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# Auth

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## What does it do

Package for user authentication. In addition, the package includes:
- user management,
- group management,
- profile management,
- registration.

## Installing

- `composer require escolalms/auth`
- `php artisan migrate`
- `php artisan db:seed --class="EscolaLms\Auth\Database\Seeders\AuthPermissionSeeder"`

- Run command `escolalms:admin`. 

## Commands
- `escolalms:admin` - create account with role admin

## Database

1. `category_user` - Table is used to store the user categories.
2. `groups` - Table for storing groups.
3. `group_user` - Table for storing groups assigned to the user.

User 1 -> n Categories
User 1 -> n Groups

## Endpoints

All the endpoints are defined in [![swagger](](

## Tests

Run `./vendor/bin/phpunit` to run tests.

## Events

- `AccountBlocked` - Event is dispatched after blocking the user's account (`is_active=false`).
- `AccountConfirmed` - Event is dispatched after the user verifies the account.
- `AccountDeleted` - Event is dispatched after deleting the user.
- `AccountMustBeEnableByAdmin` - Event is dispatched when the user registers and `Config::get('escola_auth.account_must_be_enabled_by_admin') === SettingStatusEnum::ENABLED`
- `AccountRegistered` - Event is dispatched after the account is registered.
- `ForgotPassword` - Event is dispatched when a password reset request is sent.
- `Login` - Event is dispatched on successful login.
- `Logout` - Event is dispatched after logout.
- `PasswordChanged` - Event is dispatched after the password changed.
- `ResetPassword` - Event is dispatched after resetting the password. 
- `UserAddedToGroup` - Event is dispatched after adding the user to the group.
- `UserRemovedFromGroup` - Event is dispatched after removing the user from the group.

## Listeners

- `CreatePasswordResetToken` - The listener listens for the ForgotPassword event and executes the following method. 
public function handle(ForgotPassword $event): void
    if (!is_callable(self::getRunEventForgotPassword()) || self::getRunEventForgotPassword()()) {
        $user = $event->getUser();

            'password_reset_token' => Str::random(32),
        ], $user->getKey());


        $user->notify(new ResetPassword($user->password_reset_token, $event->getReturnUrl()));

This is useful if you are using [TemplateEmail]( and you don't want to send the default e-mails.
    function () {
        $templateRepository = app(TemplateRepositoryContract::class);
        return empty($templateRepository->findTemplateDefault(

- `SendEmailVerificationNotification` - The listener listens for the AccountRegistered event and executes the following method.  
public function handle(Registered $event)
    if (!is_callable(self::getRunEventEmailVerification()) || self::getRunEventEmailVerification()()) {
        if ($event->user instanceof MustVerifyEmail && !$event->user->hasVerifiedEmail()) {

## How to use this on frontend

### Admin panel

**List of users**
![List of users](docs/list_of_users.png "List of users")

**Creating/editing user**
![Creating/editing user](docs/user_form.png "User form")

**User categories**
![User categories](docs/user_categories.png "User categories")

**List of groups**
![List of groups](docs/list_of_groups.png "List of groups")

**Creating/editing group**
![Creating/editing group](docs/group_form.png "Creating/editing group")

**My profile**
![My profile](docs/my_profile.png "My profile")

## Permissions

Permissions are defined in [seeder](database/seeders/AuthPermissionSeeder.php).