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import numpy as np

from bioptim_gui_api.acrobatics_ocp.variables.utils import maximum_fig_arms_angle
from bioptim_gui_api.utils.format_utils import invert_min_max
from bioptim_gui_api.variables.misc.variables_utils import define_loose_bounds, LooseValue

class StraightAcrobaticsVariables:
    X = 0
    Y = 1
    Z = 2
    Xrot = 3
    Yrot = 4
    Zrot = 5
    ZrotRightUpperArm = 6
    YrotRightUpperArm = 7
    ZrotLeftUpperArm = 8
    YrotLeftUpperArm = 9

    dofs = [
        "Pelvis translation X",
        "Pelvis translation Y",
        "Pelvis translation Z",
        "Pelvis rotation X",
        "Pelvis rotation Y",
        "Pelvis rotation Z",
        "Right upper arm rotation Z",
        "Right upper arm rotation Y",
        "Left upper arm rotation Z",
        "Left upper arm rotation Y",

    nb_q, nb_qdot, nb_tau = 10, 10, 4
    tau_min, tau_max, tau_init = -500.0, 500.0, 0.0
    qdot_min, qdot_max = -10 * np.pi, 10 * np.pi

    arm_dofs = [

    shoulder_dofs = [

    elbow_dofs = []
    legs_xdofs = []

    q_min_bounds = np.array(
            [-1] * 3,
            [-1] * 3,
            [-0.1] * 3,
            [0] * 3,
            [-np.pi / 4] * 3,
            [0] * 3,
            [-0.65] * 3,
            [-0.05] * 3,
            [-2.0] * 3,
            [-3.0] * 3,

    q_max_bounds = np.array(
            [1] * 3,
            [1] * 3,
            [15] * 3,
            [0] * 3,
            [np.pi / 4] * 3,
            [0] * 3,
            [2.0] * 3,
            [3.0] * 3,
            [0.65] * 3,
            [0.05] * 3,

    def _fill_init_phase(cls, x_bounds: np.ndarray) -> None:
        x_bounds[0]["min"][:, 0] = [0] * cls.nb_q
        x_bounds[0]["min"][: cls.Xrot, 0] = -0.001
        x_bounds[0]["min"][[cls.YrotRightUpperArm, cls.YrotLeftUpperArm], 0] = 2.9, -2.9

        x_bounds[0]["max"][:, 0] = [0] * cls.nb_q
        x_bounds[0]["max"][: cls.Xrot, 0] = 0.001
        x_bounds[0]["max"][[cls.YrotRightUpperArm, cls.YrotLeftUpperArm], 0] = 2.9, -2.9

    def _fill_somersault_phase(cls, x_bounds: np.ndarray, phase: int, half_twists: list) -> None:
        nb_somersaults = len(half_twists)

        if phase != 0:
            # initial bounds, same as final bounds of previous phase
            x_bounds[phase]["min"][:, 0] = x_bounds[phase - 1]["min"][:, 2]
            x_bounds[phase]["max"][:, 0] = x_bounds[phase - 1]["max"][:, 2]

        intermediate_min_bounds = cls.q_min_bounds.copy()[:, 0]
        intermediate_max_bounds = cls.q_max_bounds.copy()[:, 0]

        # Intermediate bounds, same for every phase
        x_bounds[phase]["min"][:, 1] = intermediate_min_bounds
        x_bounds[phase]["max"][:, 1] = intermediate_max_bounds
        x_bounds[phase]["min"][:, 2] = intermediate_min_bounds
        x_bounds[phase]["max"][:, 2] = intermediate_max_bounds

        # somersaulting
        x_bounds[phase]["min"][cls.Xrot, 1] = 2 * np.pi * phase - 0.1
        x_bounds[phase]["max"][cls.Xrot, 1] = 2 * np.pi * (phase + 1) + 0.1
        define_loose_bounds(x_bounds[phase], cls.Xrot, 2, LooseValue(2 * np.pi * (phase + 1), 0.1))

        # twisting
        x_bounds[phase]["min"][cls.Zrot, 1] = np.pi * sum(half_twists[:phase]) - np.pi / 4 - 0.2
        x_bounds[phase]["max"][cls.Zrot, 1] = np.pi * sum(half_twists[: phase + 1]) + np.pi / 4 + 0.2
            x_bounds[phase], cls.Zrot, 2, LooseValue(np.pi * sum(half_twists[: phase + 1]), np.pi / 4 + 0.2)

        if phase == nb_somersaults - 1:
            # bounds for last_somersault
            # keep 1/2 somersault before landing phase
            x_bounds[nb_somersaults - 1]["min"][cls.Xrot, 1] = 2 * np.pi * (nb_somersaults - 1) - 0.1
            x_bounds[nb_somersaults - 1]["max"][cls.Xrot, 1] = 2 * np.pi * nb_somersaults - np.pi / 2 + 0.1
                x_bounds[nb_somersaults - 1], cls.Xrot, 2, LooseValue(2 * np.pi * nb_somersaults - np.pi / 2, 0.1)

