

6 hrs
Test Coverage
'use strict'
 * crypto.js
 * Provides the crypto functionality required

const fs = require('fs-extra')
const path = require('path')
const scrypto = require('crypto')
const logger = require('electron-log')
const Readable = require('stream').Readable
const tar = require('tar-fs')
const { CRYPTO, REGEX, ERRORS } = require('../config')

// Helper functions

let readFile = path => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fs.readFile(path, 'utf-8', (err, data) => {
      if (err) reject(err)

// Exports

exports.crypt = (origpath, masterpass) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    logger.verbose(`Encrypting ${origpath}...`)
    // Resolve the destination path for encrypted file
      .encrypt(origpath, masterpass)
      .then(creds => {
          op: CRYPTO.ENCRYPT_OP, // Crypter operation
          name: path.basename(origpath), // filename
          path: origpath, // path of the (unencrypted) file
          cryptPath: creds.cryptpath, // path of the encrypted file
          salt: creds.salt.toString('hex'), // salt used to derivekey in hex
          key: creds.key.toString('hex'), // dervived key in hex
          iv: creds.iv.toString('hex'), // iv in hex
          authTag: creds.tag.toString('hex') // authTag in hex
      .catch(err => {

exports.encrypt = (origpath, mpkey) => {
  // Encrypts any arbitrary data passed with the pass
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // derive the encryption key
      .deriveKey(mpkey, null, CRYPTO.DEFAULTS.ITERATIONS)
      .then(dcreds => {
        let tag
        let isDirectory = fs.lstatSync(origpath).isDirectory()
        let tempd = `${path.dirname(origpath)}/${CRYPTO.ENCRYPTION_TMP_DIR}`
        let dataDestPath = `${tempd}/data`
        let credsDestPath = `${tempd}/creds`
          `tempd: ${tempd}, dataDestPath: ${dataDestPath}, credsDestPath: ${credsDestPath}, isDirectory: ${isDirectory}`
        // create tempd temporary directory
        fs.mkdirs(tempd, err => {
          if (err) reject(err)
          logger.verbose(`Created ${tempd} successfully`)
          // readstream to read the (unencrypted) file
          const origin = isDirectory
            ? tar.pack(origpath)
            : fs.createReadStream(origpath)
          // create data and creds file
          const dataDest = fs.createWriteStream(dataDestPath)
          const credsDest = fs.createWriteStream(credsDestPath)
          // generate a cryptographically secure random iv
          const iv = scrypto.randomBytes(CRYPTO.DEFAULTS.IVLENGTH)
          // create the AES-256-GCM cipher with iv and derive encryption key
          const cipher = scrypto.createCipheriv(

          // Read file, apply tranformation (encryption) to stream and
          // then write stream to filesystem
            .on('error', err => reject(err))
            .on('error', err => reject(err))
            .on('error', err => reject(err))
            .on('finish', () => {
              // get the generated Message Authentication Code
              tag = cipher.getAuthTag()
              // Write credentials used to encrypt in creds file
              const creds = {
                type: 'CRYPTO',
                iv: iv.toString('hex'),
                authTag: tag.toString('hex'),
                salt: dcreds.salt.toString('hex'),
                isDir: isDirectory

          // writestream finish handler
          credsDest.on('finish', () => {
            let tarDestPath = origpath + CRYPTO.EXT
            const tarDest = fs.createWriteStream(tarDestPath)
            const tarPack = tar.pack(tempd)
            // Pack directory and zip into a .crypto file
              .on('error', err => reject(err))
              .on('error', err => reject(err))
              .on('finish', () => {
                // Remove temporary dir tempd
                fs.remove(tempd, err => {
                  if (err) reject(err)
                  // return all the credentials and parameters used for encryption
                  logger.verbose('Successfully deleted tempd!')
                    salt: dcreds.salt,
                    key: dcreds.key,
                    cryptpath: tarDestPath,
                    tag: tag,
                    iv: iv
      .catch(err => reject(err))

exports.decrypt = (origpath, mpkey) => {
  // Decrypts a crypto format file passed with the pass
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    logger.verbose(`Decrypting ${origpath}...`)
    // Extract a directory
    let tempd = `${path.dirname(origpath)}/${CRYPTO.DECRYPTION_TMP_DIR}`
    let dataOrigPath = `${tempd}/${CRYPTO.FILE_DATA}`
    let credsOrigPath = `${tempd}/${CRYPTO.FILE_CREDS}`
    let dataDestPath = origpath.replace(CRYPTO.EXT, '')
    dataDestPath = dataDestPath.replace(
    let tarOrig = fs.createReadStream(origpath)
    let tarExtr = tar.extract(tempd)
    // Extract tar to CRYPTO.DECRYPTION_TMP_DIR directory
      .on('error', err => reject(err))
      .on('error', err => reject(err))
      .on('finish', () => {
        // Now read creds and use to decrypt data
        logger.verbose('Finished extracting')

