* *****************************************************************************
* Contributions to this work were made on behalf of the GÉANT project, a
* project that has received funding from the European Union’s Framework
* Programme 7 under Grant Agreements No. 238875 (GN3) and No. 605243 (GN3plus),
* Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreements No.
* 691567 (GN4-1) and No. 731122 (GN4-2).
* On behalf of the aforementioned projects, GEANT Association is the sole owner
* of the copyright in all material which was developed by a member of the GÉANT
* project. GÉANT Vereniging (Association) is registered with the Chamber of
* Commerce in Amsterdam with registration number 40535155 and operates in the
* UK as a branch of GÉANT Vereniging.
* Registered office: Hoekenrode 3, 1102BR Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
* UK branch address: City House, 126-130 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1PQ, UK
* License: see the web/ file in the file structure or
* <base_url>/copyright.php after deploying the software
* This class manages user privileges and bindings to institutions
* @author Stefan Winter <>
* @author Tomasz Wolniewicz <>
* @package Developer
* necessary includes
namespace core;
* This class represents a known CAT User (i.e. an institution and/or federation adiministrator).
* @author Stefan Winter <>
* @package Developer
class User extends EntityWithDBProperties
* @var string
public $userName;
* Class constructor. The required argument is a user's persistent identifier as was returned by the authentication source.
* @param string $userId User Identifier as per authentication source
public function __construct($userId)
$this->databaseType = "USER";
parent::__construct(); // database handle is now available
$this->attributes = [];
$this->entityOptionTable = "user_options";
$this->entityIdColumn = "user_id";
$this->identifier = 0; // not used
$this->userName = $userId;
$optioninstance = Options::instance();
if (\config\ConfAssistant::CONSORTIUM['name'] == "eduroam" && isset(\config\ConfAssistant::CONSORTIUM['deployment-voodoo']) && \config\ConfAssistant::CONSORTIUM['deployment-voodoo'] == "Operations Team") { // SW: APPROVED
// e d u r o a m DB doesn't follow the usual approach
// we could get multiple rows below (if administering multiple
// federations), so consolidate all into the usual options
$info = $this->databaseHandle->exec("SELECT email, common_name, role, realm FROM view_admin WHERE eptid = ?", "s", $this->userName);
$visited = FALSE;
// SELECT -> resource, not boolean
while ($userDetailQuery = mysqli_fetch_object(/** @scrutinizer ignore-type */ $info)) {
if (!$visited) {
$mailOptinfo = $optioninstance->optionType("user:email");
$this->attributes[] = ["name" => "user:email", "lang" => NULL, "value" => $userDetailQuery->email, "level" => Options::LEVEL_USER, "row_id" => 0, "flag" => $mailOptinfo['flag']];
$realnameOptinfo = $optioninstance->optionType("user:realname");
$this->attributes[] = ["name" => "user:realname", "lang" => NULL, "value" => $userDetailQuery->common_name, "level" => Options::LEVEL_USER, "row_id" => 0, "flag" => $realnameOptinfo['flag']];
$visited = TRUE;
if ($userDetailQuery->role == "fedadmin") {
$optinfo = $optioninstance->optionType("user:fedadmin");
$this->attributes[] = ["name" => "user:fedadmin", "lang" => NULL, "value" => strtoupper($userDetailQuery->realm), "level" => Options::LEVEL_USER, "row_id" => 0, "flag" => $optinfo['flag']];
} else {
$this->attributes = $this->retrieveOptionsFromDatabase("SELECT DISTINCT option_name, option_lang, option_value, row_id
FROM $this->entityOptionTable
WHERE $this->entityIdColumn = ?", "User");
* This function checks whether a user is a federation administrator. When called without argument, it only checks if the
* user is a federation administrator of *any* federation. When given a parameter (ISO shortname of federation), it checks
* if the user administers this particular federation.
* @param string $federation optional: federation to be checked
* @return boolean TRUE if the user is federation admin, FALSE if not
public function isFederationAdmin($federation = 0)
$feds = $this->getAttributes("user:fedadmin");
if (count($feds) == 0) { // not a fedadmin at all
return FALSE;
if ($federation === 0) { // fedadmin for one; that's all we want to know
return TRUE;
foreach ($feds as $fed) { // check if authz is for requested federation
if (strtoupper($fed['value']) == strtoupper($federation)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE; // no luck so far? Not the admin we are looking for.
* This function tests if the current user has been configured as the system superadmin, i.e. if the user is allowed
* to execute the 112365365321.php script and obtain read-only access to admin areas.
* @return boolean TRUE if the user is a superadmin, FALSE if not
public function isSuperadmin()
return in_array($this->userName, \config\Master::SUPERADMINS);
* This function tests if the current user has been configured as the system superadmin, i.e. if the user is allowed
* obtain read-only access to admin areas.
