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Test Coverage
package schema

import (

var associationCache sync.Map

type associationKey struct {
    rt    reflect.Type
    field string

type association struct {
    refIndex []int
    fkIndex  []int
    column   string

// InferAssociation from a field in a struct type.
func InferAssociation(rt reflect.Type, field string) ([]int, []int, string) {
    key := associationKey{
        rt:    rt,
        field: field,

    if val, cached := associationCache.Load(key); cached {
        data := val.(association)
        return data.refIndex, data.fkIndex, data.column

    st, exist := rt.FieldByName(field)
    if !exist {
        panic("grimoire: field named (" + field + ") not found ")

    var (
        ft   = st.Type
        ref  = st.Tag.Get("references")
        fk   = st.Tag.Get("foreign_key")
        data = association{}

    if ft.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || ft.Kind() == reflect.Slice || ft.Kind() == reflect.Array {
        ft = ft.Elem()

    // Try to guess ref and fk if not defined.
    if ref == "" || fk == "" {
        if _, isBelongsTo := rt.FieldByName(st.Name + "ID"); isBelongsTo {
            ref = st.Name + "ID"
            fk = "ID"
        } else {
            ref = "ID"
            fk = rt.Name() + "ID"

    if reft, exist := rt.FieldByName(ref); !exist {
        panic("grimoire: references (" + ref + ") field not found ")
    } else {
        data.refIndex = reft.Index

    if fkt, exist := ft.FieldByName(fk); !exist {
        panic("grimoire: foreign_key (" + fk + ") field not found " + fk)
    } else {
        data.fkIndex = fkt.Index
        data.column = inferFieldName(fkt)

    associationCache.Store(key, data)
    return data.refIndex, data.fkIndex, data.column