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# Custom Conan Plugins

Creating your own Conan Plugin is very simple, involving only a few steps:

1. **[Design The Plugin Interface](#1designtheplugininterface)**
2. **[Create a Plugin Constructor](#2createapluginconstructor)**
3. **[Add Components](#3addcomponents)**
4. **[Add Steps To Components](#4addstepstocomponents)**
5. **[Create Each Deployment Step](#5createeachdeploymentstep)**
6. **[Publish Your Plugin](#6publishyourplugin)**

## Basic Conan Plugin Anatomy

While you can use any directory structure you'd like with conan plugins, here is a bare-bones example that we'll use throughout this document:

``` shell
$ tree my-conan-plugin/
├── lib
│   ├── component.js
│   └── plugin.js
├── package.json

## 1. Design The Plugin Interface

Ultimately, your plugin is going to be used in someone's `conan.js` file (or equivalent), so it's a good idea to begin designing your plugin there.

For this example, we're going to design an interface for logging into a posix-based server on port 8000, then:

1. Change directory to `~/myApp`
2. Clone a git repository to `~/myApp/releases/${currentDate}`
3. Remove the current soft link to the previous release.
4. Create a new soft link to the new current release.


``` javascript
const conan = new Conan({});


conan.components.posixServer.forEach(server => {
        .gitClone("", "releases/2016-02-10")
        .softLink("releases/2016-02-10", "current");

conan.deploy(error => {
    if (error) { throw error; }
    // Deployment is complete

## 2: Create a Plugin Constructor

Conan's plugin system is as simple and un-opinionated as it gets. You start by creating a normal constructor that accepts the current instance of `conan` as its sole argument. This can be done with classic es5 constructors, or the es6 `class` keyword as well:


``` javascript
// ES5
module.exports = function PosixServerPlugin(conan) {
    this.conan = conan;

``` javascript
// ES6
export default class PosixServerPlugin {
    constructor(conan) {
        this.conan = conan;

## 3: Add Components

`Components` designate parts of a plugin's interface, and the `deployment steps` to be run. For example, let's setup the `posixServer` component and add it to conan in `plugin.js`:


``` javascript
import { ConanComponent } from "conan";

class PosixServer extends ConanComponent {
    constructor(hostName, conan) {
        this.conan = conan;

        // Each designated parameter will be given its own
        // getter/setter function on the component instance:

        // this.hostName() was created by this.parameters()


``` javascript
import PosixServer from "./component.js";

export default class CustomConanPlugin {
    constructor(conan) {
        // This will create conan.posixServer, which
        // will return an instance of PosixServer
        conan.addComponent("posixServer", PosixServer);

## 4: Add Steps To Components


``` javascript
import { ConanComponent } from "conan";

import loginToServer from "./steps/loginToServer.js";
import changeDirectory from "./steps/changeDirectory.js";
import gitClone from "./steps/gitClone.js";
import remove from "./steps/remove.js";
import softLink from "./steps/softLink.js";

class PosixServer extends ConanComponent {
    constructor(hostName, conan) {
        this.conan = conan;

        // Each designated parameter will be given its own
        // getter/setter function on the component instance:

        // this.hostName() was created by this.parameters()

        // Add default steps here
        this.conan.steps.add(loginToServer, {
            server: this


        this.stepParameters = {
            server: this

    changeDirectory(directoryPath) {
        this.stepParameters.directoryPath = directoryPath;
        this.conan.steps.add(changeDirectory, this.stepParameters);

    gitClone(gitRepoUri, localDirectoryPath) {
        this.stepParameters.gitRepoUri = gitRepoUri;
        this.stepParameters.localDirectoryPath = localDirectoryPath;
        this.conan.steps.add(gitClone, this.stepParameters);

    remove(filePath) {
        this.stepParameters.filePath = filePath;
        this.conan.steps.add(remove, this.stepParameters);

    softLink(fromFilePath, toFilePath) {
        this.stepParameters.fromFilePath = fromFilePath;
        this.stepParameters.toFilePath = toFilePath;
        this.conan.steps.add(softLink, this.stepParameters);

# 5: Create Each Deployment Step

Each step is a single function that automatically receives exactly three arguments:

* **conan** - This is the instance of conan you're using.
* **context** - An object with three properties:
    * **context.parameters** - The parameters sent in by your plugin.
    * **context.libraries** - Libraries you can setup to be available to every step.
    * **context.results** - An aggregate of each result value passed back by each step.
* **stepDone** - The callback for when the step has completed. Accepts an error as the first argument, and an object as the second which is aggregated into `context.results`;

For example, here is the complete step for the above example's `loginToServer` step:


``` javascript
import SSH from "simple-ssh";

export default function loginToServer(conan, context, stepDone) {
    const server = context.parameters.server;

    const hostName = server.hostName();
    const userName = server.username();
    const password = server.password();
    const port = server.port();

    const ssh = new SSH({
        host: hostName,
        user: userName,
        pass: password,
        port: port
    }).on("ready", () => {
        stepDone(null, {
            ssh: ssh

**Note:** Any property you set on the return value object of stepDone will be aggregated onto `context.results`, and any duplicate values set will overwrite the previous.

# 6: Publish Your Plugin

After your steps and components are completed, you'll want to publish your plugin some place where others can find it. To do this, just add the keyword `conan-plugin` to your package.json file and publish as you would normally to `npm`. Voila! Your plugin is published and ready to be shared with others!

``` javascript
  "name": "my-conan-plugin",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "Deploy to posix-based web servers with ease!",
  "main": "lib/plugin.js",
  "scripts": {},
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": ""
  "keywords": [
  "author": "My Company, LLC",
  "license": "MIT",
  "bugs": {
    "url": ""
  "homepage": "",
  "dependencies": {},
  "devDependencies": { }
