

Test Coverage
 * wxToolBarBase.cpp
 *  Created on: 30.03.2012
 *      Author: hanmac

#include "wxToolBarBase.hpp"
#include "wxBitmap.hpp"
#include "wxToolBarTool.hpp"
#include "wxControl.hpp"

VALUE rb_cWXToolBarBase;


#define _self unwrapTypedPtr<wxToolBarBase>(self,rb_cWXToolBarBase)

namespace RubyWX {
namespace ToolBarBase {




#define macro_attr_tool_item_get_func(attr, funcget)

#define macro_attr_tool_item_func(attr,funcget,funcset,wrapset, con) \
DLL_LOCAL VALUE _get##attr(VALUE self,VALUE idx)\
    wxToolBarToolBase* item = _getItemBase(_self, idx); \
    if(item && con)\
        return wrap(_self->funcget(item->GetId()));\
    return Qnil;\
DLL_LOCAL VALUE _set##attr(VALUE self,VALUE idx,VALUE val)\
    wxToolBarToolBase* item = _getItemBase(_self, idx); \
    if(item && con)\
    return self;\

#define macro_attr_tool_item(attr,type) macro_attr_tool_item_func(attr, Get##attr, Set##attr, unwrap<type>, true)
#define macro_attr_tool_item_bool(attr, attr2, con) macro_attr_tool_item_func(attr, Get##attr, attr2, unwrap<bool>, con)

DLL_LOCAL wxToolBarToolBase* _getItemBase(wxToolBarBase *toolbar, VALUE val)
    wxWindowID id = unwrapID(val);
    wxToolBarToolBase* item = toolbar->FindById(id);

    if(!item) {
        int cidx = RB_NUM2INT(val);
            item = const_cast<wxToolBarToolBase*>(toolbar->GetToolByPos(cidx));
    return item;

macro_attr_tool_item_bool(ToolState, ToggleTool, item->CanBeToggled())
macro_attr_tool_item_bool(ToolEnabled, EnableTool, true)

macro_attr_tool_item(ToolShortHelp, wxString)
macro_attr_tool_item(ToolLongHelp, wxString)

DLL_LOCAL VALUE _getToolNormalBitmap(VALUE self, VALUE idx)
    wxToolBarToolBase* item = _getItemBase(_self, idx);
        return wrap(item->GetNormalBitmap());
    return Qnil;

DLL_LOCAL VALUE _getToolDisabledBitmap(VALUE self, VALUE idx)
    wxToolBarToolBase* item = _getItemBase(_self, idx);
        return wrap(item->GetDisabledBitmap());
    return Qnil;

DLL_LOCAL VALUE _SetNormalBitmap(VALUE self, VALUE idx,VALUE val)

    wxToolBarToolBase* item = _getItemBase(_self, idx);
    if(item) {
        int id = item->GetId();
        wxBitmap bitmap = wrapBitmap(val,id,WRAP_BITMAP_RAISE,wxART_TOOLBAR);
        _self->SetToolNormalBitmap(id, bitmap);

    return val;

DLL_LOCAL VALUE _SetDisabledBitmap(VALUE self, VALUE idx,VALUE val)

    wxToolBarToolBase* item = _getItemBase(_self, idx);
    if(item) {
        int id = item->GetId();
        wxBitmap bitmap = wrapBitmap(val,id,WRAP_BITMAP_NULL,wxART_TOOLBAR);
        _self->SetToolDisabledBitmap(id, bitmap);

    return val;

void bind_callback(wxToolBarBase* toolbar,wxWindowID id)
        VALUE proc = rb_block_proc();


wxControl* create_control(VALUE self,VALUE ctrl,VALUE hash)
    wxControl *c = NULL;
    if(rb_obj_is_kind_of(ctrl,rb_cClass) && RTEST(rb_class_inherited_p(ctrl,rb_cWXControl))) {
        VALUE argv2[] = {self, hash };
        c = unwrap<wxControl*>(rb_class_new_instance(2,argv2,ctrl));
    }else if(nil_check(ctrl)) {
    return c;

