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package grimoire

import (


// Query defines information about query generated by query builder.
type Query struct {
    repo            *Repo
    Collection      string
    Fields          []string
    AggregateField  string
    AggregateMode   string
    AsDistinct      bool
    JoinClause      []c.Join
    Condition       c.Condition
    GroupFields     []string
    HavingCondition c.Condition
    OrderClause     []c.Order
    OffsetResult    int
    LimitResult     int
    LockClause      string
    Changes         map[string]interface{}

// Select filter fields to be selected from database.
func (query Query) Select(fields ...string) Query {
    query.Fields = fields
    return query

// Distinct add distinct option to select query.
func (query Query) Distinct() Query {
    query.AsDistinct = true
    return query

// Join current collection with other collection.
func (query Query) Join(collection string, condition ...c.Condition) Query {
    return query.JoinWith("JOIN", collection, condition...)

// JoinWith current collection with other collection with custom join mode.
func (query Query) JoinWith(mode string, collection string, condition ...c.Condition) Query {
    if len(condition) == 0 {
        query.JoinClause = append(query.JoinClause, c.Join{
            Mode:       mode,
            Collection: collection,
            Condition: c.And(c.Eq(
                c.I(query.Collection+"."+strings.TrimSuffix(collection, "s")+"_id"),
    } else {
        query.JoinClause = append(query.JoinClause, c.Join{
            Mode:       mode,
            Collection: collection,
            Condition:  c.And(condition...),

    return query

// Where expressions are used to filter the result set. If there is more than one where expression, they are combined with an and operator.
func (query Query) Where(condition ...c.Condition) Query {
    query.Condition = query.Condition.And(condition...)
    return query

// OrWhere behaves exactly the same as where except it combines with any previous expression by using an OR.
func (query Query) OrWhere(condition ...c.Condition) Query {
    query.Condition = query.Condition.Or(c.And(condition...))
    return query

// Group query using fields.
func (query Query) Group(fields ...string) Query {
    query.GroupFields = fields
    return query

// Having adds condition for group query.
func (query Query) Having(condition ...c.Condition) Query {
    query.HavingCondition = query.HavingCondition.And(condition...)
    return query

// OrHaving behaves exactly the same as having except it combines with any previous expression by using an OR.
func (query Query) OrHaving(condition ...c.Condition) Query {
    query.HavingCondition = query.HavingCondition.Or(c.And(condition...))
    return query

// Order the result returned by database.
func (query Query) Order(order ...c.Order) Query {
    query.OrderClause = append(query.OrderClause, order...)
    return query

// Offset the result returned by database.
func (query Query) Offset(offset int) Query {
    query.OffsetResult = offset
    return query

// Limit result returned by database.
func (query Query) Limit(limit int) Query {
    query.LimitResult = limit
    return query

// Lock query using pessimistic locking.
// Lock expression can be specified as first parameter, default to FOR UPDATE.
func (query Query) Lock(lock ...string) Query {
    if !query.repo.inTransaction {
        return query

    if len(lock) > 0 {
        query.LockClause = lock[0]
    } else {
        query.LockClause = "FOR UPDATE"

    return query

// Find adds where id=? into query.
// This is short cut for Where(Eq(I("id"), 1))
func (query Query) Find(id interface{}) Query {
    return query.FindBy("id", id)

// FindBy adds where col=? into query.
func (query Query) FindBy(col string, val interface{}) Query {
    return query.Where(c.Eq(c.I(query.Collection+"."+col), val))

// Set value for insert or update operation that will replace changeset value.
func (query Query) Set(field string, value interface{}) Query {
    if query.Changes == nil {
        query.Changes = make(map[string]interface{})

    query.Changes[field] = value
    return query

// One retrieves one result that match the query.
// If no result found, it'll return not found error.
func (query Query) One(record interface{}) error {
    query.LimitResult = 1
    count, err := query.repo.adapter.All(query, record, query.repo.logger...)

    if err != nil {
        return transformError(err)
    } else if count == 0 {
        return errors.New("no result found", "", errors.NotFound)
    } else {
        return nil

// MustOne retrieves one result that match the query.
// If no result found, it'll panic.
func (query Query) MustOne(record interface{}) {

// All retrieves all results that match the query.
func (query Query) All(record interface{}) error {
    _, err := query.repo.adapter.All(query, record, query.repo.logger...)
    return err

// MustAll retrieves all results that match the query.
// It'll panic if any error eccured.
func (query Query) MustAll(record interface{}) {

// Aggregate calculate aggregate over the given field.
func (query Query) Aggregate(mode string, field string, out interface{}) error {
    query.AggregateMode = mode
    query.AggregateField = field
    return query.repo.adapter.Aggregate(query, out, query.repo.logger...)

