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  = bootstrap_form_for(@garden) do |f|
    - if content_for? :title
          %strong=yield :title
      - if @garden.errors.any?
        #error_explanation.alert.alert-warning{:role => "alert"}
            = pluralize(@garden.errors.size, "error")
            prohibited this garden from being saved
            - @garden.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
              %li= msg

      = f.text_field :name, maxlength: 255, required: true
      = f.text_area :description, rows: 6, placeholder: "Tell us about this garden - where is it located? What does it look like? Do you have a link to a photo? Do you have irrigation? What are your plans?"
      = f.text_field :location,
                      value: @garden.location || current_member.location,
                      class: 'form-control', maxlength: 255
        = t('.location_helper')
        - if current_member.location.blank?
          = link_to "Set your location now.", edit_member_registration_path
        - else
          = link_to "Change your location.", edit_member_registration_path
        .col-md-5.col-12= f.number_field :area, class: 'input-small', step: "any", min: 0
        .col-md-7.col-12=, Garden::AREA_UNITS_VALUES, { include_blank: false })
        .col-12=, GardenType.all.order(:name).pluck(:name, :id),
                          selected: @garden.garden_type_id, include_blank: true)
          = f.check_box :active, label: 'Active?'
            You can mark a garden as inactive if you no longer use it.
            Note: this will mark all plantings in the garden as "finished".
      .text-right= f.submit 'Save Garden'