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# Inner

Positions the floating element such that an inner element inside
of it is anchored to the reference element, while handling scroll
and overflow behavior.

<ShowFor packages={['react-dom']}>

<PackageLimited>@floating-ui/react only</PackageLimited>



The most common use case for this is a macOS-style select menu,
where the selected item pops up directly over the target button.

## Usage

There are two modules: `inner(){:js}` and

- <WordHighlight id="a" children="inner" /> is a middleware that positions
  the floating element such that an inner element inside of it is
  anchored to the reference element.

- <WordHighlight id='b' children="useInnerOffset" /> is an interaction Hook that offsets the
anchoring upon a `wheel{:.string}` event. This allows the
floating element's height to expand, revealing more list items.
This is not strictly required but is necessary to match the UX
of the macOS-style select menu.

```js /inner/1-2#a /useInnerOffset/1-2#b
import {inner, useInnerOffset} from '@floating-ui/react';

// Inside your component
const {context} = useFloating({
  middleware: [inner()],

const innerOffset = useInnerOffset(context);

const {getReferenceProps, getFloatingProps} = useInteractions([

## Examples

- [Basic inner anchoring](https://codesandbox.io/s/lively-thunder-qh6gri?file=/src/App.tsx)
- [Inner anchoring and offset](https://codesandbox.io/s/modest-gianmarco-jx9fri?file=/src/App.tsx)
- [Inner anchoring with fallback](https://codesandbox.io/s/suspicious-einstein-4ec3n9?file=/src/App.tsx)

## inner Props

interface InnerProps extends DetectOverflowOptions {
  listRef: React.MutableRefObject<Array<HTMLElement | null>>;
  index: number;
  offset?: number;
  overflowRef?: React.MutableRefObject<SideObject | null>;
  scrollRef?: React.MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null>;
  referenceOverflowThreshold?: number;
  minItemsVisible?: number;
  onFallbackChange?(fallback: boolean): void;

### `listRef{:.key}`

<Required />

default: `[]{:js}`

An ref containing an array of list items inside the floating

const listRef = useRef([]);


### `index{:.key}`

<Required />

default: `0{:js}`

The index of the list item that should be anchored to the
reference element.

const [index, setIndex] = useState(0);


### `overflowRef{:.key}`

default: `undefined{:js}`

A ref containing a `SideObject{:.class}`. This is used to
determine the overflow of the floating element and is required
when using the `useInnerOffset(){:js}` interaction Hook.

const overflowRef = useRef({
  top: 0,
  bottom: 0,
  left: 0,
  right: 0,


### `scrollRef{:.key}`

default: `undefined{:js}`

An optional ref containing an `HTMLElement{:.class}`. This may be
used as the scrolling container instead of the floating element —
for instance, to position inner elements as direct children
without being interfered by scrolling layout.

### `referenceOverflowThreshold{:.key}`

default: `0{:js}`

This determines the distance in pixels of the reference element
from the edges of the boundary. If the reference element is too
close to the edges of its clipping boundary,
`onFallbackChange{:.function}` will be invoked to use fallback

  referenceOverflowThreshold: 20,

### `minItemsVisible{:.key}`

default: `4{:js}`

Specifies the minimum number of items that should be visible
before fallback positioning is used.
`onFallbackChange{:.function}` will be invoked if there are less
than the number specified visible.

  minItemsVisible: 10,

### `offset{:.key}`

default: `0{:js}`

Determines the offset of the anchoring.

  offset: 10,

### `onFallbackChange{:.function}`

default: no-op

A callback that is invoked with a boolean when positioning should
enter fallback mode. You should fallback to middleware that
create standard anchor positioning when `true{:js}`.

const [fallback, setFallback] = useState(false);

  onFallbackChange: setFallback,

## `useInnerOffset` Props

interface UseInnerOffsetProps {
  enabled?: boolean;
  overflowRef: React.MutableRefObject<SideObject | null>;
    offset: number | ((offset: number) => number)
  ): void;
  scrollRef?: React.MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null>;

### `enabled{:.key}`

default: `true{:js}`

Conditionally enable/disable the Hook.

useInnerOffset(context, {
  enabled: false,

### `overflowRef{:.key}`

<Required />

default: `undefined{:js}`

A ref containing a `SideObject{:.class}`. This is used to
determine the overflow of the floating element.

const overflowRef = useRef({
  top: 0,
  bottom: 0,
  left: 0,
  right: 0,

useInnerOffset(context, {

### `onChange{:.function}`

<Required />

default: no-op

A callback that is invoked with a new offset upon the
`wheel{:.string}` event to offset the anchoring, and thus expand
the floating element's height.

const [offset, setOffset] = useState(0);

const {context} = useFloating({
  middleware: [
      // ...

// ...
useInnerOffset(context, {
  onChange: setOffset,

### `scrollRef{:.key}`

default: `undefined{:js}`

An optional ref containing an `HTMLElement{:.class}`. This may be
used as the scrolling container instead of the floating element —
for instance, to position inner elements as direct children
without being interfered by scrolling layout.