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= bootstrap_form_for(@crop) do |f|
  - if @crop.errors.any?
    #error_explanation.alert.alert-warning{role: "alert"}
        = pluralize(@crop.errors.size, "error")
        prohibited this crop from being saved:
        - @crop.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
          %li= msg
      - if content_for? :title
          %strong=yield :title
      -# Handy link to crop wrangling policy/style guide, shown to wranglers only
      - if can? :wrangle, @crop

            For detailed crop wrangling guidelines, please consult the
            = link_to "crop wrangling guide", ""
            on the Growstuff wiki.

      -# Everyone (wranglers and requesters) sees the basic info section
      %h2 Basic information

      = f.text_field :name, required: true
        The common name for the crop, in English (required).
        - if can? :wrangle, @crop
          Wranglers: please ensure this is singular, and capitalize
          proper nouns only.

      %h2 Lifespan
        = f.radio_button(:perennial, false, label: 'Annual') Living and reproducing in a single year or less
        = f.radio_button(:perennial, true, label: "Perennial") Living more than two years

      - unless @crop.approved?
        = link_to 'Search wikipedia', "{}", target: '_blank'
      = f.url_field :en_wikipedia_url, id: "en_wikipedia_url", label: 'Wikipedia URL'
        Link to the crop's page on the English language Wikipedia (required).

      -# Only crop wranglers see the crop hierarchy (for now)
      - if can? :wrangle, @crop
        = f.collection_select(:parent_id, Crop.all.order(:name), :id, :name,
          { include_blank: true, label: 'Parent crop'}) Optional. For setting up crop hierarchies for varieties etc.

      -# Everyone (wranglers and requesters) gets to add scientific names
      %h2 Scientific names
      = button_tag "+", class: "add-sciname-row", type: "button"
      = button_tag "-", class: "remove-sciname-row", type: "button"

        - @crop.scientific_names.each.with_index do |sci, index|
          .template.col-12{ id: "sci_template[#{index + 1}]" }
              = label_tag :scientific_names, "Scientific name #{index + 1}:", class: 'control-label'
              = text_field_tag "sci_name[#{index + 1}]",, id: "sci_name[#{index + 1}]",
                                                                    class: 'scientific-name-auto-suggest form-control',
                                                                    data: { source_url: gbif_suggest_scientific_names_path }
     Searches GBIF to determine scientific name of crop.
              = hidden_field_tag "sci_gbif_key[#{index + 1}]", sci.gbif_key, id: "sci_gbif_key[#{index + 1}]",
                                                                              class: 'scientific-name-auto-suggest-id'
      %h2 Alternate names
      = button_tag "+", class: "add-altname-row", type: "button"
      = button_tag "-", class: "remove-altname-row", type: "button"

        - @crop.alternate_names.each.with_index do |alt, index|
          .template.col-12{ id: "alt_template[#{index + 1}]" }
              = label_tag :alternate_names, "Alternate name #{index + 1}:", class: 'control-label'
              = text_field_tag "alt_name[#{index + 1}]",, id: "alt_name[#{index + 1}]", class: 'form-control'
     Alternate name of crop.

      -# This is used for comments from crop requesters.  We need to show it
      -# to everyone, but we don't include it on new crops from wranglers.

      - if (can?(:wrangle, @crop) && @crop.requester) || (cannot?(:wrangle, @crop) && @crop.new_record?)
        %h2 Crop request notes
        = f.text_area :request_notes, rows: 3, id: 'request_notes', label: 'Comments'

      -# A final explanation of what's going to happen next, for crop requesters
      - unless can? :wrangle, @crop
          When you submit this form, your suggestion will be sent to our team of
          volunteer crop wranglers for review. We'll let you know the outcome as soon as we can.

      -# Now, for crop wranglers, let's have approval/rejection at the bottom of the page
      - if can?(:wrangle, @crop) && @crop.requester
        -# %h2 Approve or reject pending crops
        -# =, @crop.approval_statuses, {})
        =, @crop.reasons_for_rejection, include_blank: true)

        = f.text_area :rejection_notes, rows: 3
          Please provide additional notes why this crop request was rejected if the above reasons do not apply.

        - if @crop.approved?
          = f.submit 'Save'
        - else
          = f.submit 'Reject', class: 'btn btn-danger', name: 'reject'
          = f.submit 'Approve and save', class: 'btn btn-success', name: 'approve'