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title: About Us
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# About Us

## The Mission

The CTO mission is to:

* drive technology by user need and experience
* be a model of technology management for the federal government
* change culture around IT towards open source, Agile, and DevOps to benefit the business
* realize fiscal and mission benefits of moving to the cloud
* ensure FITARA compliance
* support delivery of smaller projects through the GSA Digital Service.

## Responsibilities

The CTO office:

* is where organizations will go to collaboratively define their business solutions
* will review all program technical implementation and methods for investments
* will guide appropriate projects through the Agile IT process to ensure that the GSA is making "small bets" with its budget
* will provide GSA Digital Services support for User Experience (UX) and delivery in concert with Associate CIOs

## Goals

Our goals are to:

* make our IT investments Agile and move them to short, phased user-focused implementations
* improve the user experience of our customers for the applications we build
* Create a unified cloud solution for internal and external GSA customers
* manage our technology strategy to enable innovation without chaos
* bring together communities of practice around technology and techniques so GSA IT can share knowledge and make decisions about best practices together
* [open our data and our software](
* execute rapidly on low-cost solutions for self-contained projects