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3 days
Test Coverage
   Copyright (c) 2007-12, iUI Project Members.
   See LICENSE.txt for licensing terms.
   Version 0.4-beta3

/* note:
   This version of iUI has a partial implementation of the `busy` flag for Issue #191,
   it will not work with webapps that call `iui.showPage()` or `iui.showPageByHref()` directly.
   This issue will be resolved in a later version. */

(function() {

var slideSpeed = 20;
var slideInterval = 0;
var ajaxTimeoutVal = 30000;

var originalPage = null;
var currentPage = null;
var currentDialog = null;
var currentWidth = 0;
var currentHeight = 0;
var currentHash = location.hash;
var hashPrefix = "#_";
var pageHistory = [];
var newPageCount = 0;
var checkTimer;
var hasOrientationEvent = false;
var portraitVal = "portrait";
var landscapeVal = "landscape";

// *************************************************************************************************

iUI fires a number of custom events on your panel and dialog elements. Handling
these events is the recommended way to do any just-in-time transformations or
loading (besides the ajax pre-loading built into iUI).

window.iui =
    property: iui.logging
    This is set to `true` logging (with console.log) is enabled.
    logging: false,

    property: iui.busy
    This is set to `true` if a slide animation is in progress.
    busy: false,
    property: iui.animOn
    Determines whether to do horizontal slide animations with CSS transitions
    (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-2d-transforms/) where supported (defaults    to
    `true`). Otherwise, manual `setInterval()` style animations are performed
    (vertical slide animations are always done manually).
    animOn: true,
    property: iui.ajaxErrHandler
    If defined, this user-set function will be called when an AJAX call returns
    with an HTTP status other than `200` (currently all HTTP statuses other than
    `200`, even including 200-level statuses like `201 Created`, are seen as
    errors.  A status of `0` is treated as success for file:// URLs).
    ajaxErrHandler : null,
    property: iui.httpHeaders
    An object defining headers to be sent with Ajax requests. This defaults to:
      { 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' }
    httpHeaders: {
        "X-Requested-With" : "XMLHttpRequest"

    method: iui.showPage(page[, backwards=false])
    `showPage()` should probably be an internal function, outside callers should
    call `showPageById()` instead. `showPage()` doesn't set the busy flag because
    it is already set by the public-facing functions.
    `page` is the html element to show. If `backwards` is set to `true`, it will
    display a right-to-left animation instead of the default left-to-right.
    If the currently-displayed page is passed, iui will do nothing. `showPage()`
    is used for both panel-type pages and dialog-type pages (dialogs float on top
    of the panels, have a cancel button and do not participate in sliding
    animations). Panel-type pages receive blur/focus events and load/unload events,
    but dialog-type pages only receive blur/focus events.
    showPage: function(page, backwards)
        if (page)
//            if (window.iui_ext)    window.iui_ext.injectEventMethods(page);    // TG -- why was this comment left here??
            if (page == currentPage)
                log("page = currentPage = " + page.id);
                iui.busy = false;    //  Don't do anything, just clear the busy flag and exit
            if (currentDialog)
                sendEvent("blur", currentDialog);                    // EVENT: BLUR
                currentDialog = null;

            Dialogs receive a `focus` event when they are shown and a `blur` event
            when hidden. Currently they don't receive any `load` or `unload` events.
            if (hasClass(page, "dialog"))
                iui.busy = false;    // There's no slide transition, so clear busy flag
                // There's no LOAD/UNLOAD events for dialogs -- is that the way it should be??
                // Should the view the dialog is going over get a BLUR??
                sendEvent("focus", page);                            // EVENT: FOCUS
            Panels receive `focus` and `blur` events and also receive a `load` event
            and (only when going backwards away from a panel) an `unload` event.
                sendEvent("load", page);                            // EVENT: LOAD
                                                    // 127(stylesheet), 128(script), 129(onload)
                                                    // 130(onFocus), 133(loadActionButton)
                var fromPage = currentPage;
                sendEvent("blur", currentPage);                        // EVENT: BLUR
                currentPage = page;
                sendEvent("focus", page);                            // EVENT: FOCUS

