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Test Coverage
package packsdownloader

import (

    tree ""


const (
    forceSyncPeriod = 5 * time.Minute        // Even if we synced up, in a case we're stalled, try to download a not pinned pack after the timeout
    arriveTimeout   = 10 * time.Second       // Time allowance before an announced pack is explicitly requested
    recheckInterval = 100 * time.Millisecond // Time between checking - was the arrived pack connected or not

    // Maximum number of stored packs per peer.
    // Shouldn't be high, because we do binary search, so stored packs are O(log_2(total packs)) + PeerProgress broadcasts
    maxPeerPacks = 2048
    // Maximum number of parallel full pack requests to a peer
    maxFetchingFullPacks = 2

    // maxQueuedFullPacks is the maximum number of inject batches to queue up before
    // dropping incoming packs.
    maxQueuedFullPacks = 8
    // maxQueuedInfos is the maximum number of announce batches to queue up before
    // dropping incoming pack infos.
    maxQueuedInfos = 32

var (
    errTerminated = errors.New("terminated")

// onlyNotConnectedFn returns only not connected events.
type onlyNotConnectedFn func(ids hash.Events) hash.Events

// dropPeerFn is a callback type for dropping a peer detected as malicious.
type dropPeerFn func(peer string)

// request pack info from the peer
type packInfoRequesterFn func(epoch idx.Epoch, indexes []idx.Pack) error

// request full pack from the peer
type packRequesterFn func(epoch idx.Epoch, index idx.Pack) error

type packsNumData struct {
    epoch    idx.Epoch // in the specified epoch
    packsNum idx.Pack  // there's this number of packs

type packInfoData struct {
    epoch idx.Epoch   // the epoch where pack is located
    index idx.Pack    // the seq number of the pack
    heads hash.Events // Hashes of the pack heads
    time  time.Time   // Timestamp of the announcement

type packData struct {
    epoch idx.Epoch   // the epoch where pack is located
    index idx.Pack    // the seq number of the pack
    ids   hash.Events // Event hashes which form the pack
    time  time.Time   // Timestamp of the announcement

    fetchEvents fetcher.EventsRequesterFn

// PeerPacksDownloader is responsible for accumulating pack announcements from various peers
// and scheduling them for retrieval.
type PeerPacksDownloader struct {
    // Various event channels
    notifyInfo     chan *packInfoData
    notifyPacksNum chan *packsNumData
    notifyPack     chan *packData

    quit chan struct{}

    // Callbacks
    dropPeer         dropPeerFn
    fetcher          *fetcher.Fetcher
    onlyNotConnected onlyNotConnectedFn

    // Announce states
    myEpoch idx.Epoch // the epoch where where we're syncing
    peer    Peer      // the peer we're syncing with

    packsNum     idx.Pack               // total num of packs the peer has (not all of them are requested!)
    packInfos    *tree.Map              // the short descriptors of received peer's packs
    fetchingInfo map[idx.Pack]time.Time // the packs we've requested
    fetchingFull map[idx.Pack]time.Time // the packs we've requested
    prevRequest  time.Time              // time of prev. request to the peer
    start        time.Time

// New creates a packs fetcher to retrieve events based on pack announcements. Works only with 1 peer.
func newPeer(peer Peer, myEpoch idx.Epoch, fetcher *fetcher.Fetcher, onlyNotConnected onlyNotConnectedFn, dropPeer dropPeerFn) *PeerPacksDownloader {
    return &PeerPacksDownloader{
        notifyInfo:       make(chan *packInfoData, maxQueuedInfos),
        notifyPacksNum:   make(chan *packsNumData, maxQueuedInfos),
        notifyPack:       make(chan *packData, maxQueuedFullPacks),
        quit:             make(chan struct{}),
        packInfos:        tree.NewWithIntComparator(),
        fetchingInfo:     make(map[idx.Pack]time.Time),
        fetchingFull:     make(map[idx.Pack]time.Time),
        peer:             peer,
        myEpoch:          myEpoch,
        fetcher:          fetcher,
        onlyNotConnected: onlyNotConnected,
        dropPeer:         dropPeer,
        start:            time.Now(),

// Start boots up the announcement based synchroniser, accepting and processing
// hash notifications and event fetches until termination requested.
func (d *PeerPacksDownloader) Start() {
    go d.loop()

