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6 hrs
Test Coverage
package flushable

import (

    rbt ""


var (
    errClosed = errors.New("database closed")

// Flushable is a ethdb.Database wrapper around any Database.
// On reading, it looks in memory cache first. If not found, it looks in a parent DB.
// On writing, it writes only in cache. To flush the cache into parent DB, call Flush().
type Flushable struct {
    onDrop     func()
    underlying kvdb.KeyValueStore

    modified       *rbt.Tree // modified, comparing to parent, pairs. deleted values are nil
    sizeEstimation *int

    lock *sync.Mutex // we have no guarantees that rbt.Tree works with concurrent reads, so we can't use MutexRW

// Wrap underlying db.
// All the writes into the cache won't be written in parent until .Flush() is called.
func Wrap(parent kvdb.KeyValueStore) *Flushable {
    if parent == nil {
        panic("nil parent")

    return WrapWithDrop(parent, func() { parent.Drop() })

// WrapWithDrop is the same as Wrap, but defines onDrop callback.
func WrapWithDrop(parent kvdb.KeyValueStore, drop func()) *Flushable {
    if parent == nil {
        panic("nil parent")

    return &Flushable{
        underlying:     parent,
        onDrop:         drop,
        modified:       rbt.NewWithStringComparator(),
        lock:           new(sync.Mutex),
        sizeEstimation: new(int),

 * Database interface implementation

// Put puts key-value pair into the cache.
func (w *Flushable) Put(key []byte, value []byte) error {
    defer w.lock.Unlock()

    return w.put(key, value)

func (w *Flushable) put(key []byte, value []byte) error {
    if value == nil || key == nil {
        return errors.New("Flushable: key or value is nil")
    if w.modified == nil {
        return errClosed

    w.modified.Put(string(key), common.CopyBytes(value))
    *w.sizeEstimation += len(key) + len(value)
    return nil

// Has checks if key is in the exists. Looks in cache first, then - in DB.
func (w *Flushable) Has(key []byte) (bool, error) {
    defer w.lock.Unlock()

    if w.modified == nil {
        return false, errClosed

    val, ok := w.modified.Get(string(key))
    if ok {
        return val != nil, nil

    return w.underlying.Has(key)

// Get returns key-value pair by key. Looks in cache first, then - in DB.
func (w *Flushable) Get(key []byte) ([]byte, error) {
    defer w.lock.Unlock()

    if w.modified == nil {
        return nil, errClosed

    if entry, ok := w.modified.Get(string(key)); ok {
        if entry == nil {
            return nil, nil
        return common.CopyBytes(entry.([]byte)), nil

    return w.underlying.Get(key)

// Delete removes key-value pair by key. In parent DB, key won't be deleted until .Flush() is called.
func (w *Flushable) Delete(key []byte) error {
    defer w.lock.Unlock()

    return w.delete(key)

func (w *Flushable) delete(key []byte) error {
    w.modified.Put(string(key), nil)
    *w.sizeEstimation += len(key) // it should be (len(key) - len(old value)), but we'd need to read old value
    return nil

// DropNotFlushed drops all the not flushed keys.
// After this call, the state of parent DB is identical to the state of this DB.
func (w *Flushable) DropNotFlushed() {
    defer w.lock.Unlock()


func (w *Flushable) dropNotFlushed() {
    *w.sizeEstimation = 0

// Close leaves underlying database.
func (w *Flushable) Close() error {
    defer w.lock.Unlock()

    w.modified = nil

    return w.underlying.Close()

// Drop whole database.
func (w *Flushable) Drop() {
    defer w.lock.Unlock()

    if w.modified != nil {
        panic("close db first")

    if w.onDrop != nil {

// NotFlushedPairs returns num of not flushed keys, including deleted keys.
func (w *Flushable) NotFlushedPairs() int {
    return w.modified.Size()

// NotFlushedSizeEst returns estimation of not flushed data, including deleted keys.
func (w *Flushable) NotFlushedSizeEst() int {
    return *w.sizeEstimation

// Flush current cache into parent DB.
func (w *Flushable) Flush() error {
    defer w.lock.Unlock()

    return w.flush()

func (w *Flushable) flush() error {
    if w.modified == nil {
        return errClosed

    batch := w.underlying.NewBatch()
    for it := w.modified.Iterator(); it.Next(); {
        var err error

        if it.Value() == nil {
            err = batch.Delete([]byte(it.Key().(string)))
        } else {
            err = batch.Put([]byte(it.Key().(string)), it.Value().([]byte))

        if err != nil {
            return err

        if batch.ValueSize() > ethdb.IdealBatchSize {
            err = batch.Write()
            if err != nil {
                return err
    *w.sizeEstimation = 0

    return batch.Write()

// Stat returns a particular internal stat of the database.
func (w *Flushable) Stat(property string) (string, error) {
    return w.underlying.Stat(property)

// Compact flattens the underlying data store for the given key range.
func (w *Flushable) Compact(start []byte, limit []byte) error {
    return w.underlying.Compact(start, limit)

 * Iterator

type iterator struct {
    lock *sync.Mutex

    tree *rbt.Tree

    key, val []byte
    prevKey  []byte

    parentIt ethdb.Iterator
    parentOk bool

    treeNode *rbt.Node
    treeOk   bool

    start, prefix []byte

    inited bool

// returns the smallest node which is > than specified node
func nextNode(tree *rbt.Tree, node *rbt.Node) (next *rbt.Node, ok bool) {
    origin := node
    if node.Right != nil {
        node = node.Right
        for node.Left != nil {
            node = node.Left
        return node, node != nil
    if node.Parent != nil {
        for node.Parent != nil {
            node = node.Parent
            if tree.Comparator(origin.Key, node.Key) <= 0 {
                return node, node != nil

    return nil, false

func castToPair(node *rbt.Node) (key, val []byte) {
    if node == nil {
        return nil, nil
    key = []byte(node.Key.(string))
    if node.Value == nil {
        val = nil // deleted key
    } else {
        val = node.Value.([]byte) // putted value
    return key, val

