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Test Coverage
# NanoTwitter  [![Code Climate](](

NanoTwitter is a ruby app with basic function of twitter. You can follow other users, tweet, like tweets and so on.  
# Authors

- **[Jiadong Yan](**
- **[Jiaming Xu](**
- **[Xinyi Jiang](**

# Summary Statement
This project is a web application with the basic function of twitter. A logged in user can tweet, follow and unfollow other users, like and unlike tweet. A user can see all the tweets of his/her followings in the timeline.

We provide RESTful apis, which send reponses in json. We also provide a [client library]( which send and process http request to our apis.

We optimize our application to handle large scalability problems. Techniques we used including cache, multiple threads, queue, seperate service.

# Technology Description
We build this web application step by step with frequent integration of code using ***[Github](, [Codeship](, [Heroku](***.    
1. Design the overall functionality and database(We use ***[PostgreSQL](***) schema.  
2. Build the simple skeleton of a ***[Sinatra](*** application.  
3. Design APIs that have the fundamental interaction with our database.  
4. We use ***[ActiveRecord](*** to abstract database, which is a great tool implementing ORM(object-relation mapping).  
5. Build some mini-tests and create test interface.  
6. Create UI with ***[erb](*** (embedded ruby) and use ***[JQuery](*** to control some behavior of the website elements.  
7. Include some ***[CDN](*** to beautify the website, such as ***[Bootstrap](***.  
8. Using ***[Redis](***(a cache) to speed up the response by reducing direct database operations.  
9. Using ***[RabbitMQ](***(queue, RPC) to communicate between different servers.  

# Interesting Engineering
1. We can pop up the single tweet when you click on this tweet, which is implemented by ***[JQuery](***.
2. We have another ***[Sinatra](*** application running on ***[Heroku](*** that works as a web service for notification.
3. We have a special function that the app will recommend some users may interest to current user realized by shuffle. `shuffle(arr, k)` is an interesting method that input an array and a number k. Then it will return k random elements without repetition.

# Getting Started

Notification service repo:  
We must visit to start our web service for notification.  
Main website:  
You are welcome to sign up and have fun.

## Running the tests

**How to run tests**
rake (run all minitests)
ruby test/testUser/testGet.rb
ruby test/testUser/testUserCreate.rb
ruby test/testUser/testFollowUnfollow.rb
ruby test/testUser/testEditProfile.rb
ruby test/testTweet/testTweetCreate.rb
# Screenshots

- ***Click the awesome image to see our descriptive video.[If you are curious about our voice :) ]***

# Built with

- Ruby
- Sinatra
- Activerecord
- PostgreSQL
- Javascript
- JQuery
- Bootstrap
- Bootbox
- Rake
- Redis
- RabbitMQ
- Resque
- Rack
- ...

# Loader Test Results
- **0-1000 over 1 min with the root url not logged in**
  1. Max # of clients active:1000
  2. What time stopped:1min
  3. average response time (ms):2503
  4. min/max response times:15/7151
  5. Error Rate:0%
  6. total successes (response counts):11137
- **0 - 500 in 1 min Logged In (Test 2) - User14, Verda**
  1. Max # of clients active:500
  2. What time stopped:1min
  3. average response time (ms):1987
  4. min/max response times:12/4842
  5. Error Rate:0%
  6. total successes (response counts):6987
- **Logged in Random Tweets (Test 3) 0-500 clients over 1 min**
  1. Max # of clients active:500
  2. What time stopped:1min
  3. average response time (ms):3353
  4. min/max response times:17/7750
  5. Error Rate:0%
  6. total successes (response counts):4011
  7. random send tweet:"Hello,bonnie"
- **All complete! Cheers!**

-  **Result Of Scalability Work**
  ![Result Of Scalability Work](

# Version

# License

This project is licensed under MIT License

# Acknowledgments

Thanks for Professor **Pito Salas**'s great guide and help from teaching assistants **Karishma Reddy Khan** and **Alex Suk**.  

# Tips

1. To run the test, conduct `rake db:test:prepare` and `rake db:test:load`
   Then type `rake` in the terminal to run all the test
2. Reset database: `heroku pg:reset DATABASE_URL`
3. We must flush all redis after test api used, and restart app.
run `heroku redis:cli`  `flushall`
4. `heroku run rake db:migrate`
5. `lsof -i :4567` to see which process is running in port 4567
6. will start the rabbitmq notification service

# Steps in local:

1. git clone
2. install redis in local and run redis by `redis-server` links: <> follow readme to install redis first
3. install RabbitMQ server by `brew update`, `brew install rabbitmq`, should first install brew first. Run rabbitmq by `rabbitmq-server` if you have some problem to start, try `sudo chown $(whoami) /usr/local/share/man/man3` and `sudo chown $(whoami) /usr/local/share/man/man5`
4. install all gems by `bundle install`
5. install [PostgreSQL]( and open it
6. run `rake db:migrate`
7. run `ruby app.rb` to start the service
8. open `` in the web browser
9. reset data using test api
10. done!!!

# Last Modify Date
Dec 8, 2016