# frozen_string_literal: true
class Seed < ApplicationRecord
extend FriendlyId
include PhotoCapable
include Finishable
include Ownable
include SearchSeeds
friendly_id :seed_slug, use: %i(slugged finders)
TRADABLE_TO_VALUES = %w(nowhere locally nationally internationally).freeze
ORGANIC_VALUES = ['certified organic', 'non-certified organic', 'conventional/non-organic', 'unknown'].freeze
GMO_VALUES = ['certified GMO-free', 'non-certified GMO-free', 'GMO', 'unknown'].freeze
HEIRLOOM_VALUES = %w(heirloom hybrid unknown).freeze
# Relationships
belongs_to :crop
belongs_to :parent_planting, class_name: 'Planting',
optional: true, inverse_of: :child_seeds # parent
has_many :child_plantings, class_name: 'Planting',
foreign_key: 'parent_seed_id', dependent: :nullify,
inverse_of: :parent_seed # children
# Validations
validates :crop, approved: true
validates :crop, presence: { message: "must be present and exist in our database" }
validates :quantity, allow_nil: true,
numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 }
validates :days_until_maturity_min, allow_nil: true,
numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 }
validates :days_until_maturity_max, allow_nil: true,
numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 }
validates :tradable_to, allow_blank: false,
inclusion: { in: TRADABLE_TO_VALUES, message: "You may only trade seed nowhere, " \
"locally, nationally, or internationally" }
validates :organic, allow_blank: false,
inclusion: { in: ORGANIC_VALUES, message: "You must say whether the seeds " \
"are organic or not, or that you don't know" }
validates :gmo, allow_blank: false,
inclusion: { in: GMO_VALUES, message: "You must say whether the seeds are " \
"genetically modified or not, or that you don't know" }
validates :heirloom, allow_blank: false,
inclusion: { in: HEIRLOOM_VALUES, message: "You must say whether the seeds" \
"are heirloom, hybrid, or unknown" }
# Delegations
delegate :name, to: :crop, prefix: true
delegate :location, :latitude, :longitude, to: :owner
delegate :login_name, :slug, :location, to: :owner, prefix: true
# Scopes
default_scope { joins(:owner).merge(Member.kept) } # Ensure owner exists
scope :tradable, -> { where.not(tradable_to: 'nowhere') }
scope :interesting, -> { tradable.has_location }
scope :has_location, -> { joins(:owner).where.not('members.location': nil) }
scope :recent, -> { order(created_at: :desc) }
scope :active, -> { where('finished <> true').where('finished_at IS NULL OR finished_at < ?', }
def tradable
tradable_to != 'nowhere'
def seed_slug
"#{owner.login_name}-#{crop}"' ', '-')
def to_s
I18n.t('seeds.string', crop:, owner:)