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package checkstyle.checks.block;

    Checks placement and indentation of conditional compilation flags.
@desc("Checks placement and indentation of conditional compilation flags.")
class ConditionalCompilationCheck extends Check {
        indentation of conditional statements
        - startOfLine = #if, #else, #elseif and #end must start at beginning of line
        - aligned = indentation of #if, #else, #elseif and #end must match surrounding code

        Both "aligned" and "startOfLine" will produce a message if conditional compilation flags are not on a separate line.
        All #else, #elseif and #end flags must have the same indentation as their corresponding #if.
    public var policy:ConditionalCompilationPolicy;

        allows or prevents using single line conditional compilation flags.
    public var allowSingleline:Bool;

    public function new() {
        policy = ALIGNED;
        allowSingleline = true;

    override function actualRun() {
        var root:TokenTree = checker.getTokenTree();
        checkSharpIf(root.filterCallback(function(token:TokenTree, index:Int):FilterResult {
            return switch (token.tok) {
                case Sharp("if"):

    function checkSharpIf(tokens:Array<TokenTree>) {
        for (tok in tokens) {
            if (isPosSuppressed(tok.pos)) continue;
            var linePos:LinePos = checker.getLinePos(tok.pos.min);
            if (checkSingleLine(tok, linePos.line)) continue;
            checkMultiLine(tok, linePos);

    function checkSingleLine(tok:TokenTree, line:Int):Bool {
        var endTok:TokenTree = null;

        for (child in tok.children) {
            switch (child.tok) {
                case Sharp("end"):
                    endTok = child;
        if (endTok == null) return true;

        var endPos:LinePos = checker.getLinePos(endTok.pos.min);

        var singleLine:Bool = (endPos.line == line);
        if (!singleLine) return false;
        if (singleLine && allowSingleline) return true;

        logPos("Single line #if…(#else/#elseif)…#end not allowed", tok.pos);
        return true;

    function checkMultiLine(tok:TokenTree, linePos:LinePos) {
        var line:Bytes = Bytes.ofString(checker.lines[linePos.line]);
        var prefix:String = line.sub(0, linePos.ofs).toString();
        if (checkLine(tok, linePos, line)) return;

        switch (policy) {
            case START_OF_LINE:
                if (linePos.ofs != 0) {
                    logPos("#if should start at beginning of line", tok.pos);
            case ALIGNED:
                if (checkIndentation(tok, linePos)) return;
        for (childTok in tok.children) {
            switch (childTok.tok) {
                case Sharp("else"), Sharp("elseif"), Sharp("end"):
                    var childLinePos:LinePos = checker.getLinePos(childTok.pos.min);
                    var childLine:Bytes = Bytes.ofString(checker.lines[childLinePos.line]);
                    var childPrefix:String = childLine.sub(0, childLinePos.ofs).toString();
                    if (checkLine(childTok, childLinePos, childLine)) continue;
                    if (childPrefix == prefix) continue;
                    logPos('Indentation of $childTok must match corresponding #if', childTok.pos);

    function checkLine(tok:TokenTree, linePos:LinePos, line:Bytes):Bool {
        var r:EReg = ~/^[ \t]*$/;
        var prefix:String = line.sub(0, linePos.ofs).toString();
        if (!r.match(prefix)) {
            logPos('only whitespace allowed before $tok', tok.pos);
            return true;
        var expr:TokenTree = tok.getFirstChild();
        if (expr == null) return false;
        var linePosAfter:LinePos = checker.getLinePos(expr.getPos().max);
        if (linePosAfter.line == linePos.line) {
            var postfix:String = line.sub(linePosAfter.ofs, line.length - linePosAfter.ofs).toString();
            if (!r.match(postfix)) {
                logPos('only whitespace allowed after $tok', tok.pos);
                return true;
        return false;

    function checkIndentation(tok:TokenTree, linePos:LinePos):Bool {
        var prevLen:Int = -1;
        var nextLen:Int = -1;

        var lineIndex:Int = linePos.line - 1;
        while (lineIndex >= 0) {
            var line:String = checker.lines[lineIndex];
            prevLen = getIndentLength(line);
            if (prevLen >= 0) break;
        var lineIndex:Int = linePos.line + 1;
        while (lineIndex < checker.lines.length - 1) {
            var line:String = checker.lines[lineIndex];
            nextLen = getIndentLength(line);
            if (nextLen >= 0) break;
        if (prevLen < 0) prevLen = linePos.ofs;
        if (nextLen < 0) nextLen = linePos.ofs;
        if ((linePos.ofs >= prevLen) && (linePos.ofs <= nextLen)) return false;

        logPos('Indentation of $tok should match surrounding lines', tok.pos);
        return true;

    function getIndentLength(line:String):Int {
        if (~/^[ \t]*$/.match(line)) {
            return -1;
        var r:EReg = ~/^([ \t]*)/;
        if (r.match(line)) {
            var prefix:String = r.matched(1);
            return prefix.length;
        return -1;

    override public function detectableInstances():DetectableInstances {
        return [{
            fixed: [],
            properties: [{
                propertyName: "policy",
                values: [START_OF_LINE, ALIGNED]
            }, {
                propertyName: "allowSingleline",
                values: [true, false]

    indentation of conditional statements
    - startOfLine = #if, #else, #elseif and #end must start at beginning of line
    - aligned = indentation of #if, #else, #elseif and #end must match surrounding code
enum abstract ConditionalCompilationPolicy(String) {
    var START_OF_LINE = "startOfLine";
    var ALIGNED = "aligned";