DLL_LOCAL wxToolBarToolBase* _add_base(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self,wxItemKind kind)
    VALUE id,text,bitmap,bmpDisabled,shorthelp,longhelp;
    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "24",&id,&text,&bitmap,&bmpDisabled,&shorthelp,&longhelp);
    wxWindowID wxid = unwrapID(id);
    wxToolBarToolBase *tool = _self->AddTool(wxid, unwrap<wxString>(text),
                unwrap<wxString>(shorthelp), unwrap<wxString>(longhelp));
    return tool;

 * call-seq:
 *   add_normal(id, text, [bitmap], [disabled_bitmap], [short_help], [long_help]) -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 *   add_normal(id, text, [bitmap], [disabled_bitmap], [short_help], [long_help]) {|event| ... } -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * adds a new normal tool item to the ToolBar widget.
 * when block is given, bind the block to the event of the tool item.
 * ===Arguments
 * * id of the tool item: Symbol/Integer/nil
 * * text is the Label of the tool item. String
 * * bitmap is the icon shown for the tool item. WX::Bitmap, when nil try to get bitmap from id
 * * disabled_bitmap is the icon shown when the tool item is disabled. WX::Bitmap, when nil make one from gray-scaled bitmap.
 * * short_help shown in WX::StatusBar. String
 * * long_help shown in ToolTip. String
 * ===Return value
 * WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
DLL_LOCAL VALUE _addNormal(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self)
    return wrap(_add_base(argc,argv,self,wxITEM_NORMAL));

 * call-seq:
 *   add_check(id, text, [bitmap], [disabled_bitmap], [short_help], [long_help]) -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 *   add_check(id, text, [bitmap], [disabled_bitmap], [short_help], [long_help]) {|event| ... } -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * adds a new check tool item to the ToolBar widget.
 * when block is given, bind the block to the event of the tool item.
 * ===Arguments
 * * id of the tool item: Symbol/Integer/nil
 * * text is the Label of the tool item. String
 * * bitmap is the icon shown for the tool item. WX::Bitmap, when nil try to get bitmap from id
 * * disabled_bitmap is the icon shown when the tool item is disabled. WX::Bitmap, when nil make one from gray-scaled bitmap.
 * * short_help shown in WX::StatusBar. String
 * * long_help shown in ToolTip. String
 * ===Return value
 * WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
DLL_LOCAL VALUE _addCheck(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self)
    return wrap(_add_base(argc,argv,self,wxITEM_CHECK));

 * call-seq:
 *   add_radio(id, text, [bitmap], [disabled_bitmap], [short_help], [long_help]) -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 *   add_radio(id, text, [bitmap], [disabled_bitmap], [short_help], [long_help]) {|event| ... } -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * adds a new radio tool item to the ToolBar widget.
 * when block is given, bind the block to the event of the tool item.
 * ===Arguments
 * * id of the tool item: Symbol/Integer/nil
 * * text is the Label of the tool item. String
 * * bitmap is the icon shown for the tool item. WX::Bitmap, when nil try to get bitmap from id
 * * disabled_bitmap is the icon shown when the tool item is disabled. WX::Bitmap, when nil make one from gray-scaled bitmap.
 * * short_help shown in WX::StatusBar. String
 * * long_help shown in ToolTip. String
 * ===Return value
 * WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
DLL_LOCAL VALUE _addRadio(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self)
    return wrap(_add_base(argc,argv,self,wxITEM_RADIO));

 * call-seq:
 *   add_control(control, [text]) -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 *   add_control(klass, [text], ...) [{|control| ... }] -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * adds a new control tool item to the ToolBar widget.
 * in the second form create the control from the given class.
 * ===Arguments
 * * control WX::Control widget that will be added to the tool bar. the Tool bar need to be the parent of the widget.
 * * text is the Label of the tool item. String
 * * klass, Class from which the control will be created, it need to inherit from WX::Control
 * ===Return value
 * WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * === Exceptions
 * [TypeError]
 * * control is nil or can't be converted into an WX::Control instance
 * [ArgumentError]
 * * control does not have this ToolBar as parent
DLL_LOCAL VALUE _addControl(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self)
    VALUE id,text,arg;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11:",&id,&text,&arg);

    wxControl *c = create_control(self,id,arg);

    return wrap( _self->AddControl(c,unwrap<wxString>(text)));

