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Test Coverage
title: Using the U.S. Digital Service Playbook
category: Agile
  - Developers
  - Designers
  - Project Managers

The [U.S. Digital Service Playbook]( is a great reference for starting and managing projects and solutions.

| Digital Service plays |
| [1. Understand what people need](   | [8. Choose a modern technology stack](
| [2. Address the whole experience, from start to finish](   | [9. Deploy in a flexible hosting environment ](
| [3. Make it simple and intuitive](   | [10. Automate testing and deployments](
| [4. Build the service using agile and iterative practices](   | [11. Manage security and privacy through reusable processes](
| [5. Structure budgets and contracts to support delivery](   | [12. Use data to drive decisions](
| [6. Assign one leader and hold that person accountable](   | [13. Default to open](
| [7. Bring in experienced teams](