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Test Coverage
- site_name = ENV['GROWSTUFF_SITE_NAME']
%p Hello #{@resource.login_name},

  Your account on #{site_name} has been created.  You just need to confirm
  your email address through the link below:

%p= link_to 'Confirm my account', confirmation_url(@resource, confirmation_token: @token)

  Once you're confirmed, you can sign in with your login name
  (#{@resource.login_name}) or email address (#{}),
  and the password you provided when you signed up. Note that your
  login name and password are case sensitive.

  We're excited to have you as a member, and hope you'll enjoy
  what #{site_name} has to offer. Take a look around the site,
  = succeed "," do
    = link_to('plant some things', url_for(controller: '/crops', only_path: false))
  and feel free to drop in on the
  = link_to 'forums', url_for(controller: '/forums', only_path: false)
  if you have any questions or feedback.

  We'd also appreciate it if you'd read our
  = succeed "," do
    = link_to 'Community Guidelines', "#{root_url}/policy/community"
  and make sure you follow them. We want #{site_name} to be a
  friendly, welcoming environment for everyone, and we hope you'll
  help us keep it that way.

%p Looking forward to seeing you!

  The #{site_name} team.
  = link_to root_url, root_url