// Stop terminates the announcement based synchroniser, canceling all pending
// operations.
func (d *PeerPacksDownloader) Stop() {

// NotifyPackInfo injects new pack infos from a peer
func (d *PeerPacksDownloader) NotifyPackInfo(epoch idx.Epoch, index idx.Pack, heads hash.Events, time time.Time) error {
    if d.myEpoch != epoch {
        return nil // Short circuit if from another epoch

    op := &packInfoData{
        epoch: epoch,
        index: index,
        heads: heads,
        time:  time,
    select {
    case d.notifyInfo <- op:
        return nil
    case <-d.quit:
        return errTerminated

// NotifyPacksNum injects new packs num from a peer
func (d *PeerPacksDownloader) NotifyPacksNum(epoch idx.Epoch, packsNum idx.Pack) error {
    if d.myEpoch != epoch {
        return nil // Short circuit if from another epoch

    op := &packsNumData{
        epoch:    epoch,
        packsNum: packsNum,
    select {
    case d.notifyPacksNum <- op:
        return nil
    case <-d.quit:
        return errTerminated

// NotifyPack injects new packs from a peer
func (d *PeerPacksDownloader) NotifyPack(epoch idx.Epoch, index idx.Pack, ids hash.Events, time time.Time, fetchEvents fetcher.EventsRequesterFn) error {
    if d.myEpoch != epoch {
        return nil // Short circuit if from another epoch

    op := &packData{
        epoch:       epoch,
        index:       index,
        ids:         ids,
        time:        time,
        fetchEvents: fetchEvents,
    select {
    case d.notifyPack <- op:
        return nil
    case <-d.quit:
        return errTerminated

// Loop is the main downloader's loop, checking and processing various notifications
func (d *PeerPacksDownloader) loop() {
    // Iterate the event fetching until a quit is requested
    syncTicker := time.NewTicker(recheckInterval)
    defer syncTicker.Stop()

    for {
        // Wait for an outside event to occur
        select {
        case <-d.quit:
            // PeerPacksDownloader terminating, abort all operations

        case op := <-d.notifyPacksNum:
            if d.myEpoch != op.epoch {
                continue // from another epoch
            if d.packsNum < op.packsNum {
                d.packsNum = op.packsNum

        case packInfo := <-d.notifyInfo:
            if d.myEpoch != packInfo.epoch {
                continue // from another epoch
            if d.packsNum < packInfo.index {
                d.packsNum = packInfo.index

            if d.packInfos.Size() > maxPeerPacks {
                // if we have too much packs -> d.sweepKnown() doesn't erase them -> we don't connect events from these packs.
                // Also we do binary search, so we don't need much packs to store, so we shouldn't reach this if peer is ok.
                log.Warn("All the peer packs are unknown. Faulty peer?", "peer", d.peer.ID)
            if packInfo.index <= 0 || packInfo.index >= math.MaxInt32 {
                log.Error("Invalid pack index", "peer", d.peer.ID)

            d.packInfos.Put(int(packInfo.index), packInfo)
            delete(d.fetchingInfo, packInfo.index) // mark as received


        case pack := <-d.notifyPack:
            if d.myEpoch != pack.epoch {
                continue // from another epoch
            if d.packsNum < pack.index {
                d.packsNum = pack.index

            // DO NOT erase from d.fetchingFull!
            // We should erase only when we'll actually connect all the events form this pack, i.e. when pack's heads are known.
            // It'll be done in sweepKnown()
            // Otherwise, we'll rapidly re-request the same pack until we connect events.
            // DO NOT: delete(d.fetchingFull, pack.index)

            err := d.fetcher.Notify(d.peer.ID, pack.ids, pack.time, pack.fetchEvents)
            if err != nil {
                log.Error("Pack inject error", "index", pack.index, "peer", d.peer.ID, "err", err)

        case <-syncTicker.C:

func (d *PeerPacksDownloader) tryToSync() {
    if d.fetcher.OverloadedPeer(d.peer.ID) {

    index, requestFull, syncedUp := d.binarySearchReq()
    if syncedUp {
        // even if we're synced up, in a case we're stalled, try to download a not pinned pack after the timeout
        stalled := time.Since(d.prevRequest) > forceSyncPeriod
        if stalled {
            d.timedRequestPackInfo(d.packsNum + 1)
            d.timedRequestFullPack(d.packsNum+1, false)

    if requestFull {
        // request a few packs in parallel
        maxPacks := idx.Pack(maxFetchingFullPacks)
        if time.Since(d.start) > 10*time.Minute {
            maxPacks = 1
        for i := index; i < index+maxPacks && i <= d.packsNum; i++ {
            d.timedRequestFullPack(i, true)
            if i+1 <= d.packsNum {
                _, found := d.packInfos.Get(int(i + 1))
                if !found {
                    d.timedRequestPackInfo(i + 1) // request new pack info in advance
    } else {

