args_from_fn_args, fn_args_from_fn_args_and_ctx)

def tmp_directory_ctx_generator(maybe_self=None, prefix='erpa-tmp-') -> Generator[str, None, None]:
    """Creates and yields a temporary directory which is destroyed when the contexts quits.
    If maybe_self is specified and has property `tmpdir`, it will be use as basedir.

    See also
    working_dir = getattr(maybe_self, 'tmpdir', None)
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=working_dir, prefix=prefix)
        yield tmpdir
        except Exception as exception:
            logging.warning('Exception while deleting tmpdir {}. Retrying. Exception: {}'.format(tmpdir, exception))
                shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True)
            except Exception as exc:
                logging.error('Leaving orphan tree: Could not forcibly delete tmpdir {}: {}'.format(tmpdir, exc))

def tmp_file_ctx_generator(maybe_self=None, prefix='erpa-tmp-') -> Generator[IO, None, None]:
    """Creates and yields a temporary file which is destroyed when the contexts quits.
    If maybe_self is specified and has property `tmpdir`, it will be use as basedir.

    See also
    working_dir = getattr(maybe_self, 'tmpdir', None)
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(buffering=False, dir=working_dir, prefix=prefix) as tmpfile:
        yield tmpfile