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2 hrs
Test Coverage
 * Plugin used to remove any user in a Server Group which is not also in a Verified Database File,
 * REQUIRES: Steam-TS integration to work:
 * @example !purgeVerified
 * @module Plugin-purgeVerified
fs = require("fs");
path = require("path"); = [["!purgeVerified", "Remove invalid users in the Verified Server Group"]];

 * Plugin configuration settings
 * MOVED TO: config.js under 'Integrations > steamTS' settings
 * @version 1.0
 * @property {array} owners - The IDs of ServerGroups which can use this plugin
 * @property {number} group_id - The ID of ServerGroup to be purged
 * @property {String} database_file - Path to the Verified Database File
 * @memberof Plugin-purgeVerified
let config = null;

// Populated later from: config.js under 'steamTS-Intergration' settings
let verified_db_file = null;
let verified_group;
let verified_db_array;

 * This function is called whenever Jarvis recieves a private message
 * Will create a group of channels for a clan and sets the permissions and properties of each channel
 * @version 1.2
 * @memberof Plugin-purgeVerified
 * @param    {String} msg - Message string sent to Jarvis
 * @param    {String} jarvis - Middleware Function: Provides access to certain Jarvis functions.

exports.onMessage = function(msg, jarvis) {
    const message = msg.toLowerCase();
    const invoker = jarvis.invoker;

    if (message == "!purgeverified") {
        // Get configuration settings from config.js
        config = jarvis.integrations.steamTS.config;

        // Check invoker has permissions
        if (!config.owners.some(r => jarvis.groups.indexOf(r) >= 0)) {

        // Read database file
        fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, config.database_file), (err, data) => {
            if (err) {
                invoker.message(`${jarvis.error_message.internal} Steam-TS Verified Database File Missing!`);
                console.error("CATCHED", err.message);
            } else {
                // Check database file is not empty
                if (data === undefined || data.length == 0) {
                    invoker.message(`${jarvis.error_message.internal} Steam-TS Verified Database File Empty!`);
                    console.error("CATCHED", "verified.json empty");

                // Parse JSON verfied file
                verified_db_file = JSON.parse(data);
                verified_db_array = verified_db_file["users"];

                // Get all teamspeak clients in server group
                    .then(res => {
                        // 'res' returns client list as an object, later we will need to iterate
                        // through the clients using an async await function, therfore convert
                        // the object to an array using Object.entries()
                        verified_group = Object.entries(res);
                        invoker.message(`\n[b]Purge Started on Server Group:[/b] (${config.group_id}) Contains ${verified_group.length} users! \n [color=red][b]This may take a while![/b][/color]`);

                        // Run purge function
                        purgeVerified(invoker, jarvis);
                    .catch(err => {
                        console.error("CATCHED", err.message);

 * This function will attempt to remove any user in a Server Group which is not also in a Verified Database File
 * @version 1.1
 * @memberof Plugin-purgeVerified
 * @async
 * @param    {String} jarvis - Middleware Function: Provides access to certain Jarvis functions.
 * @param    {Object} invoker - The Teamspeak Client object which made the request
async function purgeVerified(invoker, jarvis) {
    let counter = 0;
    // Loop through all users in the Verified Server Group
    for (let element of verified_group) {
        // Store Teamspeak Client details
        let found = false;
        let sg_user_db_id = element[1].cldbid.toString();
        let sg_user_id = element[1].client_unique_identifier;
        let sg_user_name = element[1].client_nickname;
        // Loop through the Verfied Users Database
        for (let i = 0; i < verified_db_array.length; i++) {
            let db_user_id = verified_db_array[i].teamspeakid;
            if (sg_user_id === db_user_id) {
                found = true;

        // User was not found in the Verified Users Database, thus they are invalid and are removed from the server group
        if (!found) {
            await jarvis.ts
                .serverGroupDelClient(sg_user_db_id, config.group_id)
                .then(res => {
          `Purging: ${sg_user_name}`);
                    invoker.message(`Purging: [color=#0069ff][b]${sg_user_name}[/b][/color] ID: ${sg_user_id}`);
                .catch(err => {
                    console.error("CATCHED", err.message);
                    client.message(jarvis.error_message.external + err.message);

    // Send invoker information about The Purge!!
    invoker.message(`${verified_group.length} total verified users on Teamspeak!`);
    invoker.message(`${verified_db_array.length} total verified users in database!`);
    if (counter > 0) {
        invoker.message(`[b]FINISHED[/b]: ${counter} users purged from server group!`);
    } else {
        invoker.message(`[b]FINISHED[/b]: No invalid users found!`);