            # twists must be done before landing
            define_loose_bounds(x_bounds[nb_somersaults - 1], cls.Zrot, 2, LooseValue(np.pi * sum(half_twists), 0.1))

    def _fill_landing_phase(cls, x_bounds, half_twists: list) -> dict:
        nb_somersaults = len(half_twists)

        # Pelvis translations
        x_bounds[-1]["min"][[cls.X, cls.Y, cls.Z], 2] = [-0.01, -0.01, 0]
        x_bounds[-1]["max"][[cls.X, cls.Y, cls.Z], 2] = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01]

        # Somersault
        x_bounds[-1]["min"][cls.Xrot, 0] = x_bounds[-2]["min"][cls.Xrot, 2]
        x_bounds[-1]["max"][cls.Xrot, 0] = x_bounds[-2]["max"][cls.Xrot, 2]
        x_bounds[-1]["min"][cls.Xrot, 1] = 2 * np.pi * nb_somersaults - np.pi / 2 - 0.1
        x_bounds[-1]["max"][cls.Xrot, 1] = 2 * np.pi * nb_somersaults + 0.1
        define_loose_bounds(x_bounds[-1], cls.Xrot, 2, LooseValue(2 * np.pi * nb_somersaults, 0.1))

        # Tilt
        define_loose_bounds(x_bounds[-1], cls.Yrot, None, LooseValue(0.0, np.pi / 16))
        # Twist
        define_loose_bounds(x_bounds[-1], cls.Zrot, None, LooseValue(np.pi * sum(half_twists), 0.1))

        # FIG Code of Points 14.5, arms to stop twisting rotation
        max_angle = maximum_fig_arms_angle(half_twists)
        # Right arm
        x_bounds[-1]["min"][cls.YrotRightUpperArm, 0] = 0
        x_bounds[-1]["max"][cls.YrotRightUpperArm, 0] = max_angle
        x_bounds[-2]["min"][cls.YrotRightUpperArm, 2] = 0
        x_bounds[-2]["max"][cls.YrotRightUpperArm, 2] = max_angle
        define_loose_bounds(x_bounds[-1], cls.YrotRightUpperArm, 2, LooseValue(2.9, 0.1))
        define_loose_bounds(x_bounds[-1], cls.ZrotRightUpperArm, 2, LooseValue(0.0, 0.1))
        # Left arm
        x_bounds[-1]["min"][cls.YrotLeftUpperArm, 0] = -max_angle
        x_bounds[-1]["max"][cls.YrotLeftUpperArm, 0] = 0
        x_bounds[-2]["min"][cls.YrotLeftUpperArm, 2] = -max_angle
        x_bounds[-2]["max"][cls.YrotLeftUpperArm, 2] = 0
        define_loose_bounds(x_bounds[-1], cls.YrotLeftUpperArm, 2, LooseValue(-2.9, 0.1))
        define_loose_bounds(x_bounds[-1], cls.ZrotLeftUpperArm, 2, LooseValue(0.0, 0.1))

    def get_q_bounds(cls, half_twists: list, prefer_left: bool) -> dict:
        nb_somersaults = len(half_twists)
        is_forward = sum(half_twists) % 2 != 0
        x_bounds = [
                "min": cls.q_min_bounds.copy(),
                "max": cls.q_max_bounds.copy(),
            for _ in range(nb_somersaults + 1)  # + 1 for landing


        for phase in range(nb_somersaults):
            cls._fill_somersault_phase(x_bounds, phase, half_twists)

        cls._fill_landing_phase(x_bounds, half_twists)

        if not is_forward:
            invert_min_max(x_bounds, cls.Xrot)
        if not prefer_left:
            invert_min_max(x_bounds, cls.Zrot)

        return x_bounds

    def get_q_init(cls, half_twists: list = [], prefer_left: bool = True, q_bounds: np.ndarray = None) -> list:
        x_bounds = q_bounds or cls.get_q_bounds(half_twists, prefer_left)
        nb_phases = len(x_bounds)

