namespace EscolaLms\HeadlessH5P\Http\Controllers\Swagger;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use EscolaLms\HeadlessH5P\Http\Requests\FilesStoreRequest;
interface FilesApiSwagger
* @OA\Schema(
* schema="H5PContentFile",
* type="object",
* @OA\Property(
* property="file",
* description="file uploaded by h5peditor",
* type="file",
* format="binary"
* ),
* @OA\Property(
* property="field",
* description="json description of file",
* type="string",
* format="string"
* ),
* @OA\Property(
* property="contentId",
* description="id of content",
* type="string",
* format="string"
* )
* )
* @OA\Post(
* path="/api/hh5p/files",
* summary="Store h5p files for h5p editor",
* tags={"H5P"},
* description="Store h5p files for h5p editor",
* @OA\RequestBody(
* required=true,
* @OA\MediaType(
* mediaType="multipart/form-data",
* @OA\Schema(ref="#/components/schemas/H5PContentFile")
* )
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="successful operation",
* @OA\MediaType(
* mediaType="application/json"
* )
* )
* )
* @OA\Post(
* path="/api/hh5p/files/{nonce}",
* summary="Store h5p files for h5p editor",
* tags={"H5P"},
* description="Store h5p files for h5p editor",
* @OA\Parameter(
* name="nonce",
* description="nonce of current editing file",
* in="path",
* required=true,
* @OA\Schema(
* type="string",
* )
* ),
* @OA\RequestBody(
* required=true,
* @OA\MediaType(
* mediaType="multipart/form-data",
* @OA\Schema(ref="#/components/schemas/H5PContentFile")
* )
* ),
* @OA\Response(
* response=200,
* description="successful operation",
* @OA\MediaType(
* mediaType="application/json"
* )
* )
* )
public function __invoke(FilesStoreRequest $request, string $nonce = null): JsonResponse;