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package haxepunk.graphics;

import haxe.ds.Either;
import haxepunk.HXP;
import haxepunk.Graphic;
import haxepunk.Signal;
import haxepunk.ds.Maybe;
import haxepunk.graphics.atlas.TileAtlas;
import haxepunk.math.Random;
import haxepunk.math.Rectangle;

class Animation
    public var onComplete:Signal0 = new Signal0();
    public var name:String;

    var frames:Array<Int>;
    var frameRate:Float;
    var frameCount:Int;
    var loop:Bool;
    var parent:Spritemap;

    function new(parent:Spritemap, frames:Array<Int>, frameRate:Float, loop:Bool, name:String="")
        this.name = name;
        this.frames = frames;
        this.frameRate = (frameRate == 0 ? HXP.assignedFrameRate : frameRate);
        this.frameCount = this.frames.length;
        this.loop = loop;
        this.name = name;

    public function play(reset:Bool = false, reverse:Bool = false)
        parent.playAnimation(this, reset, reverse);

    public inline function getFirstFrame(reverse:Bool):Int
        return reverse ? 0 : this.frameCount - 1;

    public inline function getLastFrame(reverse:Bool):Int
        return reverse ? this.frameCount - 1 : 0;

 * Performance-optimized animated Image. Can have multiple animations,
 * which draw frames from the provided source image to the screen.
class Spritemap extends Image
     * If the animation has stopped.
    public var complete:Bool = true;

     * Callback function for animation end.
    public var onAnimationComplete:Signal1<Animation> = new Signal1();

     * Animation speed factor, alter this to speed up/slow down all animations.
    public var rate:Float = 1;

     * If the animation is played in reverse.
    public var reverse:Bool = false;

     * The currently playing animation.
    public var currentAnimation(default, null):Maybe<Animation>;

     * The amount of frames in the Spritemap.
    public var frameCount(get, null):Int;
    private function get_frameCount():Int return _frameCount;

     * Columns in the Spritemap.
    public var columns(get, null):Int;
    private function get_columns():Int return _columns;

     * Rows in the Spritemap.
    public var rows(get, null):Int;
    private function get_rows():Int return _rows;

     * Constructor.
     * @param    source            Source image.
     * @param    frameWidth        Frame width.
     * @param    frameHeight        Frame height.
    public function new(source:TileType, frameWidth:Int = 0, frameHeight:Int = 0)
        _anims = new Map();


        _atlas = source;

        if (frameWidth > _atlas.width || frameHeight > _atlas.height)
            throw "Frame width and height can't be bigger than the source image dimension.";

            frameWidth == 0 ? Std.int(_atlas.width) : frameWidth,
            frameHeight == 0 ? Std.int(_atlas.height) : frameHeight

        _columns = Math.ceil(_atlas.width / frameWidth);
        _rows = Math.ceil(_atlas.height / frameHeight);
        _frameCount = _columns * _rows;
        frame = 0;
        active = true;

    /** @private Updates the animation. */
    override public function update()
        currentAnimation.may(function(anim) {
            var original = currentAnimation;
            if (complete) return;

            _timer += HXP.elapsed * anim.frameRate * rate;
            if (_timer < 1) return;

            while (_timer >= 1)
                _index += reverse ? -1 : 1;

                if (_index < 0 || _index >= anim.frameCount)
                    if (anim.loop)
                        _index = anim.getLastFrame(reverse);
                        _index = anim.getFirstFrame(reverse);
                        complete = true;
            if (!complete && currentAnimation == original) frame = Std.int(anim.frames[_index]);

     * Add an Animation.
     * @param    name        Name of the animation.
     * @param    frames        Array of frame indices to animate through.
     * @param    frameRate    Animation speed (in frames per second, 0 defaults to assigned frame rate)
     * @param    loop        If the animation should loop
     * @return    A new Anim object for the animation.
    public function add(name:String, frames:Array<Int>, frameRate:Float = 0, loop:Bool = true):Animation
        if (_anims.exists(name))
            throw "Cannot have multiple animations with the same name";

        // make sure frames are valid
        var anim = new Animation(this, frames, frameRate, loop, name);
        _anims.set(name, anim);
        return anim;

     * Check if Animation Exists with passed in name.
     * @param    name        Name of the animation.
     * @return    Has Animation or Not
    public function exists(name:String):Bool
        return _anims.exists(name);