        x_inits = np.zeros((nb_phases, 2, cls.nb_q))

        for phase in range(nb_phases):
            x_inits[phase, 0] = (x_bounds[phase]["min"][:, 0] + x_bounds[phase]["max"][:, 0]) / 2
            x_inits[phase, 1] = (x_bounds[phase]["min"][:, 2] + x_bounds[phase]["max"][:, 2]) / 2

        return x_inits

    def _fill_qdot_initial(cls, x_bounds: np.ndarray, final_time: float) -> None:
        vzinit = 9.81 / 2 * final_time  # initial Z velocity to land at final_time

        x_bounds[0]["min"][:, 0] = [0] * cls.nb_qdot
        x_bounds[0]["max"][:, 0] = [0] * cls.nb_qdot

        x_bounds[0]["min"][: cls.Z, 0] = -0.5
        x_bounds[0]["max"][: cls.Z, 0] = 0.5

        x_bounds[0]["min"][cls.Z, 0] = vzinit - 5
        x_bounds[0]["max"][cls.Z, 0] = vzinit + 5

        x_bounds[0]["min"][cls.Xrot, 0] = 0.5
        x_bounds[0]["max"][cls.Xrot, 0] = 50.0

    def _fill_qdot_intermediary(cls, x_bounds: np.ndarray, final_time: float) -> None:
        vzinit = -g / 2 * final_time
        vz(t) = -gt + vzinit
              = g(final_time / 2 - t)
        for any t, 0 <= t <= final_time
        - vzinit <= vz(t) <= vzinit

        we can use +- vzinit as Z velocity bounds (+- 10 to be sure)
        vzinit = 9.81 / 2 * final_time

        nb_phases = len(x_bounds)
        for phase in range(nb_phases):
            if phase != 0:
                # initial bounds, same as final bounds of previous phase
                x_bounds[phase]["min"][:, 0] = x_bounds[phase - 1]["min"][:, 2]
                x_bounds[phase]["max"][:, 0] = x_bounds[phase - 1]["max"][:, 2]

            x_bounds[phase]["min"][:, 1:] = -100
            x_bounds[phase]["max"][:, 1:] = 100

            x_bounds[phase]["min"][: cls.Z, 1:] = -10
            x_bounds[phase]["max"][: cls.Z, 1:] = 10

            x_bounds[phase]["min"][cls.Z, 1:] = -vzinit - 10
            x_bounds[phase]["max"][cls.Z, 1:] = vzinit + 10

            x_bounds[phase]["min"][cls.Xrot, 1:] = 0.5
            x_bounds[phase]["max"][cls.Xrot, 1:] = 50.0

    def get_qdot_bounds(cls, nb_phases: int, final_time: float, is_forward: bool) -> dict:
        x_bounds = [
                "min": np.zeros((cls.nb_qdot, 3)) + cls.qdot_min,
                "max": np.zeros((cls.nb_qdot, 3)) + cls.qdot_max,
            for _ in range(nb_phases)

        # Initial bounds
        cls._fill_qdot_initial(x_bounds, final_time)

        cls._fill_qdot_intermediary(x_bounds, final_time)

        if not is_forward:
            invert_min_max(x_bounds, cls.Xrot)

        return x_bounds

    def get_qdot_init(
        nb_somersaults: int,
        phase_durations: list[float],
        is_forward: bool,
        nb_phases: int,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        nb_somersaults: int
            The number of somersaults
        phase_durations: list[float]
            The duration of each phase
        is_forward: bool
            If the rotation is forward or backward
        nb_phases: int
            The number of phases

        The initial guess for the qdot
        g = 9.81
        forward_factor = 1 if is_forward else -1
        final_time = sum(phase_durations)
        vzinit = g / 2 * final_time

        qdot_init = np.zeros((nb_phases, cls.nb_qdot, 1))

        qdot_init[:, cls.Xrot] = 2.5 * np.pi * nb_somersaults * forward_factor

        for phase in range(nb_phases):
            qdot_init[phase][cls.Z] = vzinit

        return qdot_init

    def get_tau_bounds(cls, nb_phases: int) -> list[dict[str, np.ndarray]]:
        return [
                "min": np.zeros((cls.nb_tau, 1)) + cls.tau_min,
                "max": np.zeros((cls.nb_tau, 1)) + cls.tau_max,
            for _ in range(nb_phases)

    def get_tau_init(cls, nb_phases: int) -> np.ndarray:
        return np.zeros((nb_phases, cls.nb_tau, 1)) + cls.tau_init