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 * @package    Gems
 * @subpackage Tracker
 * @author     Matijs de Jong <>
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2012 Erasmus MC
 * @license    New BSD License

namespace Gems\Tracker\Model;

use Gems\Event\Application\NamedArrayEvent;
use Gems\Event\Application\TranslatableNamedArrayEvent;
use Gems\Event\EventDispatcher;
use Gems\Tracker\Engine\FieldsDefinition;
use MUtil\Model\Dependency\ValueSwitchDependency;

 * @package    Gems
 * @subpackage Tracker
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2012 Erasmus MC
 * @license    New BSD License
 * @since      Class available since version 1.6.2
class FieldMaintenanceModel extends \MUtil_Model_UnionModel
     * Constant name to id appointment items
    const APPOINTMENTS_NAME = 'a';

     * Constant name to id field items
    const FIELDS_NAME = 'f';

     * Option seperator for fields
    const FIELD_SEP = '|';

     * Should a type dependency be added in _processRowAfterLoad?
     * @var boolean
    protected $_addLoadDependency = false;

     * @var \Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract
    protected $db;

     * The field types that have a dependency
     * @var array fieldType => dependency class name (without path elements)
    protected $dependencies = array(
        'activity'    => 'FromAppointmentsMaintenanceDependency',
        'appointment' => 'AppointmentMaintenanceDependency',
        'boolean'     => 'BooleanMaintenanceDependency',
        'caretaker'   => 'FromAppointmentsMaintenanceDependency',
        'date'        => 'FromAppointmentsMaintenanceDependency',
        'datetime'    => 'FromAppointmentsMaintenanceDependency',
        'location'    => 'FromAppointmentsMaintenanceDependency',
        'multiselect' => 'ValuesMaintenanceDependency',
        'select'      => 'ValuesMaintenanceDependency',
        'text'        => 'DefaultTextDependency',
        'textarea'    => 'DefaultTextDependency',
        'procedure'   => 'FromAppointmentsMaintenanceDependency',

     * @var EventDispatcher
    protected $event;

     * @var \Gems_Loader
    protected $loader;

     * @var \Gems_Tracker
    protected $tracker;

     * @var \Zend_Translate
    protected $translate;

     * @var \Zend_Translate_Adapter
    protected $translateAdapter;

     * @var \Gems_Util
    protected $util;

     * @param string $modelName Hopefully unique model name
     * @param string $modelField The name of the field used to store the sub model
    public function __construct($modelName = 'fields_maintenance', $modelField = 'sub')
        parent::__construct($modelName, $modelField);

        $model = new \MUtil_Model_TableModel('gems__track_fields');
        \Gems_Model::setChangeFieldsByPrefix($model, 'gtf');
        $this->addUnionModel($model, null, self::FIELDS_NAME);


            \Gems_Model::FIELD_ID => 'gtf_id_field',
            \MUtil_Model::REQUEST_ID => 'gtf_id_track',
        $this->setClearableKeys(array(\Gems_Model::FIELD_ID => 'gtf_id_field'));
        $this->setSort(array('gtf_id_order' => SORT_ASC));

     * Copy from \Zend_Translate_Adapter
     * Translates the given string
     * returns the translation
     * @param  string             $text   Translation string
     * @param  string|\Zend_Locale $locale (optional) Locale/Language to use, identical with localenote
     *                                    identifier, @see \Zend_Locale for more information
     * @return string
    public function _($text, $locale = null)
        return $this->translateAdapter->_($text, $locale);

     * Process on load functions and dependencies
     * @see addDependency()
     * @see setOnLoad()
     * @param array $row The row values to load
     * @param boolean $new True when it is a new item not saved in the model
     * @param boolean $isPost True when passing on post data
     * @param array $transformColumns
     * @return array The possibly adapted array of values
    public function _processRowAfterLoad(array $row, $new = false, $isPost = false, &$transformColumns = array())
        if ($this->_addLoadDependency && !empty($row['gtf_field_type'])) {
            // Display of data field
            // Next line puts default field dependency on other types too when creating a new field
            /*if (! (isset($row['gtf_field_type']) && $row['gtf_field_type'])) {
                $row['gtf_field_type'] = $this->getFieldType($row);
            // assert: $row['gtf_field_type'] is now always filled.