                if (fromPage)
                    setTimeout(slidePages, 0, fromPage, page, backwards);
                    updatePage(page, fromPage);

    method: iui.showPageById(pageId)
    Looks up the page element by the id and checks the internal history to
    determine if the page is on the stack -- if so, it will call `showPage()` with
    `backwards` set to `true`, reversing the direction of the animation. 
    showPageById: function(pageId)
        var page = $(pageId);
        if (page)
            if (!iui.busy)
                iui.busy = true;
                var index = pageHistory.indexOf(pageId);
                var backwards = index != -1;
                if (backwards)
                    // we're going back, remove history from index on
                    // remember - pageId will be added again in updatePage
                iui.showPage(page, backwards);

    method: iui.goBack()
    Navigates to the previous page in the history stack.
    goBack: function()
        if (!iui.busy)
            iui.busy = true;
            pageHistory.pop();    // pop current page
            var pageID = pageHistory.pop();  // pop/get parent
            var page = $(pageID);
            iui.showPage(page, true);

    method: iui.replacePage(pageId)
    Loads a new page at the same level in the history stack. 
    Currently it will do a slide-in animation, but replaces
    the current page in the navStack.
    It should probably use a different animation (slide-up/slide-down).
    replacePage: function(pageId)
        // Should probably take either an ID or an Element
        var page = $(pageId);
        if (page)
            if (!iui.busy)
                iui.busy = true;
                var index = pageHistory.indexOf(pageId);
                var backwards = index != -1;
                if (backwards)    // we're going back, shouldn't happen on replacePage()
                    log("error: can't replace page with ancestor");
                iui.showPage(page, false);

    method: iui.showPageByHrefExt(href, args, method, replace, cb)
    Outside callers should use this version to do an ajax load programmatically
    from your webapp. In a future version, this will be renamed to
    `showPageByHref()` (once the old method and  all its calls are renamed).
    `href` is a URL string, `method` is the HTTP method (defaults to `GET`),
    `args` is an Object of key-value pairs that are used to generate the querystring,
    `replace` is an existing element that either is the panel or is a child of the
    panel that the incoming HTML will replace (if not supplied, iUI will append
    the incoming HTML to the `body`), and `cb` is a user-supplied callback function.
    showPageByHrefExt: function(href, args, method, replace, cb)
        if (!iui.busy)
            iui.busy = true;
            iui.showPageByHref(href, args, method, replace, cb);    

    method: iui.showPageByHref(href, args, method, replace, cb)
    This one should only be used by iUI internally.  It should be renamed and
    possibly moved into the closure.
    showPageByHref: function(href, args, method, replace, cb)
      // I don't think we need onerror, because readstate will still go to 4 in that case
        function spbhCB(xhr) 
            log("xhr.readyState = " + xhr.readyState);
            if (xhr.readyState == 4)
                if ((xhr.status == 200 || xhr.status == 0) && !xhr.aborted)
                  // Add 'if (xhr.responseText)' to make sure we have something???
                  // Can't use createDocumentFragment() here because firstChild is null and childNodes is empty
                  var frag = document.createElement("div");
                  frag.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
                  // EVENT beforeInsert->body
                    When new pages are inserted into the DOM after an AJAX load, the `body`
                    element receives a `beforeinsert` event with `{ fragment: frag }` parameters
                    and afterwards receives an `afterinsert` event with `{insertedNode: docNode}` parameters.
                  sendEvent("beforeinsert", document.body, {fragment:frag})
                  if (replace)
                      replaceElementWithFrag(replace, frag);
                      iui.busy = false;
                    iui.busy = false;
                    if (iui.ajaxErrHandler)
                        iui.ajaxErrHandler("Error contacting server, please try again later");
                if (cb)
                    setTimeout(cb, 1000, true);
      iui.ajax(href, args, method, spbhCB);
    method: iui.ajax(url, args, method, cb)
    Handles ajax requests and also fires a `setTimeout()` call
    to abort the request if it takes longer than 30 seconds. See `showPageByHrefExt()`
    above for a description of the various arguments (`url` is the same as `href`).
    ajax: function(url, args, method, cb)
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        method = method ? method.toUpperCase() : "GET";
        if (args && method == "GET")
          url =  url + "?" + iui.param(args);
        xhr.open(method, url, true);
        if (cb)
            xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { cb(xhr); };
        var data = null;
        if (args && method != "GET")
            xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
            data = iui.param(args);
        for (var header in iui.httpHeaders)
            xhr.setRequestHeader(header, iui.httpHeaders[header]);
        xhr.requestTimer = setTimeout( ajaxTimeout, ajaxTimeoutVal );
        return xhr;
        function ajaxTimeout()
                   xhr.aborted = true;
    method: iui.param(o)
    Stripped-down, simplified object-only version of a jQuery function that
    converts an object of keys/values into a URL-encoded querystring.
    param: function( o )
      var s = [ ];
      // Serialize the key/values
      for ( var key in o )
        var value = o[key];
        if (typeof(value) == "object" && typeof(value.length) == "number")
            for (var i = 0; i < value.length ; i++)
                s[ s.length ] = encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value[i]);
            s[ s.length ] = encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value);
      // Return the resulting serialization
      return s.join("&").replace(/%20/g, "+");