          .then(credsData => {
            let creds
            try {
              // Try creds v2
              creds = JSON.parse(credsData)
              creds = [creds.iv, creds.authTag, creds.salt, creds.isDir]
            } catch (error) {
              // Try creds v1
              let credsLine = credsData.trim().match(REGEX.ENCRYPTION_CREDS)
              if (!credsLine) {
                return reject(new Error(ERRORS.DECRYPT))
              creds = credsLine[0].split('#').slice(1)

            const iv = Buffer.from(creds[0], 'hex')
            const authTag = Buffer.from(creds[1], 'hex')
            const salt = Buffer.from(creds[2], 'hex')
            const isDir = creds[3]

              `Extracted data, iv: ${iv}, authTag: ${authTag}, salt: ${salt}`
            // Read encrypted data stream
            const dataOrig = fs.createReadStream(dataOrigPath)
            // derive the original encryption key for the file
              .deriveKey(mpkey, salt, CRYPTO.DEFAULTS.ITERATIONS)
              .then(dcreds => {
                try {
                  let decipher = scrypto.createDecipheriv(
                  let dataDest = isDir
                    ? tar.extract(dataDestPath)
                    : fs.createWriteStream(dataDestPath)

                    .on('error', err => reject(err))
                    .on('error', err => reject(err))
                    .on('error', err => reject(err))
                    .on('finish', () => {
                      logger.verbose(`Encrypted to ${dataDestPath}`)
                      // Now delete tempd (temporary directory)
                      fs.remove(tempd, err => {
                        if (err) reject(err)
                        logger.verbose(`Removed temp dir ${tempd}`)
                          op: CRYPTO.DECRYPT_OP,
                          name: path.basename(origpath),
                          path: origpath,
                          cryptPath: dataDestPath,
                          salt: salt.toString('hex'),
                          key: dcreds.key.toString('hex'),
                          iv: iv.toString('hex'),
                          authTag: authTag.toString('hex')
                } catch (err) {
          .catch(err => {

exports.deriveKey = (pass, psalt) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // reject with error if pass not provided
    if (!pass) reject(new Error('Pass to derive key from not provided'))

    // If psalt is provided and is a Buffer then assign it
    // If psalt is provided and is not a Buffer then coerce it and assign it
    // If psalt is not provided then generate a cryptographically secure salt
    // and assign it
    const salt = psalt
      ? Buffer.isBuffer(psalt)
        ? psalt
        : Buffer.from(psalt)
      : scrypto.randomBytes(CRYPTO.DEFAULTS.KEYLENGTH)

    // derive the key using the salt, password and default crypto setup
      (err, key) => {
        if (err) reject(err)
        // return the key and the salt
        resolve({ key, salt })

// create a sha256 hash of the MasterPassKey
exports.genPassHash = (masterpass, salt) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // convert the masterpass (of type Buffer) to a hex encoded string
    // if it is not already one
    const pass = Buffer.isBuffer(masterpass)
      ? masterpass.toString('hex')
      : masterpass

    // if salt provided then the MasterPass is being checked
    // if salt not provided then the MasterPass is being set
    if (salt) {
      // create hash from the contanation of the pass and salt
      // assign the hex digest of the created hash
      const hash = scrypto
      resolve({ hash, key: masterpass })
    } else {
      // generate a cryptographically secure salt and use it as the salt
      const salt = scrypto
      // create hash from the contanation of the pass and salt
      // assign the hex digest of the created hash
      const hash = scrypto
      resolve({ hash, salt, key: masterpass })

// Converts a buffer array to a hex string
exports.buf2hex = arr => {
  const buf = Buffer.from(arr)
  return buf.toString('hex')

// Compares vars in a constant time (protects against timing attacks)
exports.timingSafeEqual = (a, b) => {
  // convert args to buffers if not already
  a = Buffer.isBuffer(a) ? a : Buffer.from(a)
  b = Buffer.isBuffer(b) ? b : Buffer.from(b)
  var result = 0
  var l = a.length
  while (l--) {
    // bitwise comparison
    result |= a[l] ^ b[l]
  return result === 0