// MustAggregate calculate aggregate over the given field.
// It'll panic if any error eccured.
func (query Query) MustAggregate(mode string, field string, out interface{}) {
    must(query.Aggregate(mode, field, out))

// Count retrieves count of results that match the query.
func (query Query) Count() (int, error) {
    var out struct {
        Count int

    err := query.Aggregate("count", "*", &out)
    return out.Count, err

// MustCount retrieves count of results that match the query.
// It'll panic if any error eccured.
func (query Query) MustCount() int {
    count, err := query.Count()
    return count

// Insert records to database.
func (query Query) Insert(record interface{}, chs ...*changeset.Changeset) error {
    var err error
    var ids []interface{}

    if len(chs) == 1 {
        // single insert
        ch := chs[0]
        changes := make(map[string]interface{})
        cloneChangeset(changes, ch.Changes())
        putTimestamp(changes, "created_at", ch.Types())
        putTimestamp(changes, "updated_at", ch.Types())
        cloneQuery(changes, query.Changes)

        var id interface{}
        id, err = query.repo.adapter.Insert(query, changes, query.repo.logger...)
        ids = append(ids, id)
    } else if len(chs) > 1 {
        // multiple insert
        fields := getFields(query, chs)

        allchanges := make([]map[string]interface{}, len(chs))
        for i, ch := range chs {
            changes := make(map[string]interface{})
            cloneChangeset(changes, ch.Changes())
            putTimestamp(changes, "created_at", ch.Types())
            putTimestamp(changes, "updated_at", ch.Types())
            cloneQuery(changes, query.Changes)

            allchanges[i] = changes

        ids, err = query.repo.adapter.InsertAll(query, fields, allchanges, query.repo.logger...)
    } else if len(query.Changes) > 0 {
        // set only
        var id interface{}
        id, err = query.repo.adapter.Insert(query, query.Changes, query.repo.logger...)
        ids = append(ids, id)

    if err != nil {
        return transformError(err, chs...)
    } else if record == nil || len(ids) == 0 {
        return nil
    } else if len(ids) == 1 {
        return transformError(query.Find(ids[0]).One(record))

    return transformError(query.Where(c.In(c.I("id"), ids...)).All(record))

// MustInsert records to database.
// It'll panic if any error occurred.
func (query Query) MustInsert(record interface{}, chs ...*changeset.Changeset) {
    must(query.Insert(record, chs...))

// Update records in database.
// It'll panic if any error occurred.
func (query Query) Update(record interface{}, chs ...*changeset.Changeset) error {
    changes := make(map[string]interface{})

    // only take the first changeset if any
    if len(chs) != 0 {
        cloneChangeset(changes, chs[0].Changes())
        putTimestamp(changes, "updated_at", chs[0].Types())

    cloneQuery(changes, query.Changes)

    // nothing to update
    if len(changes) == 0 {
        return nil

    // perform update
    err := query.repo.adapter.Update(query, changes, query.repo.logger...)
    if err != nil {
        return transformError(err, chs...)

    // should not fetch updated record(s) if not necessery
    if record != nil {
        return transformError(query.All(record))

    return nil

// MustUpdate records in database.
// It'll panic if any error occurred.
func (query Query) MustUpdate(record interface{}, chs ...*changeset.Changeset) {
    must(query.Update(record, chs...))

func cloneChangeset(out map[string]interface{}, changes map[string]interface{}) {
    for k, v := range changes {
        // skip if not scannable
        if v == nil || !internal.Scannable(reflect.TypeOf(v)) {

        out[k] = v

func cloneQuery(out map[string]interface{}, changes map[string]interface{}) {
    for k, v := range changes {
        out[k] = v

func putTimestamp(out map[string]interface{}, field string, types map[string]reflect.Type) {
    if typ, ok := types[field]; ok && typ == reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}) {
        out[field] = time.Now().Round(time.Second)

func getFields(query Query, chs []*changeset.Changeset) []string {
    fields := make([]string, 0, len(chs[0].Types()))

    for f := range chs[0].Types() {
        if f == "created_at" || f == "updated_at" {
            fields = append(fields, f)

        if _, exist := query.Changes[f]; exist {
            fields = append(fields, f)

        for _, ch := range chs {
            if _, exist := ch.Changes()[f]; exist {
                // skip if not scannable
                if !internal.Scannable(ch.Types()[f]) {

                fields = append(fields, f)

    return fields

// Save a record to database.
// If condition exist, it will try to update the record, otherwise it'll insert it.
// Save ignores id from record.
func (query Query) Save(record interface{}) error {
    rv := reflect.ValueOf(record)
    rt := rv.Type()
    if rt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && rt.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Slice {
        // Put multiple records
        rv = rv.Elem()

        // if it's an empty slice, do nothing
        if rv.Len() == 0 {
            return nil

        if query.Condition.None() {
            // InsertAll
            chs := []*changeset.Changeset{}

            for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
                ch := changeset.Convert(rv.Index(i).Interface())
                changeset.DeleteChange(ch, "id")
                chs = append(chs, ch)

            return query.Insert(record, chs...)