    method: iui.insertPages(frag)
    If an AJAX call (`showPageByHref()`) is made without supplying a `replace`
    element, `insertPages()` is called to insert the newly-created element
    fragment into the page DOM. Each child-node of the HTML fragment is a panel
    and if any of them are already in the DOM, they will be replaced by the
    incoming elements.
    insertPages: function(frag)
        var nodes = frag.childNodes;
        var targetPage;
        for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i)
            var child = nodes[i];
            if (child.nodeType == 1)
                if (!child.id)
                    child.id = "__" + (++newPageCount) + "__";

                var clone = $(child.id);
                var docNode;
                if (clone) {
                    clone.parentNode.replaceChild(child, clone);
                    docNode = $(child.id);
                    docNode = document.body.appendChild(child);
                sendEvent("afterinsert", document.body, {insertedNode:docNode});   

                // First child becomes selected page/view by default unless
                // selected="true" is set
                // BUG: selected="true" results in a visually incorrect transition
                if (child.getAttribute("selected") == "true" || !targetPage)
                    targetPage = child;
        sendEvent("afterinsertend", document.body, {fragment:frag})

        if (targetPage)


    method: iui.getSelectedPage()
    Returns the panel element that is currently being viewed. Each panel must be a
    direct child of the `body` element. A panel is set as the selected panel by
    setting the `selected` attribute to `true`.
    getSelectedPage: function()
        for (var child = document.body.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling)
            if (child.nodeType == 1 && child.getAttribute("selected") == "true")
                return child;
    method: iui.getAllViews()
    Returns all panels -- currently requires querySelectorAll() will be fixed
    getAllViews: function()
        return document.querySelectorAll("body > *:not(.toolbar)");
    method: iui.isNativeUrl(href)
    Determines whether the supplied URL string launches a native iPhone app (maps,
    YouTube, phone, email, etc). If so, iUI does nothing (doesn't attempt to load
    a page or slide to it) and allows the phone to handle it the click natively.
    isNativeUrl: function(href)
        for(var i = 0; i < iui.nativeUrlPatterns.length; i++)
            if(href.match(iui.nativeUrlPatterns[i])) return true;
        return false;
    nativeUrlPatterns: [
        new RegExp("^http:\/\/maps.google.com\/maps\?"),
        new RegExp("^mailto:"),
        new RegExp("^tel:"),
        new RegExp("^http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\\?v="),
        new RegExp("^http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/v\/"),
        new RegExp("^javascript:"),
        new RegExp("^sms:"),
        new RegExp("^callto:")
    method: iui.hasClass(self, name)
    Convenience function to determine if the given element (`self`) has the
    class `name`.
    hasClass: function(self, name)
        var re = new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+name+"($|\\s)");
        return re.exec(self.getAttribute("class")) != null;
    method: iui.addClass(self, name)
    Convenience function to add the given class `name` to element `self`.
    addClass: function(self, name)
      if (!iui.hasClass(self,name)) self.className += " "+name;
    method: iui.removeClass(self, name)
    Convenience function to remove the given class `name` to element `self`.
    removeClass: function(self, name)
      if (iui.hasClass(self,name)) {
          var reg = new RegExp('(\\s|^)'+name+'(\\s|$)');
        self.className=self.className.replace(reg,' ');