* @return boolean TRUE if the user is a support member, FALSE if not
public function isSupport()
return in_array($this->userName, \config\Master::SUPPORT);
* This function tests if the current user is an ovner of a given IdP
* @param int $idp integer identifier of the IdP
* @return boolean TRUE if the user is an owner, FALSE if not
public function isIdPOwner($idp)
$temp = new IdP($idp);
foreach ($temp->listOwners() as $oneowner) {
if ($oneowner['ID'] == $this->userName) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* This function lists all institution ids for which the user appears as admin
* @return array if institution ids.
public function listOwnerships() {
$dbHandle = \core\DBConnection::handle("INST");
$query = $dbHandle->exec("SELECT institution_id FROM ownership WHERE user_id='".$this->userName."'");
return array_column($query->fetch_all(), 0);
* shorthand function for email sending to the user
* @param string $subject addressee of the mail
* @param string $content content of the mail
* @return boolean did it work?
public function sendMailToUser($subject, $content)
$mailaddr = $this->getAttributes("user:email");
if (count($mailaddr) == 0) { // we don't know user's mail address
return FALSE;
$mail = \core\common\OutsideComm::mailHandle();
// who to whom?
$mail->FromName = \config\Master::APPEARANCE['productname'] . " Notification System";
$mail->addReplyTo(\config\Master::APPEARANCE['support-contact']['developer-mail'], \config\Master::APPEARANCE['productname'] . " " . _("Feedback"));
// what do we want to say?
$mail->Subject = $subject;
$mail->Body = $content;
$sent = $mail->send();
return $sent;
* NOOP in this class, only need to override abstract base class
* @return void
public function updateFreshness()
// User is always fresh
"eduPersonTargetedID" => "eduGAIN",
"facebook_targetedID" => "Facebook",
"google_eppn" => "Google",
"linkedin_targetedID" => "LinkedIn",
"twitter_targetedID" => "Twitter",
"openid" => "Google (defunct)",
* Some users apparently forget which eduGAIN/social ID they originally used
* to log into CAT. We can try to help them: if they tell us the email
* address by which they received the invitation token, then we can see if
* any CAT IdPs are associated to an account which originally came in via
* that email address. We then see which pretty-print auth provider name
* was used
* @param string $mail mail address to search with
* @param string $lang language for the eduGAIN request
* @return boolean|array the list of auth source IdPs we found for the mail, or FALSE if none found or invalid input
public static function findLoginIdPByEmail($mail, $lang)
$loggerInstance = new common\Logging();
$listOfProviders = [];
$matchedProviders = [];
$skipCurl = 0;
$realmail = filter_var($mail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
if ($realmail === FALSE) {
return FALSE;
$dbHandle = \core\DBConnection::handle("INST");
$query = $dbHandle->exec("SELECT user_id FROM ownership WHERE orig_mail = ?", "s", $realmail);
// SELECT -> resource, not boolean
while ($oneRow = mysqli_fetch_object(/** @scrutinizer ignore-type */ $query)) {
$matches = [];
$lookFor = "";
foreach (User::PROVIDER_STRINGS as $name => $prettyname) {
if ($lookFor != "") {
$lookFor .= "|";
$lookFor .= "$name";
$finding = preg_match("/^(" . $lookFor . "):(.*)/", $oneRow->user_id, $matches);
if ($finding === 0 || $finding === FALSE) {
return FALSE;
$providerStrings = array_keys(User::PROVIDER_STRINGS);
switch ($matches[1]) {
case $providerStrings[0]: // eduGAIN needs to find the exact IdP behind it
$moreMatches = [];
$exactIdP = preg_match("/.*!(.*)$/", $matches[2], $moreMatches);
if ($exactIdP === 0 || $exactIdP === FALSE) {
$idp = $moreMatches[1];
if (!in_array($idp, $matchedProviders)) {
$matchedProviders[] = $idp;
$name = $idp;
if ($skipCurl == 0) {
$url = \config\Diagnostics::EDUGAINRESOLVER['url'] . "?action=get_entity_name&type=idp&e_id=$idp&lang=$lang";
$ch = curl_init($url);
if ($ch === FALSE) {
$loggerInstance->debug(2, "Unable ask eduGAIN about IdP - CURL init failed!");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, \config\Diagnostics::EDUGAINRESOLVER['timeout']);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
if (is_bool($response)) { // catch both FALSE and TRUE because we use CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER
$skipCurl = 1;
} else {
$name = json_decode($response);
$listOfProviders[] = User::PROVIDER_STRINGS[$providerStrings[0]] . " - IdP: " . $name;
case $providerStrings[1]:
case $providerStrings[2]:
case $providerStrings[3]:
case $providerStrings[4]:
case $providerStrings[5]:
if (!in_array(User::PROVIDER_STRINGS[$matches[1]], $listOfProviders)) {
$listOfProviders[] = User::PROVIDER_STRINGS[$matches[1]];
return FALSE;
return $listOfProviders;