const Sequelize = require('sequelize'); /** * Convert SQL expression to Javascript value when possible. * Otherwise, default to using Sequelize.literal(...) which will always work. */class DefaultValueExpression { constructor(dialect, type, expression) { this.dialect = dialect; this.type = type; this.expression = expression; } Function `parse` has a Cognitive Complexity of 8 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. parse() { if (this.expression === null || this.expression === undefined) { return null; } try { let result; if (this.dialect === 'postgres') { result = this.parsePostgres(); } else if (this.dialect === 'mysql') { result = this.parseMysql(); } else if (this.dialect === 'mssql') { result = this.parseMsSql(); } if (result === undefined) { result = this.parseGeneric(); } return result !== undefined ? result : Sequelize.literal(this.expression); } catch (e) { return Sequelize.literal(this.expression); } } Function `parseGeneric` has a Cognitive Complexity of 9 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. parseGeneric() { const nulls = ['NULL']; const falses = ['false', 'FALSE', 'b\'0\'', '((0))']; const trues = ['true', 'TRUE', 'b\'1\'', '((1))']; const isDate = ['TIMESTAMP', 'DATETIME', 'DATE', 'TIME']; let result; if (nulls.includes(this.expression) || this.expression.startsWith('NULL::')) { result = null; } else if (falses.includes(this.expression)) { result = false; } else if (trues.includes(this.expression)) { result = true; } else if (/^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$/.test(this.expression)) { result = Number.parseFloat(this.expression); if (result.toString() !== this.expression) { result = Sequelize.literal(this.expression); } } else if (/^'.*'$/.test(this.expression)) { result = this.expression.substr(1, this.expression.length - 2).replace(/''/g, "'"); } else if (isDate) { result = this.literalUnlessMatch(/^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})|(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})|(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})$/); } return result; } parseMysql() { // We have no way of differenciating expressions from constants // => Just make some guesses and default to Sequelize.literal to pass the tests. const isString = this.type.startsWith('VARCHAR') || this.type === 'TEXT' || this.type === 'CHAR'; let result; if (this.type.startsWith('ENUM')) { result = this.expression; } else if (isString) { result = this.literalUnlessMatch(/^[^()]+$/); } else if (this.type === 'JSON') { const match = this.expression.match(/^[_a-z0-9]+\\'(.+)\\'$/); if (match) { result = JSON.parse(match[1]); } } return result; } parsePostgres() { let result; if (/^'.*'::jsonb?$/i.test(this.expression)) { // Special case for json/jsonb const [, content] = this.expression.match(/^'(.*)'::jsonb?$/i); result = JSON.parse(content.replace(/''/g, "'")); } else if (/^'.*'::[a-z_ ]+$/i.test(this.expression)) { // Catches types containing only alpha and spaces (int, varchar, timestamp with timezone, ...) // This excludes arrays or other compound types (int[], ...). const [, content] = this.expression.match(/^'(.*)'::[a-z_ ]+$/i); result = content.replace(/''/g, "'"); } return result; } Function `parseMsSql` has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. parseMsSql() { // Remove wrapping parentheses while (/^\(.*\)$/.test(this.expression)) { this.expression = this.expression.substr(1, this.expression.length - 2); } if (this.type === 'BIT') { if (this.expression === '1') return true; if (this.expression === '0') return false; } return undefined; } literalUnlessMatch(regexp) { return regexp.test(this.expression) ? this.expression : Sequelize.literal(this.expression); }} module.exports = DefaultValueExpression;