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exports.run = async (client, message, args, level) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars

  if (args.length === 0){ 
    message.reply("You cannot take an action with air");

  if (args[0].startsWith('<@') && args[0].endsWith('>')) {
    args = args[0].slice(2, -1);

    if (args.startsWith('!')) {
        args = args.slice(1);
if (args[0] == "<@619791583805440000>"){ 
    message.reply("*Runs Away...*");
    const acts = Array(
    "Looked up at",
    "Zoomed up at",
    "Gave a piece of Pizza to",
    "Said something to ",
    "Gave 1000$ to",
    "Gave his/her PayPal password to",
    "Installed GTA on a computer belongs to",
      "Showed up His/Her hand to",
      "Threw water on",
      "Threw confetti for",
      "Said something bad to",
      "Carefully Zoomed up at",
      "Splashed water on",
      "Jumped on",
      "Did something with",
      "Cutted up"
    const act = acts[Math.floor(Math.random() * acts.length)];
    message.reply(" **"+act+" "+client.users.get(args)+"!**");

exports.conf = {
  enabled: true, // Whether this command is enabled
  guildOnly: false, // If the command can only be run in servers (No PM's)
  aliases: ["act"], // Other ways to call the command
  permLevel: "User" // The minimum permission needed to run the command

exports.help = {
  name: "action", // The name of the command used to call it
  category: "Fun", // The category the command fits in
  description: "Do something weird with who you mention!", // Short description of what the command does
  usage: "action" // An example of how to use the command