
Test Coverage
### Prerequisites

* [ ] Can you reproduce the problem?
* [ ] Did you read the entire [README.md](https://github.com/HR/Crypter/blob/master/readme.md)?
* [ ] Did you read the [FAQs](https://github.com/HR/Crypter/blob/master/readme.md#faqs)?
* [ ] Do you fully understand how Crypter works and how to use it?
* [ ] Did you check the [issues](https://github.com/HR/Crypter/issues) to see if your bug or enhancement is already reported?

### Description

[Description of the bug or feature]

### Steps to Reproduce

1. [First Step]
2. [Second Step]
3. [and so on...]

**Expected behavior:** [What you expected to happen]

**Actual behavior:** [What actually happened]

### Versions


Release (full release name):

Operating System (name and version):

You can find the full release name under https://github.com/HR/Crypter/releases. For version ```3.0.0``` and up, the version is found under ```Crypter > About``` or just in the menu ```Version X.Y.Z```.