// Wrapper does the request only if passed enough time since prev request
// If pack isn't pinned, then it'll be different every time we request, so we must not remember it
func (d *PeerPacksDownloader) timedRequestFullPack(index idx.Pack, pinned bool) {
    prevRequestTime := d.fetchingFull[index]
    if prevRequestTime.IsZero() || time.Since(prevRequestTime) >= arriveTimeout {
        err := d.peer.RequestPack(d.myEpoch, index)
        if err != nil {
            log.Warn("Pack request error", "index", index, "peer", d.peer.ID, "err", err)
        d.prevRequest = time.Now()
        if pinned {
            d.fetchingFull[index] = d.prevRequest

// Wrapper does the request only if passed enough time since prev request
func (d *PeerPacksDownloader) timedRequestPackInfo(index idx.Pack) {
    prevRequestTime := d.fetchingInfo[index]
    if prevRequestTime.IsZero() || time.Since(prevRequestTime) >= arriveTimeout {
        err := d.peer.RequestPackInfos(d.myEpoch, []idx.Pack{index})
        if err != nil {
            log.Warn("Pack info request error", "index", index, "peer", d.peer.ID, "err", err)
        d.prevRequest = time.Now()
        d.fetchingInfo[index] = d.prevRequest

// Finds lowest not known pack, such that previous pack is known or doesn't exist
// If not found, returns next pack index to request
func (d *PeerPacksDownloader) binarySearchReq() (requestIndex idx.Pack, requestFull bool, syncedUp bool) {
    it := d.packInfos.Iterator()
    var prevIdx *idx.Pack

    for it.End(); it.Prev(); {
        packInfo := it.Value().(*packInfoData)

        allKnown := len(d.onlyNotConnected(packInfo.heads)) == 0
        packIdx := idx.Pack(it.Key().(int))

        if allKnown {
            var nextReq idx.Pack
            if prevIdx == nil {
                // ..., known 5
                // the first pack is known
                if packIdx >= d.packsNum {
                    // ..., known 5.
                    // we're already synced up
                    return packIdx, false, true
                nextReq = packIdx + (d.packsNum-packIdx)/2
            } else {
                if packIdx+1 == *prevIdx {
                    // ..., known 5, not known 6, not known 12, not known 15, ...
                    // fetch the lowest not known pack
                    return packIdx + 1, true, false
                nextReq = packIdx + (*prevIdx-packIdx)/2
            if nextReq <= packIdx {
                nextReq = packIdx + 1
            // ..., known 5, not known 8, not known 12, not known 15, ...
            // binary search to find lowest not known pack next time
            return nextReq, false, false
        prevIdx = &packIdx
    // if we're here, then no known packs were found
    if prevIdx == nil {
        return 1, false, false
    if *prevIdx == 1 {
        // if 1 pack isn't known, then it's the lowest not known
        return 1, true, false
    return *prevIdx / 2, false, false

// Erases all the pack infos before highest known pack info (because they will be known too)
func (d *PeerPacksDownloader) sweepKnown() {
    it := d.packInfos.Iterator()
    toRemove := make([]idx.Pack, 0, d.packInfos.Size())
    allKnownMet := false

    for it.End(); it.Prev(); {
        packIdx := idx.Pack(it.Key().(int))
        packInfo := it.Value().(*packInfoData)
        allKnown := len(d.onlyNotConnected(packInfo.heads)) == 0
        if allKnownMet {
            toRemove = append(toRemove, packIdx)
        } else if allKnown {
            allKnownMet = true

    for _, r := range toRemove {

// forgetPack removes all traces of a pack announcement from the fetcher's
// internal state.
func (d *PeerPacksDownloader) forgetPack(index idx.Pack) {
    delete(d.fetchingInfo, index)
    delete(d.fetchingFull, index)