            if (! isset($row[$this->_modelField])) {
                $row[$this->_modelField] = $this->getModelNameForRow($row);

            // Now add the type specific dependency (if any)
            $class = $this->getTypeDependencyClass($row['gtf_field_type']);
            if ($class) {
                $dependency = $this->tracker->createTrackClass($class, $row['gtf_id_track']);
                $this->addDependency($dependency, null, null, 'row');

        return parent::_processRowAfterLoad($row, $new, $isPost, $transformColumns);

     * Add appointment model to union model
    protected function addAppointmentsToModel()
        $model = new \MUtil_Model_TableModel('gems__track_appointments');
        \Gems_Model::setChangeFieldsByPrefix($model, 'gtap');

        $map = $model->getItemsOrdered();
        $map = array_combine($map, str_replace('gtap_', 'gtf_', $map));
        $map['gtap_id_app_field'] = 'gtf_id_field';

        $this->addUnionModel($model, $map, self::APPOINTMENTS_NAME);

        $model->addColumn(new \Zend_Db_Expr("'appointment'"), 'gtf_field_type');
        $model->addColumn(new \Zend_Db_Expr("NULL"), 'gtf_field_value_keys');
        $model->addColumn(new \Zend_Db_Expr("NULL"), 'gtf_field_values');
        $model->addColumn(new \Zend_Db_Expr("NULL"), 'gtf_field_default');
        $model->addColumn(new \Zend_Db_Expr("NULL"), 'gtf_calculate_using');

     * Called after the check that all required registry values
     * have been set correctly has run.
     * This function is no needed if the classes are setup correctly
     * @return void
    public function afterRegistry()


     * Set those settings needed for the browse display
     * @param boolean $detailed For detailed settings
     * @return \Gems\Tracker\Model\FieldMaintenanceModel (continuation pattern)
    public function applyBrowseSettings($detailed = false)

        $yesNo = $this->util->getTranslated()->getYesNo();
        $types = $this->util->getTranslated()->getEmptyDropdownArray()+$this->getFieldTypes();

        $this->set('gtf_id_track'); // Set order
        $this->set('gtf_field_name',    'label', $this->_('Name'));
        $this->set('gtf_id_order',      'label', $this->_('Order'),
                'description', $this->_('The display and processing order of the fields.')
        $this->set('gtf_field_type',    'label', $this->_('Type'),
                'multiOptions', $types/*,
                'default', 'text'*/
        if ($detailed) {
            $this->set('gtf_field_value_keys'); // Set order
            $this->set('gtf_field_values'); // Set order
            $this->set('gtf_field_default'); // Set order
            $this->set('gtf_field_description'); // Set order
        $this->set('gtf_field_code',    'label', $this->_('Field code'),
                'description', $this->_('Optional code name to link the field to program code.')

                'elementClass', 'Exhibitor', 'nohidden', true,
                'value', \MUtil_Html::create('h3', $this->_('Field use'))
        $this->set('gtf_to_track_info', 'label', $this->_('In description'),
                'description', $this->_('Add this field to the track description'),
                'multiOptions', $yesNo
        $this->set('gtf_track_info_label', // No label, set order
                'description', $this->_('Add the name of this field to the track description'),
                'multiOptions', $yesNo,
                'required', false
        $this->set('gtf_required',      'label', $this->_('Required'),
                'multiOptions', $yesNo,
                'required', false
        $this->set('gtf_readonly',      'label', $this->_('Readonly'),
                'description', $this->_('Check this box if this field is always set by code instead of the user.'),
                'multiOptions', $yesNo,
                'required', false

                'elementClass', 'None', 'nohidden', true,
                'value', \MUtil_Html::create('h3', $this->_('Field calculation'))

                'description', $this->_('Automatically calculate this field using other fields')

        if ($detailed) {
            // Appointment caculcation field
            $this->set('gtf_filter_id'); // Set order
            $this->set('gtf_min_diff_length'); // Set order
            $this->set('gtf_min_diff_unit'); // Set order
            $this->set('gtf_max_diff_exists', 'multiOptions', $yesNo); // Set order
            $this->set('gtf_max_diff_length'); // Set order
            $this->set('gtf_max_diff_unit'); // Set order
            $this->set('gtf_after_next'); // Set order
            $this->set('gtf_uniqueness'); // Set order
        } else {
            $this->set('calculation', 'label', $this->_('Calculate using'),
                    'description', $this->_('Automatically calculate this field using other fields'),
                    'noSort', true
            $this->setOnLoad('calculation', array($this, 'loadCalculationSources'));

                   'elementClass', 'None', 'nohidden', true,
                   'value', \MUtil_Html::create('h3', $this->_('Automatic track creation'))

        $this->set('gtf_create_track', 'label', $this->_('When not assigned'),
                'description', $this->_('Create a track if the respondent does not have a track where this field is empty.'),
                'multiOptions', $yesNo
        $this->set('gtf_create_wait_days'); // Set order


        return $this;

     * Set those settings needed for the detailed display
     * @return \Gems\Tracker\Model\FieldMaintenanceModel (continuation pattern)
    public function applyDetailSettings()

        $this->_addLoadDependency = true;

        $this->set('gtf_id_track',          'label', $this->_('Track'),
                'multiOptions', $this->util->getTrackData()->getAllTracks()
        $this->set('gtf_field_description', 'label', $this->_('Description'),
                'description', $this->_('Optional extra description to show the user.')
        $this->set('gtf_track_info_label',   'label', $this->_('Add name to description'));

        $this->set('htmlUse', 'label', ' ');

        // But do always transform gtf_calculate_using on load and save
        // as otherwise we might not be sure what to do
        $contact = new \MUtil_Model_Type_ConcatenatedRow(self::FIELD_SEP, '; ', false);
        $contact->apply($this, 'gtf_calculate_using');

        $this->set('header_creation', 'elementClass', 'None');
        // Clean up data always show in browse view, but not always in detail views
        $this->set('gtf_create_track',    'label', null);

        $switches = array(
            0 => array(
                'gtf_track_info_label'     => array('elementClass' => 'Hidden', 'label' => null),
        $this->addDependency(array('ValueSwitchDependency', $switches), 'gtf_to_track_info');

     * Set those values needed for editing
     * @return \Gems\Tracker\Model\FieldMaintenanceModel (continuation pattern)
    public function applyEditSettings()

        $this->set('gtf_id_field',          'elementClass', 'Hidden');
        $this->set('gtf_id_track',          'elementClass', 'Exhibitor');
        $this->set('gtf_field_type',        'elementClass', 'Exhibitor');

        $this->set('gtf_field_name',        'elementClass', 'Text',
                'size', '30',
                'minlength', 2,
                'required', true,
                'validator', $this->createUniqueValidator(array('gtf_field_name', 'gtf_id_track')),
                'translate', true

        $this->set('gtf_id_order',          'elementClass', 'Text',
                'validators[int]',    'Int',
                'validators[gt]',     new \Zend_Validate_GreaterThan(0),
                'validators[unique]', $this->createUniqueValidator(array('gtf_id_order', 'gtf_id_track'))

        $this->set('gtf_field_code',        'elementClass', 'Text', 
               'minlength', 4,
               'validator', $this->createUniqueValidator(array('gtf_field_code', 'gtf_id_track'))
        $this->set('gtf_field_description', 'elementClass', 'Text', 'size', 30, 'translate', true);
        $this->set('gtf_field_values',      'elementClass', 'Hidden', 'translate', true);
        $this->set('gtf_field_default',     'elementClass', 'Hidden');

        $this->set('gtf_to_track_info',     'elementClass', 'Checkbox',
                'onclick', 'this.form.submit();'
        $this->set('gtf_track_info_label',  'elementClass', 'Checkbox',
                'required', false);
        $this->set('gtf_required',          'elementClass', 'Checkbox');
        $this->set('gtf_readonly',          'elementClass', 'Checkbox');

        $this->set('gtf_filter_id',         'elementClass', 'Hidden');
        $this->set('gtf_min_diff_length',   'elementClass', 'Hidden');
        $this->set('gtf_min_diff_unit',     'elementClass', 'Hidden');
        $this->set('gtf_max_diff_length',   'elementClass', 'Hidden');
        $this->set('gtf_max_diff_unit',     'elementClass', 'Hidden');
        $this->set('gtf_after_next',        'elementClass', 'None');  // Deprecatedin 1.7.1
        $this->set('gtf_uniqueness',        'elementClass', 'Hidden');

        $this->set('gtf_create_track',      'elementClass', 'Hidden');
        $this->set('gtf_create_wait_days',  'elementClass', 'Hidden');

        $class      = 'Model\\Dependency\\FieldTypeChangeableDependency';
        $dependency = $this->tracker->createTrackClass($class, $this->_modelField);


     * Delete items from the model
     * @param mixed $filter True to use the stored filter, array to specify a different filter
     * @return int The number of items deleted
    public function delete($filter = true)
        $rows = $this->load($filter);

        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $name  = $this->getModelNameForRow($row);
            $field = $row['gtf_id_field'];

            if (self::FIELDS_NAME === $name) {
                        $this->db->quoteInto('gr2t2f_id_field = ?', $field)

            } elseif (self::APPOINTMENTS_NAME === $name) {
                        $this->db->quoteInto('gr2t2a_id_app_field = ?', $field)

        return parent::delete($filter);

     * Get the type from the row in case it was not set
     * @param array $row Loaded row
     * @return string Data type for the row
    protected function getFieldType(array &$row)
        if (isset($row[$this->_modelField]) && ($row[$this->_modelField] === self::APPOINTMENTS_NAME)) {
            return 'appointment';

        if (isset($row['gtf_id_field']) && $row['gtf_id_field']) {
            $row[\Gems_Model::FIELD_ID] = $row['gtf_id_field'];

        if (isset($row[\Gems_Model::FIELD_ID])) {
            return $this->db->fetchOne(
                    "SELECT gtf_field_type FROM gems__track_fields WHERE gtf_id_field = ?",

        if (! $this->has('gtf_field_type', 'default')) {
            $this->set('gtf_field_type', 'default', 'text');
        return $this->get('gtf_field_type', 'default');

     * The list of field types
     * @return array of storage name => label
    public function getFieldTypes()
        $output = [
            'activity'      => $this->_('Activity'),
            'appointment'   => $this->_('Appointment'),
            'boolean'       => $this->_('Boolean'),
            'caretaker'     => $this->_('Caretaker'),
            'consent'       => $this->_('Consent'),
            'date'          => $this->_('Date'),
            'text'          => $this->_('Free text'),
            'textarea'      => $this->_('Long free text'),
            'location'      => $this->_('Location'),
            'datetime'      => $this->_('Moment in time'),
            'procedure'     => $this->_('Procedure'),
            'relatedTracks' => $this->_('Related tracks'),
            'relation'      => $this->_('Relation'),
            'select'        => $this->_('Select one'),
            'multiselect'   => $this->_('Select multiple'),
            'track'         => $this->_('Track'),

        $event = new TranslatableNamedArrayEvent($output);
        $this->event->dispatch($event, 'gems.tracker.fieldtypes.get');
        $output = $event->getList();

        return $output;

     * Get the name of the union model that should be used for this row.
     * @param array $row
     * @return string
    public function getModelNameForRow(array $row)
        if (isset($row['gtf_field_type']) && ('appointment' === $row['gtf_field_type'])) {
            return self::APPOINTMENTS_NAME;
        if ((! isset($row['gtf_field_type'])) && isset($row[$this->_modelField]) && $row[$this->_modelField]) {
            return $row[$this->_modelField];
        return self::FIELDS_NAME;

