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title: Guides
permalink: /guides/
  - guides

{% assign categories = "" | split: "" %}
{% for guide in site.guides %}
  {% assign categoryName = guide.category | strip %}
  {% assign categories = categories | push: categoryName | uniq | sort %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign categories = categories | uniq | sort %}

<h1>GSA Tech Guides</h1>

<p>These guides are a collection of best practices that the GSA CTO team strives to follow. They include high-level strategy documents, practical project management approaches, and technology approaches based on the GSA CTO vision.</p>

<p>We encourage comments via opening an issue at our <a href="">GitHub repo</a>.</p>

  <p><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/techtalks/" class="usa-current">Tech Talks</a> - GSA IT provided technology deep dives.  There are many opportunties for GSA employees to participate in upcoming events.  You can look through slides, audio, and video of past events.</p>
<div class="usa-width-one-fourth">
  <fieldset class="usa-fieldset-inputs guides-filter">
    <ul class="usa-unstyled-list">
      {% for category in categories %}
        <input class="guides-filter-category" id="category-{{ category | slugify }}" type="checkbox" name="categories" value="{{ category }}" checked>
        <label for="category-{{ category | slugify }}">{{ category }}</label>
      {% endfor %}

<div class="usa-width-three-fourths">
  <table class="usa-table-borderless">
    <thead class="usa-sr-only">
        <th id="guides-table-heading-title" scope="col">Title</th>
        <th id="guides-table-heading-description" scope="col">Description</th>
      {% for category in categories %}
        <tr class="guides-table-category-heading" data-category="{{ category }}">
          <th colspan="2" class="guides-table-heading" id="guides-table-heading-{{ category | slugify }}"><b>{{ category }} Guides</b></th>
        {% for guide in site.guides %}
          {% if guide.category == category %}
            <tr class="guides-table-row" data-category="{{ guide.category }}">
              <td headers="guides-table-heading-{{ category | slugify }} guides-table-heading-title"><a href="{{ guide.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ guide.title }}</a></td>
              <td headers="guides-table-heading-{{ category | slugify }} guides-table-heading-description">{{ guide.description }}</td>
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %} <!--guide-->
      {% endfor %}<!--category-->