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Test Coverage
# @floating-ui/dom

## 1.6.5

### Patch Changes

- fix: correctly calculate `<svg>` arrow element `offsetParent`. Fixes arrow positioning when styling an inner element of the floating element with a border.
- fix: ignore `clippingAncestors` collision boundary for top layer elements
- fix(types): correct `OffsetOptions` alias

## 1.6.4

### Patch Changes

- fix: avoid spreading rects to support `DOMRect` types
- fix(types): use DOM Derivable type
- perf(autoUpdate): reduce layoutShift update checks while reference is clipped from view

## 1.6.3

### Patch Changes

- fix: calculate reference element offset relative to `offsetParent` iframe. Fixes issue with positioning in nested iframes, such as the following:


## 1.6.2

### Patch Changes

- fix: top layer element positioning and collision detection when using `absolute` strategy

## 1.6.1

### Patch Changes

- perf: avoid `getContainingBlock` call for non-top layer elements

## 1.6.0

### Minor Changes

- fix: handle CSS `:top-layer` elements inside containing blocks. It's no longer
  necessary to implement the middleware workaround outlined in

### Patch Changes

- Update dependencies: `@floating-ui/core@1.6.0`

## 1.5.4

### Patch Changes

- 4c04669: chore: exports .d.mts types, solves #2472
- 0d18e37: refactor: avoid $ appearing in rects dimensions
- Updated dependencies [4c04669]
- Updated dependencies [afb7e5e]
  - @floating-ui/utils@0.2.0
  - @floating-ui/core@1.5.3

## 1.5.3

### Patch Changes

- a6c72f50: fix(getOverflowAncestors): avoid traversing into iframes for
  clipping detection
- Updated dependencies [a6c72f50]
- Updated dependencies [0ef68ffa]
  - @floating-ui/utils@0.1.3
  - @floating-ui/core@1.4.2

## 1.5.2

### Patch Changes

- 3426bc27: fix: traverse into iframe parents when finding overflow ancestors