     * Get the dependency class name (if any)
     * @param string $fieldType
     * @return string Classname including Model\Dependency\ part
    public function getTypeDependencyClass($fieldType)
        if (isset($this->dependencies[$fieldType]) && $this->dependencies[$fieldType]) {
            return 'Model\\Dependency\\' . $this->dependencies[$fieldType];

     * Does the model have a dependencies?
     * @return boolean
    public function hasDependencies()
        return $this->_addLoadDependency || parent::hasDependencies();

     * Function that checks the setup of this class/traight
     * This function is not needed if the variables have been defined correctly in the
     * source for this object and theose variables have been applied.
     * return @void
    protected function initTranslateable()
        if ($this->translateAdapter instanceof \Zend_Translate_Adapter) {
            // OK

        if ($this->translate instanceof \Zend_Translate) {
            // Just one step
            $this->translateAdapter = $this->translate->getAdapter();

        if ($this->translate instanceof \Zend_Translate_Adapter) {
            // It does happen and if it is all we have
            $this->translateAdapter = $this->translate;

        // Make sure there always is an adapter, even if it is fake.
        $this->translateAdapter = new \MUtil_Translate_Adapter_Potemkin();

     * A ModelAbstract->setOnLoad() function that concatenates the
     * value if it is an array.
     * @see \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract
     * @param mixed $value The value being saved
     * @param boolean $isNew True when a new item is being saved
     * @param string $name The name of the current field
     * @param array $context Optional, the other values being saved
     * @param boolean $isPost True when passing on post data
     * @return string Desciption
    protected function loadCalculationSources($value, $isNew = false, $name = null, array $context = array(), $isPost = false)
        if ($isPost) {
            return $value;

        if (isset($context['gtf_filter_id']) && $context['gtf_filter_id']) {
            $filters = $this->loader->getAgenda()->getFilterList();
            if (isset($filters[$context['gtf_filter_id']])) {
                return $filters[$context['gtf_filter_id']];
            } else {
                return sprintf($this->_("Non-existing filter %s"), $context['gtf_filter_id']);

        if (isset($context['gtf_calculate_using']) && $context['gtf_calculate_using']) {
            $count = substr_count($context['gtf_calculate_using'], '|') + 1;
            return sprintf($this->plural('%d field', '%d fields', $count), $count);

        return $value;

     * Returns an array containing the first requested item.
     * @param mixed $filter True to use the stored filter, array to specify a different filteloa
     * @param mixed $sort True to use the stored sort, array to specify a different sort
     * @param boolean $loadDependencies When true the row dependencies are loaded
     * @return array An array or false
    public function loadFirst($filter = true, $sort = true, $loadDependencies = true)
        // Needed as the default order otherwise triggers the type dependency
        $oldDep = $this->_addLoadDependency;
        $this->_addLoadDependency = $loadDependencies;

        $output = parent::loadFirst($filter, $sort);

        $this->_addLoadDependency = $oldDep;

        return $output;

     * Copy from \Zend_Translate_Adapter
     * Translates the given string using plural notations
     * Returns the translated string
     * @see \Zend_Locale
     * @param  string             $singular Singular translation string
     * @param  string             $plural   Plural translation string
     * @param  integer            $number   Number for detecting the correct plural
     * @param  string|\Zend_Locale $locale   (Optional) Locale/Language to use, identical with
     *                                      locale identifier, @see \Zend_Locale for more information
     * @return string
    public function plural($singular, $plural, $number, $locale = null)
        $args = func_get_args();
        return call_user_func_array(array($this->translateAdapter, 'plural'), $args);

    protected function setAdditionalDependencies()
        $event = new NamedArrayEvent($this->dependencies);
        $this->event->dispatch($event, 'gems.tracker.fielddependencies.get');
        $this->dependencies = $event->getList();