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# useTypeahead

Provides a matching callback that can be used to focus an item as
the user types, used in tandem with `useListNavigation(){:js}`.

import {useTypeahead} from '@floating-ui/react';

This is useful for creating a menu with typeahead support, where
the user can type to focus an item and then immediately select
it, especially if it contains a large number of items.

See [`FloatingList`](/docs/FloatingList) for creating composable
children API components.

<ShowFor packages={['react-dom']}>

<PackageLimited>@floating-ui/react only</PackageLimited>



  This Hook should not be used for typeable `<input />{:html}` elements. 
  It is intended to be used on menu buttons for a dropdown menu or select menu, 
  rather than a combobox that is searchable.

## Usage

This Hook returns event handler props.

To use it, pass it the `context{:.const}` object returned from
`useFloating(){:js}`, and then feed its result into the
`useInteractions(){:js}` array. The returned prop getters are
then spread onto the elements for rendering.

`useListNavigation(){:js}` is responsible for synchronizing the
index for focus.

```js /context/
function App() {
  const [activeIndex, setActiveIndex] = useState(null);

  const {refs, floatingStyles, context} = useFloating({
    open: true,

  const items = ['one', 'two', 'three'];

  const listRef = useRef(items);

  const typeahead = useTypeahead(context, {
    onMatch: setActiveIndex,

  const {getReferenceProps, getFloatingProps, getItemProps} =

  return (
      <div ref={refs.setReference} {...getReferenceProps()}>
        Reference element
        {items.map((item, index) => (
            // Make these elements focusable using a roving tabIndex.
            tabIndex={activeIndex === index ? 0 : -1}

## Props

interface UseTypeaheadProps {
  listRef: React.MutableRefObject<Array<string | null>>;
  activeIndex: number | null;
  onMatch?(index: number): void;
  enabled?: boolean;
  resetMs?: number;
  ignoreKeys?: Array<string>;
  selectedIndex?: number | null;
  onTypingChange?(isTyping: boolean): void;
    | null
    | ((
        list: Array<string | null>,
        typedString: string,
      ) => string | null | undefined);

### `listRef{:.key}`

<Required />

default: empty list

A ref which contains an array of strings whose indices match the
HTML elements of the list.

const listRef = useRef(['one', 'two', 'three']);

useTypeahead(context, {

You can derive these strings when assigning the node if the
strings are not available up front:

// Array<HTMLElement | null> for `useListNavigation`
const listItemsRef = useRef([]);
// Array<string | null> for `useTypeahead`
const listContentRef = useRef([]);

```js {4}
  ref={(node) => {
    listItemsRef.current[index] = node;
    listContentRef.current[index] = node?.textContent ?? null;

Disabled items can be represented by `null{:js}` values in the
array at the relevant index, and will be skipped.

### `activeIndex{:.key}`

<Required />

default: `null{:js}`

The currently active index. This specifies where the typeahead

const [activeIndex, setActiveIndex] = useState(null);

useTypeahead(context, {

### `onMatch{:.function}`

default: no-op

Callback invoked with the matching index if found as the user

const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
const [activeIndex, setActiveIndex] = useState(null);
const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = useState(null);

useTypeahead(context, {
  onMatch: isOpen ? setActiveIndex : setSelectedIndex,

### `enabled{:.key}`

default: `true{:js}`

Conditionally enable/disable the Hook.

useTypeahead(context, {
  enabled: false,

### `findMatch{:.function}`

default: lowercase finder

If you'd like to implement custom finding logic (for example
[fuzzy search](https://fusejs.io/)), you can use this callback.

useTypeahead(context, {
  findMatch: (list, typedString) =>
      (itemString) =>
        itemString?.toLowerCase().indexOf(typedString) === 0,

### `resetMs{:.key}`

default: `750{:js}`

Debounce timeout which will reset the transient string as the
user types.

useTypeahead(context, {
  resetMs: 500,

### `ignoreKeys{:.key}`

default: `[]{:js}`

Optional keys to ignore.

useTypeahead(context, {
  ignoreKeys: ['I', 'G', 'N', 'O', 'R', 'E'],

### `selectedIndex{:.key}`

default: `null{:js}`

The currently selected index, if available.

const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = useState(null);

useTypeahead(context, {

### `onTypingChange{:.function}`

default: no-op

Callback invoked with the typing state as the user types.

useTypeahead(context, {
  onTypingChange(isTyping) {
    // ...