// Next scans key-value pair by key in lexicographic order. Looks in cache first, then - in DB.
func (it *iterator) Next() bool {
    defer it.lock.Unlock()

    if it.Error() != nil {
        return false

    isSuitable := func(key, prevKey []byte) (ok, continue_ bool) {
        // check that prefixed. stop current iterating if it isn't
        if it.prefix != nil && !bytes.HasPrefix(key, it.prefix) {
            return false, false
        return prevKey == nil || bytes.Compare(key, prevKey) > 0, true

    if !it.inited {
        it.inited = true
        it.parentOk = it.parentIt.Next()
        if it.start != nil {
            it.treeNode, it.treeOk = it.tree.Ceiling(string(it.start)) // not strict >=
        } else {
            it.treeNode = it.tree.Left() // lowest key
            it.treeOk = it.treeNode != nil

    for it.treeOk || it.parentOk {
        // tree has priority, so check it first
        if it.treeOk {
            treeKey, treeVal := castToPair(it.treeNode)
            for it.treeOk && (!it.parentOk || bytes.Compare(treeKey, it.parentIt.Key()) <= 0) {
                // it's not possible that treeKey isn't bigger than prevKey
                // treeVal may be nil (i.e. deleted). move to next tree's key if it is
                var ok bool
                if treeVal != nil {
                    ok, it.treeOk = isSuitable(treeKey, it.prevKey)
                } else {
                    it.prevKey = treeKey // next key must be greater than deleted, even if from parent

                if ok {
                    it.key, it.val = treeKey, treeVal
                    it.prevKey = it.key
                if it.treeOk {
                    it.treeNode, it.treeOk = nextNode(it.tree, it.treeNode) // strict >
                    treeKey, treeVal = castToPair(it.treeNode)
                if ok {
                    return true

        if it.parentOk {
            var ok bool
            ok, it.parentOk = isSuitable(it.parentIt.Key(), it.prevKey)

            if ok {
                it.key = common.CopyBytes(it.parentIt.Key()) // leveldb's iterator may use the same memory
                it.val = common.CopyBytes(it.parentIt.Value())
                it.prevKey = it.key
            if it.parentOk {
                it.parentOk = it.parentIt.Next()
            if ok {
                return true

    return false

// Error returns any accumulated error. Exhausting all the key/value pairs
// is not considered to be an error. A memory iterator cannot encounter errors.
func (it *iterator) Error() error {
    return it.parentIt.Error()

// Key returns the key of the current key/value pair, or nil if done. The caller
// should not modify the contents of the returned slice, and its contents may
// change on the next call to Next.
func (it *iterator) Key() []byte {
    return it.key

// Value returns the value of the current key/value pair, or nil if done. The
// caller should not modify the contents of the returned slice, and its contents
// may change on the next call to Next.
func (it *iterator) Value() []byte {
    return it.val

// Release releases associated resources. Release should always succeed and can
// be called multiple times without causing error.
func (it *iterator) Release() {
    *it = iterator{}

// NewIterator creates a binary-alphabetical iterator over a subset
// of database content with a particular key prefix, starting at a particular
// initial key (or after, if it does not exist).
func (w *Flushable) NewIterator(prefix []byte, start []byte) ethdb.Iterator {
    return &iterator{
        lock:     w.lock,
        tree:     w.modified,
        start:    append(common.CopyBytes(prefix), start...),
        prefix:   prefix,
        parentIt: w.underlying.NewIterator(prefix, start),

 * Batch

// NewBatch creates new batch.
func (w *Flushable) NewBatch() ethdb.Batch {
    return &cacheBatch{db: w}

type kv struct {
    k, v []byte

// cacheBatch is a batch structure.
type cacheBatch struct {
    db     *Flushable
    writes []kv
    size   int

// Put adds "add key-value pair" operation into batch.
func (b *cacheBatch) Put(key, value []byte) error {
    b.writes = append(b.writes, kv{common.CopyBytes(key), common.CopyBytes(value)})
    b.size += len(value) + len(key)
    return nil

// Delete adds "remove key" operation into batch.
func (b *cacheBatch) Delete(key []byte) error {
    b.writes = append(b.writes, kv{common.CopyBytes(key), nil})
    b.size += len(key)
    return nil

// Write writes batch into db. Not atomic.
func (b *cacheBatch) Write() error {
    defer b.db.lock.Unlock()
    for _, kv := range b.writes {
        var err error

        if kv.v == nil {
            err = b.db.delete(kv.k)
        } else {
            err = b.db.put(kv.k, kv.v)

        if err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

// ValueSize returns key-values sizes sum.
func (b *cacheBatch) ValueSize() int {
    return b.size

// Reset cleans whole batch.
func (b *cacheBatch) Reset() {
    b.writes = b.writes[:0]
    b.size = 0

// Replay replays the batch contents.
func (b *cacheBatch) Replay(w ethdb.KeyValueWriter) error {
    for _, kv := range b.writes {
        if kv.v == nil {
            if err := w.Delete(kv.k); err != nil {
                return err
        if err := w.Put(kv.k, kv.v); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil