# GTiff2Tiles.Benchmarks
**GTiff2Tiles.Benchmarks** is a benchmarking project for **GTiff2Tiles.Core**.
The following benchmarks were run at **25.08.2020**.
## Requirements
- Docker
- Linux x64/Win 10+ x64
## Build dependencies
- GTiff2Tiles.Core;
- [BenchmarkDotNet](https://www.nuget.org/packages/BenchmarkDotNet/) – 0.13.5;
- [CommandLineParser](https://www.nuget.org/packages/CommandLineParser/) – 2.9.1;
- [MaxRev.Gdal.LinuxRuntime.Minimal](https://www.nuget.org/packages/MaxRev.Gdal.LinuxRuntime.Minimal/) –;
- [MaxRev.Gdal.WindowsRuntime.Minimal](https://www.nuget.org/packages/MaxRev.Gdal.WindowsRuntime.Minimal/) –;
- [MaxRev.Gdal.MacosRuntime.Minimal.x64](https://www.nuget.org/packages/MaxRev.Gdal.MacosRuntime.Minimal.x64/) –;
- [NetVips.Native](https://www.nuget.org/packages/NetVips.Native.win-x64) – 8.14.2;
## Running by yourself
To run the benchmarks by yourself you should build the app **in Release x64 configuration** first. See [main](https://gigas002.github.io/GTiff2Tiles/) and [core](https://gigas002.github.io/GTiff2Tiles/api/index.html) pages to learn how to build the soultion.
Benchmarks uses the installed docker to pull the **latest** images of **maptiler/engine** and **osgeo/gdal** and then runs the **GTiff2Tiles.Core** benchmarks agains them.
| Short | Long | Description | Required? |
| :---: | :-------: | :---------------------------: | :-------: |
| -i | --input | Path to input file | No |
| | --version | Current version | |
| | --help | Message about console options | |
**-i/--input** is `string`, representing path to input **GeoTIFF** file. Please, specify the path in double quotes (`“like this”`) if it contains spaces. The path is **optional**, by default app uses the `(repo_home)/Examples/Input/Benchmarks.tif`. **USE ONLY EPSG:4326 GEOTIFF AS INPUT**!
Simple example (for **pwsh with admin rights**) looks like this: `./GTiff2Tiles.Benchmarks`
Also take a look at [Start.ps1](https://github.com/Gigas002/GTiff2Tiles/blob/master/GTiff2Tiles.Benchmarks/Start.ps1) **PowerShell** script for automating and simplifying the work. Note, that running this script requires installed **PowerShell** or **[PowerShell Core](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell)** (also available on **Linux**/**OSX** systems!).
And last but not the least: if you're changing the `SimpleJob` arguments, not overdo it. **BenchmarkDotNet** can create **VERY BIG** log file in process (*I had a 130Gb file on my system drive while running it and I had to stop*). I also don't recommend to add memory/threading attributes, since they don't analyze inner docker processes and it's kind of useless for this app.
## Offline docs
Offline docs are also available as [pdf](https://github.com/Gigas002/GTiff2Tiles/blob/master/GTiff2Tiles.Benchmarks/benchmarks-index.pdf) and distributed alongside the application.
## Results
**Docker Desktop** version is an **edge release**; uses **WSL2** features.
Used **MapTiler Engine** version is **10.3**, used **gdal2tiles.py** version is **GDAL 3.2.0dev-38e9587ed7fc34d8e145b03a86ca0a2ec655fcce, released 2020/08/25**, used **GTiff2Tiles.Core** version is ****.
Benchmarks create the **geodetic** **png** **256x256** **non-tmscompatible** tiles from **EPSG:4326** input GEOTIFF, resampling is **cubic**, zooms **0-15**, process counter **8**.
**maptiler** was running with the following arguments: `-srs EPSG:4326 -preset geodetic -resampling cubic -zoom 0 15 -P 8 -f png32 -o outDir in.tif`.
**gdal2tiles.py** was running with the following arguments: `-s EPSG:4326 -p geodetic -r cubic -z 0-15 --processes 8 in.tif outDir`.
``` ini
BenchmarkDotNet=v0.12.1, OS=Windows 10.0.19041.450 (2004/?/20H1)
Intel Core i7-6700K CPU 4.00GHz (Skylake), 1 CPU, 8 logical and 4 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=5.0.100-preview.7.20366.6
[Host] : .NET Core 5.0.0 (CoreCLR, CoreFX, X64 RyuJIT
Job-GYLFGH : .NET Core 5.0.0 (CoreCLR, CoreFX, X64 RyuJIT
IterationCount=10 LaunchCount=10 WarmupCount=10
| Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Median |
| -------------- | -------: | -------: | -------: | -------: |
| RunGTiff2Tiles | 2.255 s | 0.0233 s | 0.0672 s | 2.250 s |
| RunGdal2Tiles | 12.989 s | 0.1660 s | 0.4711 s | 12.885 s |
| RunMaptiler | 4.948 s | 0.0958 s | 0.2716 s | 4.840 s |