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Graudusk Call Url Module (callurl)
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A module to provide weather data fetched through open APIs.

Install as Anax module

This is how you install the module into an existing Anax installation.

Install using composer.

$ composer require graudusk/callurl

Copy the configuration files

$ rsync -av vendor/graudusk/callurl/config ./

$ rsync -av vendor/graudusk/callurl/view ./

$ rsync -av vendor/graudusk/callurl/htdocs/ ./htdocs

Install using scaffold postprocessing file

The module supports a postprocessing installation script, to be used with Anax scaffolding. The script executes the default installation, as outlined above.

bash vendor/graudusk/callurl/.anax/scaffold/postprocess.d/100_callurl.bash

The postprocessing script should be run after the `composer require` is done.

Install and setup Anax 

You need a Anax installation, before you can use this module. You can create a sample Anax installation, using the scaffolding utility [`anax-cli`](

Scaffold a sample Anax installation `anax create a ramverk1-me-v2` into the directory `callurl`.

$ anax create a ramverk1-me-v2
$ cd callurl

Point your webserver to `callurl/htdocs` and Anax should display a Home-page.


This software carries a MIT license.

..:  Copyright (c) 2018 Eric Johansson,