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title: Agile Contracts- Task Order Template
category: Agile
  - Developers
  - Designers
  - Project Managers

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This content provides contract language guidance and is intended to serve as a template for the government representative during the development of a Task Order under an Agile BPA. The sample language provided here can be used to clearly outline and communicate the high-level objectives and task-level delivery requirements of the intended product / service in line with an Agile delivery process. Additionally, this Task Order structure enables the government to allow contractors to work in a flexible way while maintaining high expectations for code quality and successful agile project management.

[GSA Tech Guides]( also provides additional content and guidelines that delve further into and provide concrete tools/techniques on requirement breakdown and relevant sizing approaches to encourage delivery on an Agile project. Some example content include:

* [Conducting an Agile Project](
* [Managing Requirements in an Agile Environment](
* [Defining When a Requirement is Complete](
* [Estimation and Relative Sizing](

Moreover, [Interview Questions for Agile Vendors]( and Specific [Agile Roles]( contents provde further guidance for GSA staff on what to inquire and expect from contractors during the vetting process.


**[DOWNLOAD Task Order Template]({{site.baseurl}}/assets/downloads/AgileContractsTaskOrderTemplate.docx)**


<p>[Provide background for the Task Order, outline why the contractor team would want to work on this and who the major user groups would be]</p>


<p>[Use this section to outline Objectives for the Task Order. Objective summarizes the Product feature in light of vision of the product and high-level technical functions, high-level business functions, Primary end-users and their high-level needs (if applicable), the development approach and description of systems to be used (if applicable), ongoing process for evaluating and determining changing scope]</p>

_Sample Objectives Statement_

<p><i>The [Applicant tracking system (ATS)] will enable the electronic handling of recruitment needs. The ATS will enable the organization to collect and store candidate and job related data, track and monitor the process of candidates through all stages of the hiring process. The product will support HR policies and federal regulations as applicable.</i></p>

<p><i>“Users and user needs will be prioritized based on business objectives / value and technical dependencies in [name of application used for managing the product backlog].”</i></p>


<p>[Provide scope of work for Task Order]</p>

_Sample Scope Statement_

<p><i>“The scope of this task order is for the Contractor to deliver the [name of product / feature of a system]"</i></p>

_Sample High-level User Scope in User Story Format_

  <p><i>“As a job applicant, I want the ability to access a virtual job application so that I am able to edit, submit and track the status of my job application online”</i></p>
  <p><i>“As an HR representative, I will be able to view applicants information and data online”</i></p>
  <p><i>“As the hiring manager, I want the system to perform preliminary data validation checks on “required” questions, so that sufficient information is submitted for my review.”</i></p>
  <p><i>“As a system security specialist, I want the system to “mask” user's login credentials, so that the user's security information is protected from possible system breaches.”</i></p>

<p><i>The scope also includes the technical and related project management activities such as but not limited to:</i></p>
<p><i><li>Tasks that the contractor must successfully perform,</li></i></p>
<p><i><li>Operational requirements that must be met while the contractor performs,</li></i></p>
<p><i><li>Generalized administrative requirements and any other terms and conditions,</li></i></p>
<p><i><li>Invoicing Instructions for contractor to receive payment”</li></i></p>

<h2>Roles and Responsibilities</h2>

<p>[Add specific roles here]</p>

**[DOWNLOAD]({{site.baseurl}}/assets/downloads/AgileContractsPWSTemplate.docx) the Performance Work Statement (PWS) Template for sample language on Agile Roles and responsibilities**


