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= "..." should be rewritten as ...

%h1=  "#{@garden} collaborators"


Avoid outputting string expressions in Ruby when static text will suffice.

Bad haml %tag= "Some #{interpolated} string"

Good: more concise haml %tag Some #{interpolated} string

HAML gracefully handles string interpolation in static text, so you don't need to work with Ruby strings in order to use interpolation.

Hash attribute should end with one space before the closing brace

                  %div{"style": "float: right"}


Check the style of hash attributes against one of two possible preferred styles, space (default) or no_space:

Bad: inconsistent spacing inside hash attributes braces haml %tag{ foo: bar} %tag{foo: bar } %tag{ foo: bar }

With default space style option: require a single space inside hash attributes braces haml %tag{ foo: bar }

With no_space style option: require no space inside hash attributes braces haml %tag{foo: bar}

This offers the ability to ensure consistency of Haml hash attributes style with ruby hash literal style (compare with the Style/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces cop in Rubocop).

Hash attribute should start with one space after the opening brace

      .flex-column.nav-pills.layout-nav{"role" => "tablist", "aria-orientation"=>"vertical"}


Check the style of hash attributes against one of two possible preferred styles, space (default) or no_space:

Bad: inconsistent spacing inside hash attributes braces haml %tag{ foo: bar} %tag{foo: bar } %tag{ foo: bar }

With default space style option: require a single space inside hash attributes braces haml %tag{ foo: bar }

With no_space style option: require no space inside hash attributes braces haml %tag{foo: bar}

This offers the ability to ensure consistency of Haml hash attributes style with ruby hash literal style (compare with the Style/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces cop in Rubocop).

Line is too long. [136/120]

                    = link_to garden_garden_collaborator_path(@garden, garden_collaborator), method: :delete, class: "btn btn-danger" do


Option Description
max Maximum number of columns a single line can have. (default 80)

Wrap lines at 80 characters. You can configure this amount via the max option on the linter, e.g. by adding the following to your .haml-lint.yml:

    max: 100

Long lines are harder to read and usually indicative of complexity. You can avoid them by splitting long attribute hashes on a comma, for example:

%tag{ attr1: 1,
      attr2: 2,
      attr3: 3 }

This significantly improves readability.

Do not use inline style attributes

                  %div{"style": "float: right"}


Tags should not contain inline style attributes.

Bad haml %p{ style: 'color: red;' }

Good haml %p.warning

Exceptions may need to be made for dynamic content and email templates.

See CodeAcademy to learn more.

Hash attribute should start with one space after the opening brace

                  %div{"style": "float: right"}


Check the style of hash attributes against one of two possible preferred styles, space (default) or no_space:

Bad: inconsistent spacing inside hash attributes braces haml %tag{ foo: bar} %tag{foo: bar } %tag{ foo: bar }

With default space style option: require a single space inside hash attributes braces haml %tag{ foo: bar }

With no_space style option: require no space inside hash attributes braces haml %tag{foo: bar}

This offers the ability to ensure consistency of Haml hash attributes style with ruby hash literal style (compare with the Style/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces cop in Rubocop).

Hash attribute should end with one space before the closing brace

      .flex-column.nav-pills.layout-nav{"role" => "tablist", "aria-orientation"=>"vertical"}


Check the style of hash attributes against one of two possible preferred styles, space (default) or no_space:

Bad: inconsistent spacing inside hash attributes braces haml %tag{ foo: bar} %tag{foo: bar } %tag{ foo: bar }

With default space style option: require a single space inside hash attributes braces haml %tag{ foo: bar }

With no_space style option: require no space inside hash attributes braces haml %tag{foo: bar}

This offers the ability to ensure consistency of Haml hash attributes style with ruby hash literal style (compare with the Style/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces cop in Rubocop).

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