- content_for :title, @author ? t('.title.author_posts', author: @author) : t('.title.default')
- content_for :breadcrumbs do
%li.breadcrumb-item= link_to 'Posts', posts_path
- if @author.present?
%li.breadcrumb-item= link_to @author, @author link_to 'posts', posts_path(author: @author.slug)
%h1= @author ? t('.title.author_posts', author: @author) : t('.title.default')
.col-md-8= will_paginate @posts
= render 'layouts/nav', model: Post
- if @author
= render @author
Subscribe to
= succeed "." do
= link_to "#{@author}'s posts RSS feed", member_posts_path(@author, format: 'rss')
- else
Subscribe to the #{ENV['GROWSTUFF_SITE_NAME']}
= link_to "posts RSS feed", posts_path(format: 'rss')
= succeed "." do
= link_to "comments RSS feed", comments_path(format: 'rss')
- @posts.each do |post|
= render 'posts/preview', post: post
= will_paginate @posts