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Test Coverage
title: Conducting a Sprint Review (Demo)
category: Agile
  - Developers
  - Designers
  - Project Managers

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A **Sprint Review (Demo)** provides the platform for the Scrum Team to showcase what they accomplished during the sprint while creating the opportunity for key stakeholders to [inspect the increment and adapt the Product Backlog](, if necessary.

The Sprint Review (Demo) is **not** a status meeting - it is an opportunity to elicit feedback and foster [collaboration]( between the Product Owner, Scrum Team, and stakeholders and identify the next incremental effort that can be done to optimize business value. It is recommended the meeting be timeboxed to **_one hour per week of Sprint length_** (i.e. two week sprint is a maximum 2-hour Sprint Review) and to focus on acceptance criteria that meets the team’s [Definition of Done (DoD)]({{ site.baseurl }}/guides/glossary/#definition-of-done). If a demonstration of functionality is required, it should center around a realistic user experience that displays the product / prototype and how the user will interact with its features, not the system source code or logic.

### Preparing a Sprint Review (Demo) Presentation
The best way for the Product Owner to summarize which items are accepted and considered "done," demonstrate features completed, and review the team’s commitments, is to use a presentation-style format. Sprint Review presentations can be stored in an accessible team folder and provide a convenient, informative summation for stakeholders who are unable to attend the review. The Product Owner, or team member presenting, should always prepare and practice before the meeting. While the Scrum Master should ensure the reviews for the upcoming few sprints are scheduled ahead of time to enable stakeholders to plan their attendance.

[Download this Sample Sprint Review Presentation](

### Good Reads
These are good references for conducting a Sprint Review (Demo):
* [6 Common Misconceptions and Anti-Patterns of the Sprint Review Meeting](
* [It’s a Sprint Review Not a Sprint Demo!](
* [Sprint Review](
* [Sprint Review Meeting](
* [Stop Calling Your Sprint Review a Demo—Words Matter!](
* [What is a Sprint Review?](