     * Removes Existing Animation.
     * @param    name        Name of the animation.
     * @return    if Animation Has Been Removed
    public function remove(name:String):Bool
        if (!_anims.exists(name))
            return false;
        return true;

     * Plays an animation previous defined by add().
     * @param    name        Name of the animation to play.
     * @param    reset        If the animation should force-restart if it is already playing.
     * @param    reverse        If the animation should be played backward.
     * @return    Anim object representing the played animation.
    public function play(name:String = "", reset:Bool = false, reverse:Bool = false):Animation
        if (!_anims.exists(name))
            return null;

        return playAnimation(_anims.get(name), reset, reverse);

     * Plays a new ad hoc animation.
     * @param    frames        Array of frame indices to animate through.
     * @param    frameRate    Animation speed (in frames per second, 0 defaults to assigned frame rate)
     * @param    loop        If the animation should loop
     * @param    reset        When the supplied frames are currently playing, should the animation be force-restarted
     * @param    reverse        If the animation should be played backward.
     * @return    Anim object representing the played animation.
    public function playFrames(frames:Array<Int>, frameRate:Float = 0, loop:Bool = true, reset:Bool = false, reverse:Bool = false):Animation
        if (frames == null || frames.length == 0)
            return null;

        return playAnimation(new Animation(this, frames, frameRate, loop), reset, reverse);

     * Plays or restarts the supplied Animation.
     * @param    animation    The Animation object to play
     * @param    reset        When the supplied animation is currently playing, should it be force-restarted
     * @param    reverse        If the animation should be played backward.
     * @return    Animation object representing the played animation.
    public function playAnimation(anim:Animation, reset:Bool = false, reverse:Bool = false): Animation
        reset = reset || (currentAnimation != anim);
        currentAnimation = anim;
        this.reverse = reverse;
        if (reset) restart();

        return anim;

     * Resets the animation to play from the beginning.
    public function restart()
        _timer = 0;
        currentAnimation.may(function(anim) {
            _index = anim.getLastFrame(reverse);
            frame = anim.frames[_index];
        complete = false;

     * Immediately stops the currently playing animation.
     * @param    reset        If true, resets the animation to the first frame.
    public function stop(reset:Bool = false)
        if (reset)
            frame = _index = currentAnimation.map(function(a) return a.getLastFrame(reverse), 0);

        currentAnimation = null;
        complete = true;

     * Assigns the Spritemap to a random frame.
    public function randFrame()
        frame = Random.randInt(_atlas.tileCount);

     * Sets the frame to the frame index of an animation.
     * @param    name    Animation to draw the frame frame.
     * @param    index    Index of the frame of the animation to set to.
    public function setAnimFrame(name:String, index:Int)
        if (_anims.exists(name))
            var anim = _anims.get(name);
            index = Std.int(Math.abs(index)) % anim.frameCount;
            frame = anim.frames[index];

     * Gets the frame index based on the column and row of the source image.
     * @param    column        Frame column.
     * @param    row            Frame row.
     * @return    Frame index.
    public inline function getFrameColRow(column:Int = 0, row:Int = 0):Int
        return (row % _rows) * _columns + (column % _columns);

     * Sets the current display frame based on the column and row of the source image.
     * When you set the frame, any animations playing will be stopped to force the frame.
     * @param    column        Frame column.
     * @param    row            Frame row.
    public function setFrameColRow(column:Int = 0, row:Int = 0)
        currentAnimation = null;
        var frameFromPos:Int = getFrameColRow(column, row);
        if (frameFromPos == frame) return;

     * Sets the current frame index.
    public var frame(default, set):Int = -1;
    function set_frame(value:Int):Int
        value = Std.int(Math.abs(value)) % _atlas.tileCount;
        if (frame != value)
            _region = _atlas.getRegion(value);
            _sourceRect.width = _region.width;
            _sourceRect.height = _region.height;
        return frame = value;

     * Current index of the playing animation.
    public var index(get, set):Int;
    function get_index():Int return currentAnimation.exists() ? _index : 0;
    function set_index(value:Int):Int
        return currentAnimation.map(function(anim) {
            value %= anim.frameCount;
            if (_index == value) return _index;
            frame = anim.frames[value];
            return _index = value;
        }, 0);

    // Spritemap information.
    var _anims:Map<String, Animation>;
    var _index:Int;
    var _timer:Float = 0;
    var _atlas:TileAtlas;
    var _columns:Int;
    var _rows:Int;
    var _frameCount:Int;