= form_for(resource, as: resource_name,
url: registration_path(resource_name) + '#email',
html: { method: :put, class: 'form-horizontal' }) do |f|
= render 'devise/shared/error_messages', resource: resource
= f.label :email, class: 'control-label col-md-2'
= f.email_field :email, class: 'form-control' If you change your email address you will have to reconfirm.
= f.check_box :show_email
Show email publicly on your profile page.
= f.check_box :send_notification_email
Receive emailed copies of Inbox notifications (eg. private messages).
= f.check_box :send_planting_reminder
Receive regular reminders to track your planting and harvesting.
= f.check_box :newsletter
Subscribe to the #{ENV['GROWSTUFF_SITE_NAME']} newsletter
= render partial: 'newsletter_blurb'
= f.submit "Save", class: 'btn btn-primary'
= f.hidden_field(:tos_agreement, value: true)