<p>[Add specific tasks here]</p>

_Sample Tasks Statement_

 <p><i>“The following requirements must be met in order to fulfill the objectives of this task order and may be refined iteratively over the course of the effort to continuously meet specified user needs. Specifically, the contractor will provide the following tasks and services:</i></p>
<p><i><li>Contractor shall coordinate with the government and [name of sponsoring organization] stakeholders to conduct end-user research on the [application name] and agency-user experiences and apply the research to inform application and content design and development.</li></i></p>
<p><i><li>Contractor shall use plain language in application design and development, wherever possible.</li></i></p>
<p><i><li>Work with GSA’s Office of Chief Information Officer in order for the System to receive Authority to Operate [list technology stack options that are already approved].</li></i></p>
<p><i><li>Contractor shall select a technology stack that accomplishes the needs as stated in the objectives.</li></i></p>
<p><i><li>Contractor shall work with the government and [name of sponsoring organization] project teams to ensure that the system is compliant with interagency requirements and policies, to include security policies.</li></i></p>

<p><i>“As part of this being purchased off of the Agile Blanket Purchase Agreement (aBPA), work will be conducted in two-week sprints and reviewed at the end of each sprint for acceptability and feedback"</i></p>

<h2>Operational Requirements</h2>

<p>[Add specific Personnel Skills and Knowledge]</p>

 _Sample Sample Language on Skills and Knowledge_

 <p><i>“The contractor shall provide qualified personnel with relevant experience and domain knowledge in line with this task's performance work statement, in terms of necessary skills at the requisite level of knowledge and experience. Broadly, a team assigned to build the [product name] is expected to have experience with:"</i></p>
<p><i><li>[List relevant domain here] e.g. building and testing web-based or mobile applications: user-centric design practices, usability testing, User experience design, Visual design, Specific code languages, Cloud deployment, Open-source login / authentication services, Agile and scrum methodologies, etc.”</li></i></p>

 <p><i>“Both COR + Tech Lead need to coordinate with vendor on setting up development and test environment and access to accounts prior to kick off."</i></p>


 <p>[Add specific details here]</p>

 **Also [DOWNLOAD]({{site.baseurl}}/assets/downloads/AgileContractsPWSTemplate.docx) the Performance Work Statement (PWS) Template for sample language on Contractor deliverables, delivery method examples and timeframes**


<h3>Transition Plan</h3>
<p>[Add specific details applicable to transitions here]</p>

<h3>Transition Activities</h3>
<p>[Add specific details applicable to transitions here]</p>

<h2>Travel and Other Direct Costs (ODC)</h2>

<p>[Add specific details applicable here]</p>

<h2>Terms and Conditions</h2>

<h3>Type of Contract</h3>

  **Also [DOWNLOAD]({{site.baseurl}}/assets/downloads/AgileContractsPWSTemplate.docx) the Performance Work Statement (PWS) Template for sample language for types of contract language**

 <h3>Period of Performance (POP)</h3>

<p>[Add specific details applicable here]</p>

_Sample Language for POP_  

<p><i> "“The Period of Performance (POP) includes a base period of 3 month, with 5 additional option periods, each 3 months in duration. Further, a contingency of up to 6 months may be exercised . The POP is expected to begin within 10 calendar days after award."</i></p>

<h3>Place of Performance</h3>

<p>[Add specific details applicable here]</p>

<h3>Contract Administration</h3>

<p>[Add specific details applicable here]</p>

<h2>Payment and Invoicing Procedures</h2>

<h3>Content of Invoice</h3>

<p>[Add specific details applicable here]</p>

<h3>Final Invoice</h3>

<p>[Add specific details applicable here]</p>

<h3>Close-out Procedures</h3>

<p>[Add specific details applicable here]</p>

**[DOWNLOAD the Task Order Template]({{site.baseurl}}/assets/downloads/AgileContractsTaskOrderTemplate.docx)** for additional resources including *pricing templates*


* [The TechFAR Handbook for Procuring Digital Services Using Agile Processes](
* [Software Development: Effective Practices and Federal Challenges in Applying Agile Methods, Agile Contracts Primer]( Tom Arbrogast, Craig Larman, and Bas Voddee,
* [Finding a Partner to Trust]( The Agile RFP, by Peter Stevens cited
* [Agile Services for the Enterprise, Statement of Work Template]( - GSA Alliant Shared Interest Group (SIG)
* [Performance Work Statement (PWS)]( Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP) Prototype Development