// *************************************************************************************************

load: On Load
On load, iUI will determine which page to display primarily based on
the anchor part of the URL (everything after `#_`) and secondarily based on the
top-level (child of the `body`) element with the `selected` attribute set to
`true`. If these both exist, iui.showPage() will be called twice, but the
anchor-based load will win because it is done second.
addEventListener("load", function(event)
    var page = iui.getSelectedPage();
    var locPage = getPageFromLoc();
    if (page)
        originalPage = page;
    if (locPage && (locPage != page))
    setTimeout(preloadImages, 0);
    if (typeof window.onorientationchange == "object")
        hasOrientationEvent = true;
        setTimeout(orientChangeHandler, 0);
    setTimeout(checkOrientAndLocation, 0);
    checkTimer = setInterval(checkOrientAndLocation, 300);
}, false);

addEventListener("unload", function(event)
}, false);
click: Link Click Handling
iUI captures all clicks on `a` elements and goes through a series of checks to
determine what to do:

1. If the link has a `href="#..."`, iUI will navigate to the panel ID specified
   after the # (no underscore).
2. If the link's ID is `backButton`, iUI will navigate to the previous screen
   (see `iui.goBack()`).
3. If the link has a `type="submit"`, iUI will find the parent `form` element,
   gather up all the input values and submit the form via AJAX (see
4. If the link has a `type="cancel"`, iUI will cancel the parent `form` element
5. If the link has a `target="_replace"`, iUI will do an AJAX call based on the
   href of the link and replace the panel that the link is in with the contents
   of the AJAX response.
6. If the link is a native URL (see `iui.isNativeURL()`), iUI will do nothing.
7. If the link has a `target="_webapp"`, iUI will perform a normal link,
   navigating completely away from the iUI app and pointing the browser to the
   linked-to webapp instead.
8. If there is no `target` attribute, iUI will perform a normal (non-replace)
   AJAX slide (see `iui.showPageByHref()`).
addEventListener("click", function(event)
    var link = findParent(event.target, "a");
    if (link)
        function unselect() { link.removeAttribute("selected"); }
        if (link.href && link.hash && link.hash != "#" && !link.target)
        else if (link == $("backButton"))
        else if (link.getAttribute("type") == "submit")
            /* Forms with a[type=submit] links are deprecated
             * this code will be removed in a future release.
            var form = findParent(link, "form");
            if (form.target == "_self")
                /* Browser submit (with full-page response) */
                if (typeof form.onsubmit == 'function')
                    if (form.onsubmit() == true)
                return;  // allow default
            submitForm(form);    // Ajax submit
        else if (link.getAttribute("type") == "cancel")
            cancelDialog(findParent(link, "form"));
        else if (link.target == "_replace")
            followAjax(link, link);
        else if (iui.isNativeUrl(link.href))
        else if (link.target == "_webapp")
            location.href = link.href;
        else if (!link.target && link.href)
            followAjax(link, null);
}, true);

click: Div.toggle Click Handling
iUI also captures `div.toggle` clicks and displays/hides the element via setting
a `toggled` attribute to true/false.
addEventListener("click", function(event)
    var div = findParent(event.target, "div");
    if (div && hasClass(div, "toggle"))
        div.setAttribute("toggled", div.getAttribute("toggled") != "true");
}, true);

click: input[submit] Click Handling
Add an attribute to an input[submit] so we can send the right value to the server.
addEventListener("click", function(event)
    var input = findParent(event.target, "input");
    if (input && input.type == "submit")
        input.setAttribute("submitvalue", input.value);
}, true);

submit: Form submit handling
All forms without target="_self" will use iUI's Ajax from submission.
addEventListener("submit", function(event)
    var form = event.target;
    if (form.target != "_self")
}, true);

function followAnchor(link)
    function unselect() { link.removeAttribute("selected"); }
    if (!iui.busy)
        iui.busy = true;
        link.setAttribute("selected", "true");
        // We need to check for backlinks here like in showPageID()
        // That backlink functionality needs to be in here somewhere
        setTimeout(unselect, 500);

