

1 day
Test Coverage
// EnoFJS
// Version: 4.0.0
// Copyright (c) 2014.
// Author Andy Tang
// Fork me on Github:
(function ClassScope(undefined) {
  'use strict';

  // A map containing all classes registered to the ClassFactory.
  // These classes are the original classes.
  var registeredClasses = {};
  // A map containing all generated classes.
  // We will use this to look up and manage the dependency of the sup scope.
  var registeredEnoFJSClasses = {};

  // Wrap up a given class into an EnoFJS class.

  //      clazz(function Animal(){
  //          ...
  //      });
  function clazz(className, NewClass) {
    if (typeof className === 'function') {
      NewClass = className;
      className = NewClass.extractFunctionName();
    return parseToPrototypedClass(className, NewClass);

  // Parse a normal class into a Prototyped Class.
  function parseToPrototypedClass(className, NewClass) {

    var instance = normalizeInstance(new NewClass());
    var parent;
    var parentProto;

    // Generate Getters and Setters into the prototype.
    generateAutoIsGetSet('private', instance.private, instance.public);
    generateAutoIsGetSet('protected', instance.protected, instance.public);

    if (instance.extend !== undefined) {
      // Merge the parent properties into this instance.
      parent = registeredClasses[instance.extend];
      parentProto = extendParent(instance, parent);

    // Create a prototyped class based on the instance.
    var PrototypedClass = createProtoClass(instance, parent);

    if (instance.extend !== undefined) {
      // Create cross references for the extended members.
      crossReferenceExtendedMembers(PrototypedClass, parentProto);

    // Register the new PrototypedClass for future extension.
    registeredClasses[className] = PrototypedClass;

    // Create a new EnoFJSClass out of the PrototypedClass.
    return createNewEnoFJSClass(className, PrototypedClass);

  function extendParent(instance, parent) {
    // Create a new scope of the Private, Protected and Public,
    // so that the instances won't clash.
    var parentProto = {
      private: new parent.Private(),
      protected: new parent.Protected(),
      public: new parent.Public(),
      constructor: parent.constructor
    // Merge the missing members of the parent into this class.
    mergeParentIntoChild(parentProto.private, instance.private);
    mergeParentIntoChild(parentProto.protected, instance.protected);
    mergeParentIntoChild(parentProto.public, instance.public);
    return parentProto;

  function createProtoClass(instance, parent) {
    // For each scope, we need to create a new instance. Otherwise it will clash when the
    // class is instantiated multiple times!
    function Private() {}

    Private.prototype = instance.private;

    function Protected() {}

    Protected.prototype = instance.protected;

    function Public() {}

    Public.prototype = instance.public;

    // The Prototyped Class Object.
    var PrototypedClass = {
      extend: instance.extend,
      constructor: instance.constructor,
      sup: parent !== undefined ? parent.constructor :
        /* istanbul ignore next: only for safety reasons */
        function noopConstructor() {},
      Private: Private,
      Protected: Protected,
      Public: Public
    return PrototypedClass;

  function crossReferenceExtendedMembers(PrototypedClass, parentProto) {
    // Each scope can only access the parent's same scope.
    PrototypedClass.Private.prototype.sup = parentProto.private;
    PrototypedClass.Protected.prototype.sup = parentProto.protected;
    PrototypedClass.Public.prototype.sup = parentProto.public;

    // The references should be referenced to this instance, rather than the parent instance.
    createCrossReference(PrototypedClass, PrototypedClass.Private.prototype.sup);
    createCrossReference(PrototypedClass, PrototypedClass.Private.prototype.sup);
    createCrossReference(PrototypedClass, PrototypedClass.Public.prototype.sup);

  // Generate is, get and setters. You can combine the `get` or `is` with the `set`.
  // i.e. `getSet` or `isSet`.

  //     this.private = {
  //         foo: {
  //             get: 'value'
  //         },
  //         bar: {
  //             is: true
  //         },
  //         baz: {
  //             getSet: 'value'
  //         }
  //     }
  function generateAutoIsGetSet(scopeName, members, publicScope) {
    for (var member in members) {
      var autoProperty = members[member];
      var getter = false;
      var isser = false;
      var capitalizedMemberName = member.capitaliseFirstLetter();
      if (!(autoProperty instanceof Object)) {
      if (hasGet(autoProperty)) {
        // Set the value on the member, when it was a getSet, it will be set later on.
        members[member] = autoProperty.get;
        // Generate a getter.
        publicScope['get' + capitalizedMemberName] = generateAutoGet(scopeName, member);
        getter = true;
      } else if (hasIs(autoProperty)) {
        // Set the value on the member, when it was a isSet, it will be set later on.
        members[member] =;
        // Generate an isser.
        publicScope['is' + capitalizedMemberName] = generateAutoIs(scopeName, member);
        isser = true;
      if (hasSet(autoProperty)) {
        // Set the value on the member, depending if it is a set, getSet or isSet.
        if (getter) {
          members[member] = autoProperty.getSet;
        } else if (isser) {
          members[member] = autoProperty.isSet;
        } else {
          members[member] = autoProperty.set;

