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Test Coverage
= content_for :title, @post.subject
- content_for :opengraph do
  = tag("meta", property: "og:image", content: post_image_path(@post))
  = tag("meta", property: "og:image", content: avatar_uri(, 200))
  = tag("meta", property: "og:description", content: og_description(@post.body))
  = tag("meta", property: "og:title", content: @post.subject)
  = tag("meta", property: "og:type", content: "article")
  = tag("meta", property: "og:url", content: request.original_url)
  = tag("meta", property: "og:site_name", content: ENV['GROWSTUFF_SITE_NAME'])

- if && !current_member
    = link_to, member_path(
    is using
    = link_to ENV["GROWSTUFF_SITE_NAME"], root_path
    to discuss #{@post.subject} with a community of food gardeners worldwide.
    We have advice on growing
    = succeed "," do
      = link_to 'hundreds of different crops', crops_url
    and a community from all around the world.

    = render "shared/signin_signup",
      to: "or to start using #{ENV['GROWSTUFF_SITE_NAME']} to track what you're planting and harvesting"

- content_for :buttonbar do
  - if @post.comments.count > 10 && can?(:create, Comment)
    = link_to 'Comment', new_comment_path(post_id:, class: 'btn'

- content_for :breadcrumbs do
  %li.breadcrumb-item= link_to,
  %li.breadcrumb-item= link_to 'posts', member_posts_path(member_slug:{"aria-current" => "page"}= @post.subject

  .col-md-8.col-12{ id: "post-#{}" }
          = @post.subject
        = render 'posts/actions', post: @post
        .post-content= render 'posts/single', post: @post
          - do |photo|
            = render 'photos/thumbnail', photo: photo

        = render 'likes/likes', object: @post
          - if can? :create, Comment
            = link_to new_comment_path(post_id:, class: 'btn' do
              = icon 'fas', 'comment'

      = render "comments", post: @post

    = render
    - unless @post.crops.approved.empty?
        %h2 Crops mentioned in this post
          - @post.crops.approved.each do |c|
            = render 'crops/thumbnail', crop: c