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// This will check if the node version you are running is the required
// Node version, if it isn't it will throw the following error to inform
// you.
if (Number(process.version.slice(1).split(".")[0]) < 8) throw new Error("Node 8.0.0 or higher is required. Update Node on your system.");

// Load up the discord.js library
const Discord = require("discord.js");
// We also load the rest of the things we need in this file:
const { promisify } = require("util");
const readdir = promisify(require("fs").readdir);
const Enmap = require("enmap");

// This is your client. Some people call it `bot`, some people call it `self`,
// some might call it `cootchie`. Either way, when you see `client.something`,
// or `bot.something`, this is what we're refering to. Your client.
const client = new Discord.Client();

// Here we load the config file that contains our token and our prefix values.
client.config = require("./config.js");
// client.config.token contains the bot's token
// client.config.prefix contains the message prefix

// Require our logger
client.logger = require("./modules/Logger");

// Let's start by getting some useful functions that we'll use throughout
// the bot, like logs and elevation features.

// Aliases and commands are put in collections where they can be read from,
// catalogued, listed, etc.
client.commands = new Enmap();
client.aliases = new Enmap();

// Now we integrate the use of Evie's awesome EnMap module, which
// essentially saves a collection to disk. This is great for per-server configs,
// and makes things extremely easy for this purpose.
client.settings = new Enmap({name: "settings"});

// We're doing real fancy node 8 async/await stuff here, and to do that
// we need to wrap stuff in an anonymous function. It's annoying but it works.

const init = async () => {

    // Here we load **commands** into memory, as a collection, so they're accessible
    // here and everywhere else.
    const cmdFiles = await readdir("./commands/");
    client.logger.log(`Loading a total of ${cmdFiles.length} commands.`);
    cmdFiles.forEach(f => {
        if (!f.endsWith(".js")) return;
        const response = client.loadCommand(f);
        if (response) console.log(response);

    // Then we load events, which will include our message and ready event.
    const evtFiles = await readdir("./events/");
    client.logger.log(`Loading a total of ${evtFiles.length} events.`);
    evtFiles.forEach(file => {
        const eventName = file.split(".")[0];
        client.logger.log(`Loading Event: ${eventName}`);
        const event = require(`./events/${file}`);
        // Bind the client to any event, before the existing arguments
        // provided by the discord.js event.
        // This line is awesome by the way. Just sayin'.
        client.on(eventName, event.bind(null, client));

    // Generate a cache of client permissions for pretty perm names in commands.
    client.levelCache = {};
    for (let i = 0; i < client.config.permLevels.length; i++) {
        const thisLevel = client.config.permLevels[i];
        client.levelCache[thisLevel.name] = thisLevel.level;

    // Here we login the client.

// End top-level async/await function.