DLL_LOCAL wxToolBarToolBase* _insert_base(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self, wxItemKind kind )
    VALUE idx,id,text,bitmap,bmpDisabled,shorthelp,longhelp;
    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "34",&idx,&id,&text,&bitmap,&bmpDisabled,&shorthelp,&longhelp);

    int cidx = RB_NUM2INT(idx);
        wxWindowID wxid = unwrapID(id);

        wxToolBarToolBase *tool = _self->InsertTool(cidx, wxid, unwrap<wxString>(text),
                unwrap<wxString>(shorthelp), unwrap<wxString>(longhelp));
        return tool;
    return NULL;

 * call-seq:
 *   insert_normal(pos, id, text, [bitmap], [disabled_bitmap], [short_help], [long_help]) -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 *   insert_normal(pos, id, text, [bitmap], [disabled_bitmap], [short_help], [long_help]) {|event| ... } -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * insert a new normal tool item to the ToolBar widget at the given position.
 * when block is given, bind the block to the event of the tool item.
 * ===Arguments
 * * pos position of the new tool item. Integer
 * * id of the tool item: Symbol/Integer/nil
 * * text is the Label of the tool item. String
 * * bitmap is the icon shown for the tool item. WX::Bitmap, when nil try to get bitmap from id
 * * disabled_bitmap is the icon shown when the tool item is disabled. WX::Bitmap, when nil make one from gray-scaled bitmap.
 * * short_help shown in WX::StatusBar. String
 * * long_help shown in ToolTip. String
 * ===Return value
 * WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * === Exceptions
 * [IndexError]
 * * pos is greater than the count of ToolBarItems
 * [ArgumentError]
 * * does raise when either bitmap or disabled_bitmap can't converted into an WX::Bitmap
DLL_LOCAL VALUE _insertNormal(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self)
    return wrap(_insert_base(argc,argv,self,wxITEM_NORMAL));

 * call-seq:
 *   insert_check(pos, id, text, [bitmap], [disabled_bitmap], [short_help], [long_help]) -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 *   insert_check(pos, id, text, [bitmap], [disabled_bitmap], [short_help], [long_help]) {|event| ... } -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * insert a new check tool item to the ToolBar widget at the given position.
 * when block is given, bind the block to the event of the tool item.
 * ===Arguments
 * * pos position of the new tool item. Integer
 * * id of the tool item: Symbol/Integer/nil
 * * text is the Label of the tool item. String
 * * bitmap is the icon shown for the tool item. WX::Bitmap, when nil try to get bitmap from id
 * * disabled_bitmap is the icon shown when the tool item is disabled. WX::Bitmap, when nil make one from gray-scaled bitmap.
 * * short_help shown in WX::StatusBar. String
 * * long_help shown in ToolTip. String
 * ===Return value
 * WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * === Exceptions
 * [IndexError]
 * * pos is greater than the count of ToolBarItems
 * [ArgumentError]
 * * does raise when either bitmap or disabled_bitmap can't converted into an WX::Bitmap
DLL_LOCAL VALUE _insertCheck(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self)
    return wrap(_insert_base(argc,argv,self,wxITEM_CHECK));

 * call-seq:
 *   insert_radio(pos, id, text, [bitmap], [disabled_bitmap], [short_help], [long_help]) -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 *   insert_radio(pos, id, text, [bitmap], [disabled_bitmap], [short_help], [long_help]) {|event| ... } -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * insert a new radio tool item to the ToolBar widget at the given position.
 * when block is given, bind the block to the event of the tool item.
 * ===Arguments
 * * pos position of the new tool item. Integer
 * * id of the tool item: Symbol/Integer/nil
 * * text is the Label of the tool item. String
 * * bitmap is the icon shown for the tool item. WX::Bitmap, when nil try to get bitmap from id
 * * disabled_bitmap is the icon shown when the tool item is disabled. WX::Bitmap, when nil make one from gray-scaled bitmap.
 * * short_help shown in WX::StatusBar. String
 * * long_help shown in ToolTip. String
 * ===Return value
 * WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * === Exceptions
 * [IndexError]
 * * pos is greater than the count of ToolBarItems
 * [ArgumentError]
 * * does raise when either bitmap or disabled_bitmap can't converted into an WX::Bitmap
DLL_LOCAL VALUE _insertRadio(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self)
    return wrap(_insert_base(argc,argv,self,wxITEM_RADIO));

 * call-seq:
 *   insert_control(pos, control, [text]) -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 *   insert_control(pos, klass, [text], ...) [{|control| ... }] -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * inserts a new control tool item to the ToolBar widget into the given position.
 * in the second form create the control from the given class.
 * ===Arguments
 * * pos position of the new tool item. Integer
 * * control WX::Control widget that will be added to the tool bar. the Tool bar need to be the parent of the widget.
 * * text is the Label of the tool item. String
 * * klass, Class from which the control will be created, it need to inherit from WX::Control
 * ===Return value
 * WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * === Exceptions
 * [IndexError]
 * * pos is greater than the count of ToolBarItems
 * [TypeError]
 * * control is nil or can't be converted into an WX::Control instance
 * [ArgumentError]
 * * control does not have this ToolBar as parent
DLL_LOCAL VALUE _insertControl(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self)
    VALUE idx,id,text,arg;
    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21:",&idx,&id,&text,&arg);
    int cidx = RB_NUM2INT(idx);
        wxControl *c = create_control(self,id,arg);

        return wrap(_self->InsertControl(cidx,c,unwrap<wxString>(text)));
    return Qnil;

 * call-seq:
 *   insert_separator(pos) -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * insert a new separator tool item to the ToolBar widget at the given position.
 * ===Arguments
 * * pos position of the new tool item. Integer
 * ===Return value
 * WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * === Exceptions
 * [IndexError]
 * * pos is greater than the count of ToolBarItems
DLL_LOCAL VALUE _insert_separator(VALUE self,VALUE idx)
    int cidx = RB_NUM2INT(idx);
        return wrap(_self->InsertSeparator(cidx));
    return Qnil;

 * call-seq:
 *   insert_stretchable_space(pos) -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * insert a new stretchable space tool item to the ToolBar widget at the given position.
 * ===Arguments
 * * pos position of the new tool item. Integer
 * ===Return value
 * WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * === Exceptions
 * [IndexError]
 * * pos is greater than the count of ToolBarItems
DLL_LOCAL VALUE _insert_stretchable_space(VALUE self,VALUE idx)
    int cidx = RB_NUM2INT(idx);
        return wrap(_self->InsertStretchableSpace(cidx));
    return Qnil;

DLL_LOCAL wxToolBarToolBase* _prepend_base(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self, wxItemKind kind )
    VALUE id,text,bitmap,bmpDisabled,shorthelp,longhelp;
    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "24",&id,&text,&bitmap,&bmpDisabled,&shorthelp,&longhelp);

    wxWindowID wxid = unwrapID(id);
    wxToolBarToolBase *tool = _self->InsertTool(0, wxid, unwrap<wxString>(text),
            unwrap<wxString>(shorthelp), unwrap<wxString>(longhelp));
    return tool;

 * call-seq:
 *   prepend_normal(id, text, [bitmap], [disabled_bitmap], [short_help], [long_help]) -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 *   prepend_normal(id, text, [bitmap], [disabled_bitmap], [short_help], [long_help]) {|event| ... } -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * prepends a new normal tool item to the ToolBar widget.
 * when block is given, bind the block to the event of the tool item.
 * ===Arguments
 * * id of the tool item: Symbol/Integer/nil
 * * text is the Label of the tool item. String
 * * bitmap is the icon shown for the tool item. WX::Bitmap, when nil try to get bitmap from id
 * * disabled_bitmap is the icon shown when the tool item is disabled. WX::Bitmap, when nil make one from gray-scaled bitmap.
 * * short_help shown in WX::StatusBar. String
 * * long_help shown in ToolTip. String
 * ===Return value
 * WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
DLL_LOCAL VALUE _prependNormal(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self)
    return wrap(_prepend_base(argc,argv,self,wxITEM_NORMAL));

 * call-seq:
 *   prepend_check(id, text, [bitmap], [disabled_bitmap], [short_help], [long_help]) -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 *   prepend_check(id, text, [bitmap], [disabled_bitmap], [short_help], [long_help]) {|event| ... } -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * prepends a new check tool item to the ToolBar widget.
 * when block is given, bind the block to the event of the tool item.
 * ===Arguments
 * * id of the tool item: Symbol/Integer/nil
 * * text is the Label of the tool item. String
 * * bitmap is the icon shown for the tool item. WX::Bitmap, when nil try to get bitmap from id
 * * disabled_bitmap is the icon shown when the tool item is disabled. WX::Bitmap, when nil make one from gray-scaled bitmap.
 * * short_help shown in WX::StatusBar. String
 * * long_help shown in ToolTip. String
 * ===Return value
 * WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
DLL_LOCAL VALUE _prependCheck(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self)
    return wrap(_prepend_base(argc,argv,self,wxITEM_CHECK));