        // Update only with first record definition.
        ch := changeset.Convert(rv.Index(0).Interface())
        changeset.DeleteChange(ch, "id")
        changeset.DeleteChange(ch, "created_at")
        return query.Update(record, ch)

    // Put single records
    ch := changeset.Convert(record)
    changeset.DeleteChange(ch, "id")

    if query.Condition.None() {
        return query.Insert(record, ch)

    // remove created_at from changeset
    changeset.DeleteChange(ch, "created_at")

    return query.Update(record, ch)

// MustSave puts a record to database.
// It'll panic if any error eccured.
func (query Query) MustSave(record interface{}) {

// Delete deletes all results that match the query.
func (query Query) Delete() error {
    return transformError(query.repo.adapter.Delete(query, query.repo.logger...))

// MustDelete deletes all results that match the query.
// It'll panic if any error eccured.
func (query Query) MustDelete() {

type preloadTarget struct {
    schema reflect.Value
    field  reflect.Value

// Preload loads association with given query.
func (query Query) Preload(record interface{}, field string) error {
    var (
        path = strings.Split(field, ".")
        rv   = reflect.ValueOf(record)

    if rv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || rv.IsNil() {
        panic("grimoire: record parameter must be a pointer.")

    preload := traversePreloadTarget(rv.Elem(), path)
    if len(preload) == 0 {
        return nil

    schemaType := preload[0].schema.Type()
    refIndex, fkIndex, column := schema.InferAssociation(schemaType, path[len(path)-1])

    addrs, ids := collectPreloadTarget(preload, refIndex)
    if len(ids) == 0 {
        return nil

    // prepare temp result variable for querying
    rt := preload[0].field.Type()
    if rt.Kind() == reflect.Slice || rt.Kind() == reflect.Array || rt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
        rt = rt.Elem()

    slice := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(rt), 0, 0)
    result := reflect.New(slice.Type())

    // query all records using collected ids.
    err := query.Where(c.In(c.I(column), ids...)).All(result.Interface())
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // map results.
    result = result.Elem()
    for i := 0; i < result.Len(); i++ {
        curr := result.Index(i)
        id := getPreloadID(curr.FieldByIndex(fkIndex))

        for _, addr := range addrs[id] {
            if addr.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
                addr.Set(reflect.Append(addr, curr))
            } else if addr.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
                currP := reflect.New(curr.Type())
            } else {

    return nil

// MustPreload loads association with given query.
// It'll panic if any error occurred.
func (query Query) MustPreload(record interface{}, field string) {
    must(query.Preload(record, field))

func traversePreloadTarget(rv reflect.Value, path []string) []preloadTarget {
    result := []preloadTarget{}
    rt := rv.Type()

    if rt.Kind() == reflect.Slice || rt.Kind() == reflect.Array {
        for i := 0; i < rv.Len(); i++ {
            result = append(result, traversePreloadTarget(rv.Index(i), path)...)
        return result

    // forward to next path.
    fv := rv.FieldByName(path[0])
    if !fv.IsValid() || (fv.Kind() != reflect.Struct && fv.Kind() != reflect.Slice && fv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr) {
        panic("grimoire: field (" + path[0] + ") is not a struct, a slice or a pointer.")

    if fv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && len(path) != 1 {
        if fv.IsNil() {
            return result

        fv = fv.Elem()

    if len(path) == 1 {
        result = append(result, preloadTarget{
            schema: rv,
            field:  fv,
    } else {
        result = append(result, traversePreloadTarget(fv, path[1:])...)

    return result

func collectPreloadTarget(preload []preloadTarget, refIndex []int) (map[interface{}][]reflect.Value, []interface{}) {
    addrs := make(map[interface{}][]reflect.Value)
    ids := []interface{}{}

    for i := range preload {
        refv := preload[i].schema.FieldByIndex(refIndex)
        fv := preload[i].field

        // Skip if nil
        if refv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && refv.IsNil() {

        id := getPreloadID(refv)

        // reset to zero if slice.
        if fv.Kind() == reflect.Slice || fv.Kind() == reflect.Array {
            fv.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(fv.Type(), 0, 0))

        addrs[id] = append(addrs[id], fv)

        // add to ids if not yet added.
        if len(addrs[id]) == 1 {
            ids = append(ids, id)

    return addrs, ids

func getPreloadID(fv reflect.Value) interface{} {
    if fv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
        return fv.Elem().Interface()

    return fv.Interface()

func transformError(err error, chs ...*changeset.Changeset) error {
    if err == nil {
        return nil
    } else if e, ok := err.(errors.Error); ok {
        if len(chs) > 0 {
            return chs[0].Constraints().GetError(e)
        return e
    } else {
        return errors.NewUnexpected(err.Error())

// must is grimoire version of paranoid.Panic without context, but only original error.
func must(err error) {
    if err != nil {