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Test Coverage
title: Agile Investment - Proof Of Concept (PoC) Checklist
category: Agile
  - Project Managers

During the PoC Phase:

* Agile Scrum team is assigned to implement and test solution recommendation
* Provide and measure outcome of PoC team
* Review PoC recommendation 
* Business / technical review to approve/reject progressing to next Phase

    ***Input* Checklist Before Starting PoC**

**Scope and Approach**
* PoC scope is defined
* High-level business needs have been identified and prioritized
* High-level technical needs and requirements have been identified and prioritized
* Approach for PoC phase had been defined

**People and Resources**
* Sponsoring Department/Executive has been defined
* Key personnel resources and skill sets identified and secured
    * Assigned Product Owner from the Business Team
    * Assigned Scrum Master
    * Agile coaching support and guidance 
* Team members are fully dedicated to the PoC effort

**Development Environment** 
* Development environment setup completed (e.g. test/dev environment, production, etc.)
* Access requirements identified, requested and setup completed

   **PoC *Output* Checklist**

**PoC Success Criteria**
* Measures of success for PoC have been met and accepted by stakeholders 
* Recommendation for Prototype phase developed
    * Key personnel resources and skill requirements identified
    * Process approach is defined
* Prototype Scope is defined
    * High-level *business features* have been identified and prioritized
    * High-level *technical features* and requirements have been identified and prioritized

**Sample Technical Considerations for Next Phase Recommendations** 

*Existing Solutions and Systems* 
* Has it been specified if the solution requested is a feature fix or capability enhancement on an existing platform?
* Has it been determined if the capability will reside in a solution that is GSA-internal or managed by an external vendor
* Specify if it will reside on a current GSA IT platform that is up for contract renegotiation
* Has it been determined if Solution is cloud based, if not, will it need to integrate with an application maintained in Cloud Services or on premise services?

* Has solution languages, tools and applications been determined e.g. web, mobile, core SW languages (Java, Python), Open source/public code, etc.?
* Has it been specified if the solution requested is a service or solution IaaS, PaaS or SaaS?

* Has the type of data the solution will work with been identified? (e.g. No Data, Structured Data OR/AND Unstructured Data)
* Has the condition of the data been specified (Format - JSON, XML, Excel, CSV, etc. Data size, frequency of capture, current storage)?

* Has it been determined if PII or Payment Card Information (e.g. credit card numbers) will be stored in the system?
* Has it been stated if the solution should leverage Single Sign-on (SSO). If yes, have the applicable GSA IT platforms or applications identified?

*Environment and Integration*
* Has the list of other applications the solution requires to interface/integrate with been identified? (e.g. GSA IT platforms, Vendor platforms, etc.)
* Have integration requirements with a third-party application, another system within GSA, and/or a system outside GSA? If yes, have applications been listed?

* Specify if the system is assessed through GSA network only or through outside network
* Has required access been identified, requested and setup completed?