function followAjax(link, replaceLink)
    function unselect() { link.removeAttribute("selected"); }

    if (!iui.busy)
        iui.busy = true;
        link.setAttribute("selected", "progress");
        iui.showPageByHref(link.href, null, "GET", replaceLink, unselect);    

function sendEvent(type, node, props)
    if (node)
        var event = document.createEvent("UIEvent");
        event.initEvent(type, false, false);  // no bubble, no cancel
        if (props)
            for (i in props)
                event[i] = props[i];

function getPageFromLoc()
    var page;
    var result = location.hash.match(/#_([^\?_]+)/);
    if (result)
        page = result[1];
    if (page)
        page = $(page);
    return page;

function orientChangeHandler()
    var orientation=window.orientation;
    case 0:
    case 90:
    case -90: 

function checkOrientAndLocation()
    if (!hasOrientationEvent)
      if ((window.innerWidth != currentWidth) || (window.innerHeight != currentHeight))
          currentWidth = window.innerWidth;
          currentHeight = window.innerHeight;
          var orient = (currentWidth < currentHeight) ? portraitVal : landscapeVal;

    if (location.hash != currentHash)
        var pageId = location.hash.substr(hashPrefix.length);
        if ((pageId == "") && originalPage)    // Workaround for WebKit Bug #63777
            pageId = originalPage.id;

function setOrientation(orient)
    document.body.setAttribute("orient", orient);
//  Set class in addition to orient attribute:
    if (orient == portraitVal)
        iui.removeClass(document.body, landscapeVal);
        iui.addClass(document.body, portraitVal);
    else if (orient == landscapeVal)
        iui.removeClass(document.body, portraitVal);
        iui.addClass(document.body, landscapeVal);
        iui.removeClass(document.body, portraitVal);
        iui.removeClass(document.body, landscapeVal);
    setTimeout(scrollTo, 100, 0, 1);

function showDialog(page)
    currentDialog = page;
    page.setAttribute("selected", "true");
    if (hasClass(page, "dialog"))

function showForm(form)
    /* Noop click-handler on the page works around problem where
       our main click handler doesn't get called in Mobile Safari */

function cancelDialog(form)

function updatePage(page, fromPage)
    if (!page.id)
        page.id = "__" + (++newPageCount) + "__";

    currentHash = hashPrefix + page.id;
    if (!fromPage)
    {    // If fromPage is null, this is the initial load and we want to replace a hash of "" with "#_home" or whatever the initial page id is.
//        location.replace(location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + location.port + location.pathname + newHash + location.search);
    {    // Otherwise, we want to generate a new history entry
//        location.hash = currentHash;

    var pageTitle = $("pageTitle");
    if (page.title)
        pageTitle.innerHTML = page.title;
    var ttlClass = page.getAttribute("ttlclass");
    pageTitle.className = ttlClass ? ttlClass : "";

    if (page.localName.toLowerCase() == "form")
    var backButton = $("backButton");
    if (backButton)
        var prevPage = $(pageHistory[pageHistory.length-2]);
        if (prevPage && !page.getAttribute("hideBackButton"))
            backButton.style.display = "inline";
            backButton.innerHTML = prevPage.title ? prevPage.title : "Back";
            var bbClass = prevPage.getAttribute("bbclass");
            backButton.className = (bbClass) ? 'button ' + bbClass : 'button';
            backButton.style.display = "none";
    iui.busy = false;
Both panels involved in a slide animation receive `beforetransition` and
`aftertransition` events. The panel being navigated from receives event
parameters `{ out :true }`, the panel being navigated to receives `{ out: false }`.
function slidePages(fromPage, toPage, backwards)
    var axis = (backwards ? fromPage : toPage).getAttribute("axis");

    sendEvent("beforetransition", fromPage, {out:true});
    sendEvent("beforetransition", toPage, {out:false});
    if (canDoSlideAnim() && axis != 'y')
      slide2(fromPage, toPage, backwards, slideDone);
      slide1(fromPage, toPage, backwards, axis, slideDone);