 * call-seq:
 *   prepend_radio(id, text, [bitmap], [disabled_bitmap], [short_help], [long_help]) -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 *   prepend_radio(id, text, [bitmap], [disabled_bitmap], [short_help], [long_help]) {|event| ... } -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * adds a new radio tool item to the ToolBar widget.
 * when block is given, bind the block to the event of the tool item.
 * ===Arguments
 * * id of the tool item: Symbol/Integer/nil
 * * text is the Label of the tool item. String
 * * bitmap is the icon shown for the tool item. WX::Bitmap, when nil try to get bitmap from id
 * * disabled_bitmap is the icon shown when the tool item is disabled. WX::Bitmap, when nil make one from gray-scaled bitmap.
 * * short_help shown in WX::StatusBar. String
 * * long_help shown in ToolTip. String
 * ===Return value
 * WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
DLL_LOCAL VALUE _prependRadio(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self)
    return wrap(_prepend_base(argc,argv,self,wxITEM_RADIO));

 * call-seq:
 *   prepends_control(control, [text]) -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 *   prepends_control(klass, [text], ...) [{|control| ... }] -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * prepends a new control tool item to the ToolBar widget.
 * in the second form create the control from the given class.
 * ===Arguments
 * * control WX::Control widget that will be added to the tool bar. the Tool bar need to be the parent of the widget.
 * * text is the Label of the tool item. String
 * * klass, Class from which the control will be created, it need to inherit from WX::Control
 * ===Return value
 * WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * === Exceptions
 * [TypeError]
 * * control is nil or can't be converted into an WX::Control instance
 * [ArgumentError]
 * * control does not have this ToolBar as parent
DLL_LOCAL VALUE _prependControl(int argc,VALUE *argv,VALUE self)
    VALUE id,text,arg;
    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11:",&id,&text,&arg);

    wxControl *c = create_control(self,id,arg);

    return wrap( _self->InsertControl(0,c,unwrap<wxString>(text)));

 * call-seq:
 *   prepend_separator -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * prepends a new separator tool item to the ToolBar widget.
 * ===Return value
 * WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
DLL_LOCAL VALUE _prepend_separator(VALUE self)
    return wrap(_self->InsertSeparator(0));

 * call-seq:
 *   prepend_stretchable_space -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * prepends a new stretchable space tool item to the ToolBar widget.
 * ===Return value
 * WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
DLL_LOCAL VALUE _prepend_stretchable_space(VALUE self)
    return wrap(_self->InsertStretchableSpace(0));

    for(std::size_t i = 0; i < _self->GetToolsCount(); ++i)
    return self;

DLL_LOCAL VALUE _set_rows(VALUE self,VALUE val)
    return val;





/* Document-method: add_separator
 * call-seq:
 *   add_separator -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * adds a new separator tool item to the ToolBar widget.
 * ===Return value
 * WX::ToolBarBase::Tool

/* Document-method: add_stretchable_space
 * call-seq:
 *   add_stretchable_space -> WX::ToolBarBase::Tool
 * adds a new stretchable space tool item to the ToolBar widget.
 * ===Return value
 * WX::ToolBarBase::Tool

/* Document-method: vertical?
 * call-seq:
 *   vertical? -> true/false
 * returns true if this control is vertical.
 * ===Return value
 * true/false



DLL_LOCAL void Init_WXToolBarBase(VALUE rb_mWX)
#if 0
    rb_mWX = rb_define_module("WX");
    rb_cWXWindow = rb_define_class_under(rb_mWX,"Window",rb_cObject);

    rb_cWXControl = rb_define_class_under(rb_mWX,"Control",rb_cWXWindow);

    using namespace RubyWX::ToolBarBase;
    rb_cWXToolBarBase = rb_define_class_under(rb_mWX,"ToolBarBase",rb_cWXControl);

//    rb_define_method(rb_cWXToolBarBase,"initialize",RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(_initialize),-1);








