- if content_for? :title
= planting_icon
%strong=yield :title
= bootstrap_form_for(@activity) do |f|
- if @activity.errors.any?
= pluralize(@activity.errors.size, "error")
prohibited this activity from being saved:
- @activity.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
%li= msg
= f.text_field :name, required: true, label: 'What needs to be done?'
=, Activity::CATEGORIES, include_blank: true)
= f.text_area :description, rows: 6, label: 'Tell us more about it'
= f.collection_radio_buttons(:garden_id,,
:id, :name,
label: 'Is this for a specific garden?')
= link_to "Add a garden.", new_garden_path
= f.collection_radio_buttons(:planting_id,,
:id, :crop_name,
label: 'Is this for a specific planting?')
= link_to "Add a planting.", new_planting_path
= f.date_field :due_date,
value: @activity.due_date ? @activity.due_date.to_fs(:ymd) : '',
label: 'When?'
= f.check_box :finished, label: 'Mark as finished' t('.finish_helper')
.text-right= f.submit 'Save'