Thanks for contributing to Growstuff!
When you create a pull request, please include the following:
* Mention the issue it solves (eg. #123)
* Your code should follow our [Coding style guide](
* Make sure you have automated tests for your work, where possible.
* Add your name (and that of your pair partner, if any) to [](
All pull requests should pass our automatic continuous integration and style
checks before being merged. You can run tests locally as follows:
- `rails spec` to run all Ruby tests
- `rails spec:models` to run Ruby model tests (or `rails spec:views` for view tests, etc)
- `rails static` to run all static checks (code style, unfixed Git conflicts, etc)
- `rspec ./spec/path/to/my_spec.rb` to run all Ruby tests in the file `my_spec.rb`
- `rspec ./spec/path/to/my_spec.rb:45` to run the Ruby test starting on line 45 of
`my_spec.rb`. RSpec will output a list of command-lines in this form for all
failing tests so you can easily re-run particular ones.
- `rspec --only-failures` to re-run all Ruby tests that failed last time.
Growstuff runs several linters and checkers before a change is merged. These
run from overcommit. To automatically run the same linters yourself you can
install overcommit too.
- `./script/install_linters`
You can run `rake -T` to see a list of available Rake tasks. If you can't get
some tests to pass, please submit a pull request anyway - we'll be happy to
help you debug the failures.
If you would like to discuss an idea before submitting a pull request,
please open a [GitHub Issue](,
where our dev team will be happy to help you.