        // Generate a setter.
        publicScope['set' + capitalizedMemberName] = generateAutoSet(scopeName, member);

  // Generate a getter.
  function generateAutoGet(scopeName, member) {
    return function autoGet() {
      return this[scopeName][member];

  // Generate a isser.
  function generateAutoIs(scopeName, member) {
    return function autoIs() {
      return this[scopeName][member];

  // Generate a setter.
  function generateAutoSet(scopeName, member) {
    return function autoSet(value) {
      this[scopeName][member] = value;

  // Merge parent functions into child scope.
  function mergeParentIntoChild(parent, child) {
    for (var member in parent) {
      if (!child.hasOwnProperty(member)) {
        child[member] = parent[member];

  // Make public functions available in the `this` scope.
  function publish(scope, publicMembers) {
    for (var member in publicMembers) {
      scope[member] = publicMembers[member];

  // Create a new EnoFJS class.
  function createNewEnoFJSClass(className, PrototypedClass) {

    function EnoFJSClass() {
      // Instantiate the Prototyped Class.
      var instance = {
        private: new PrototypedClass.Private(),
        protected: new PrototypedClass.Protected(),
        public: new PrototypedClass.Public(),
        constructor: PrototypedClass.constructor,
        sup: PrototypedClass.sup

      // Create references from scope to scope.
      createCrossReference(instance, instance.private);
      createCrossReference(instance, instance.protected);
      createCrossReference(instance, instance.public);

      // Merge the public object into the this of the EnoFJS class.
      publish(this, instance.public);
      // Trigger the constructor.
      instance.constructor.apply(instance, arguments);

    // Make the class related to the parent.

    //    Dog instanceof Animal === true;
    if (PrototypedClass.extend !== undefined) {
      EnoFJSClass.prototype = new registeredEnoFJSClasses[PrototypedClass.extend]();

    // Register the EnoFJS class so we can extend from it.
    registeredEnoFJSClasses[className] = EnoFJSClass;

    return EnoFJSClass;

  function createCrossReference(referenceObject, instanceScope) {
    // The reference object can be an instance or the PrototypeClass.
    instanceScope.private = referenceObject.private || referenceObject.Private.prototype;
    instanceScope.protected = referenceObject.protected || referenceObject.Protected.prototype;
    instanceScope.public = referenceObject.public || referenceObject.Public.prototype;

  // Normalizing the instance in order to skip checks in the future.
  function normalizeInstance(instance) {
    instance.private = instance.private || {};
    instance.protected = instance.protected || {};
    instance.public = instance.public || {};
    instance.sup = instance.sup || {};
    instance.constructor = instance.constructor ||
      /* istanbul ignore next: this is only for safety reasons */
      function constructor() {};
    return instance;

  // Extract the function name so we can use this to determine the name of the class
  // we want to register. By extracting the name of the function, the registration of the class
  // doesn't require a string to be passed on as a parameter.
  Function.prototype.extractFunctionName = function extractFunctionName() {
    var functionName = this.toString();
    functionName = functionName.substr('function '.length);
    functionName = functionName.substr(0, functionName.indexOf('('));
    return functionName;

  // When an innerfunction will be passed down to an other function, it could be that the scope
  // will be modified. Think of event handlers.
  // Now you can pass the function with `this.private.getFoo.bind(this)`. This will preserve the scope.
  Function.prototype.bindScope = function bindScope(scope) {
    var self = this;
    return function boundScope() {
      return self.apply(scope, arguments);

  // **Getters, Setters and Issers**

  // `get || getSet`
  function hasGet(value) {
    return value.hasOwnProperty('get') || value.hasOwnProperty('getSet');

  // `set || getSet || isSet`
  function hasSet(value) {
    return value.hasOwnProperty('set') || value.hasOwnProperty('getSet') ||

  // `is || isSet`
  function hasIs(value) {
    return value.hasOwnProperty('is') || value.hasOwnProperty('isSet');

  // To easily camel case our generated functions :)
  String.prototype.capitaliseFirstLetter = function capitaliseFirstLetter() {
    return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1);

  // Publish the module to the available source.
  window.enofjs = {
    clazz: clazz