    function slideDone()
      if (!hasClass(toPage, "dialog"))
      checkTimer = setInterval(checkOrientAndLocation, 300);
      setTimeout(updatePage, 0, toPage, fromPage);
      fromPage.removeEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', slideDone, false);
      sendEvent("aftertransition", fromPage, {out:true});
      sendEvent("aftertransition", toPage, {out:false});
      if (backwards) sendEvent("unload", fromPage);    // EVENT: UNLOAD

function canDoSlideAnim()
  return (iui.animOn) && (typeof WebKitCSSMatrix == "object");

function slide1(fromPage, toPage, backwards, axis, cb)
    if (axis == "y")
        (backwards ? fromPage : toPage).style.top = "100%";
        toPage.style.left = "100%";

    scrollTo(0, 1);
    toPage.setAttribute("selected", "true");
    var percent = 100;
    var timer = setInterval(slide, slideInterval);

    function slide()
        percent -= slideSpeed;
        if (percent <= 0)
            percent = 0;
        if (axis == "y")
                ? fromPage.style.top = (100-percent) + "%"
                : toPage.style.top = percent + "%";
            fromPage.style.left = (backwards ? (100-percent) : (percent-100)) + "%"; 
            toPage.style.left = (backwards ? -percent : percent) + "%"; 

function slide2(fromPage, toPage, backwards, cb)
    toPage.style.webkitTransitionDuration = '0ms'; // Turn off transitions to set toPage start offset
    // fromStart is always 0% and toEnd is always 0%
    // iPhone won't take % width on toPage
    var toStart = 'translateX(' + (backwards ? '-' : '') + window.innerWidth +    'px)';
    var fromEnd = 'translateX(' + (backwards ? '100%' : '-100%') + ')';
    toPage.style.webkitTransform = toStart;
    toPage.setAttribute("selected", "true");
    toPage.style.webkitTransitionDuration = '';      // Turn transitions back on
    function startTrans()
        fromPage.style.webkitTransform = fromEnd;
        toPage.style.webkitTransform = 'translateX(0%)'; //toEnd
    fromPage.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', cb, false);
    setTimeout(startTrans, 0);

function preloadImages()
    var preloader = document.createElement("div");
    preloader.id = "preloader";

function submitForm(form)
     if (!iui.busy)
        iui.busy = true;
        iui.addClass(form, "progress");
        iui.showPageByHref(form.getAttribute('action'), encodeForm(form), form.hasAttribute('method') ? form.getAttribute('method') : 'GET', null, clear);
    function clear() {   iui.removeClass(form, "progress"); }

function encodeForm(form)
    function encode(inputs)
        for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i)
            log("input[" + i + "]: " + inputs[i].name + " = " + inputs[i].value);
            if (inputs[i].name)
                var input = inputs[i];
                if (input.getAttribute("type") == "checkbox" && !input.checked ||
                    input.getAttribute("type") == "radio" && !input.checked ||
                if (input.getAttribute("type") == "submit")
                    if (input.getAttribute("submitvalue"))
                    {    // Was marked, this is the value to send, but clear it for next time
                    {    // not marked, don't send value -- continue
                var value = args[input.name];
                if (value === undefined)
                {    // If parm is 'empty' just set it
                    args[input.name] = input.value;
                else if (value instanceof Array)
                {    // If parm is array, add to it
                {    // If parm is scalar, change to array and add to it
                    args[input.name] = [value, input.value];

    var args = {};
    return args;      

function findParent(node, localName)
    while (node && (node.nodeType != 1 || node.localName.toLowerCase() != localName))
        node = node.parentNode;
    return node;

function hasClass(self, name)
    return iui.hasClass(self,name);

function replaceElementWithFrag(replace, frag)
    var page = replace.parentNode;
    var parent = replace;
    while (page.parentNode != document.body)
        page = page.parentNode;
        parent = parent.parentNode;

    var docNode;
    while (frag.firstChild) {
        docNode = page.appendChild(frag.firstChild);
        sendEvent("afterinsert", document.body, {insertedNode:docNode});
    sendEvent("afterinsertend", document.body, {fragment:frag})

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