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Test Coverage
%p Hello #{@member.login_name},

%h2 Your Weekly #{@sitename} progress report

- if @member.plantings.empty?
    #{@sitename} lets you track what food you're growing
    in your garden and see what other people near you are planting too.
    #{link_to "Get started now", new_planting_url} by planting your first crop.

- else
  - if @harvesting.size.positive?
      %h2 Ready to harvest
      %p Congratulations, you have plants ready to harvest
        - @harvesting.each do |planting|
          %li= render 'planting', planting: planting

  - if @others.size.positive?
      %h2 Progress report
        - @others.each do |planting|
            = render 'planting', planting: planting
            is #{sprintf '%.0f', planting.percentage_grown}% grown
            with #{(planting.finish_predicted_at -} days to go.

  - if @late.size.positive?
      %h2 Late
        These plantings are at the end of their lifecycle.
        - @late.each do |planting|
          %li= render 'planting', planting: planting

  - if @super_late.size.positive?
      %h2 Super late
        We suspect the following plantings finished long ago and no longer need tracking. You can mark them as finished to stop tracking.
        - @super_late.each do |planting|
            = render 'planting', planting: planting
            planted on #{planting.planted_at.to_date}
  Harvested anything lately?
  = link_to "Track your harvests here.", new_harvest_url, class: 'btn'

  Want to track and predict a planting in your garden?
  = link_to "Add a planting.", new_planting_url, class: 'btn'

  Track and predict your entire garden, and keep your garden records up to date at
  = link_to member_gardens_url(@member), class: 'btn' do
    your garden overview
  and on
  = link_to member_url(@member) do
    your profile page

  See you soon on #{@sitename}!

= render partial: 'signature'

  Don't want to get these emails any more?
  = link_to "Unsubscribe from planting reminders", unsubscribe_member_url(@signed_message)