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Test Coverage
category: Agile, Team, Design, Development, DevSecOps

This is a template for writing a Guide. To get started:

1. Make a copy of this template file and name it something resembling the
   title of your Guide. Use lower case and underscores instead of spaces. The
   file extension should be 'md'. Example:

2. At the top of this file, you will want to specify the following items:
    - title: The title of this guide
    - category: Choose only one category from the list, deleting the rest

3. Delete this instructional text and replace it with your actual guide.

4. Use Markdown in writing your guide. Here are some resources on learning
    - - a reference
    - - a more comprehensive tutorial

We recommend using the following format for your guide:

### Introduction

In the first section, introduce the guide. Offer a high-level explanation of
what it is for and how it will benefit the reader.

### This is a third-level heading

Break up the major themes of your guide into sections. This makes the guide
easier to skim.

By the way, don't use a first-level (#) or second-level (##) heading. The
website automatically creates first-level and second-level headings based on the
guide title.

#### This is a fourth-level heading

You can break down your content into fourth-level sections.

### Another third-level heading

More guide content here.