- content_for :title,
- content_for :opengraph do
= tag("meta", property: "og:image", content: crop_image_path(@crop))
= tag("meta", property: "og:title", content:
= tag("meta", property: "og:type", content: "website")
= tag("meta", property: "og:url", content: request.original_url)
= tag("meta", property: "og:site_name", content: ENV['GROWSTUFF_SITE_NAME'])
- content_for :scripts do
= javascript_include_tag "charts"
- content_for :breadcrumbs do
%li.breadcrumb-item= link_to 'Crops', crops_path link_to, @crop
= render 'approval_status_message', crop: @crop
.jumbotron= render 'crops/info'
.col-md-9= render 'crops/actions', crop: @crop
.col-md-3= render 'wrangle', crop: @crop
= cute_icon
= render 'predictions', crop: @crop
- if @crop.companions.any?
%h2 Companions
- @crop.companions.each do |companion|
= render 'crops/tiny', crop: companion
= cute_icon
= render 'crops/photos', crop: @crop
- if @crop.plantings.any? or @crop.harvests.any?
- if @crop.sunniness.any?
%h2 Sunniness
= pie_chart crop_sunniness_path(@crop, format: :json), legend: "bottom"
- if @crop.planted_from.any?
%h2 Planted from
= pie_chart crop_planted_from_path(@crop, format: :json), legend: "bottom"
- if @crop.harvests.any?
%h2 Harvested for
= pie_chart crop_harvested_for_path(@crop, format: :json), legend: "bottom"
- if @crop.varieties.any?
%h2 Varieties
= render 'varieties', crop: @crop
= icon 'fas', 'map'
Crop Map
Only plantings by members who have set their locations are shown on this map.
- if current_member && current_member.location.blank?
= link_to "Set your location.", edit_member_registration_path
%section.posts= render 'crops/posts', crop: @crop
= cute_icon
%h4 How to grow #{}
= render 'grown_for', crop: @crop
= render 'planting_advice', crop: @crop
- if @crop.parent
is a variety of
= link_to @crop.parent, @crop.parent
= link_to crop_plantings_path(@crop), class: 'card-link' do
= planting_icon
#{} plantings
= link_to crop_harvests_path(@crop), class: 'card-link' do
= harvest_icon
#{} harvests
= link_to crop_seeds_path(@crop), class: 'card-link' do
= seed_icon
#{} seeds
- if member_signed_in?
= link_to member_seeds_path(current_member, crop_slug: @crop.slug) do
= display_seed_availability(@current_member, @crop)
= render 'scientific_names', crop: @crop
= render 'alternate_names', crop: @crop
= render 'plantings', crop: @crop
= render 'harvests', crop: @crop
= render 'find_seeds', crop: @crop
= cute_icon
%h3 Learn more about #{}
%h4.text-muted resources outside #{ENV['GROWSTUFF_SITE_NAME']}
= link_to @crop.en_wikipedia_url, target: "_blank", rel: "noopener noreferrer" do
= icon 'fas', 'external-link-alt'
Wikipedia (English)
= link_to "{CGI.escape' ', '-')}",
class: 'card-link',
target: "_blank",
rel: "noopener noreferrer" do
= icon 'fas', 'external-link-alt'
OpenFarm - Growing guide
= link_to "{CGI.escape}",
target: "_blank",
class: 'card-link',
rel: "noopener noreferrer" do
= icon 'fas', 'external-link-alt'
Gardenate - Planting reminders
- if current_member && current_member.location
= link_to '' + CGI.escape(['Growing',, current_member.location].join(' ')),
target: "_blank",
class: 'card-link',
rel: "noopener noreferrer" do
= icon 'fas', 'external-link-alt'
= link_to "{CGI.escape "grow #{}" }",
target: "_blank",
class: 'card-link',
rel: "noopener noreferrer" do
= icon 'fas', 'external-link-alt'
Wikihow instructions